ULTRARAM may be a silly name but it's the holy grail for memory tech and means your PC could hibernate for over 1,000 years

ghostBones@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 125 points –
ULTRARAM may be a silly name but it's the holy grail for memory tech and means your PC could hibernate for over 1,000 years

I once speculated to a friend about 15 years ago that eventually solid state storage space would be so fast that it could serve as active memory. I can't wait to tell him.


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When I die and my laptop gets put into a box and shoved in a dusty corner forgotten for generations I want my descendant to be able to open it in the year 3000 and see all the tabs I had open when I died.

"wow, that's a lot of tabs" - aliens at the under water blue fairy