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Joined 12 months ago

I had a female friend/coworker that had previously served in the Navy, on a carrier as a communications specialist. She told stories of endless harassment. She said ultimately some of the women crafted partnerships with other female sailors and convinced everyone they were lesbians in order to just survive the job. It meant they had to spend lots of time together and play the part. She also said they had to work the jealousy angle because nobody wanted to be attacked by an angry lesbian girlfriend.

The male sailors assumed a lot of the women were lesbians because of the masculine nature of the work, or, as she put it, because they couldn't believe the women weren't attracted to them. It turned out if you gave them a plausible explanation you could fake your way through it. Without a plausible explanation, they could become resentful and dangerous. I asked if claiming to be married and/or have kids would work, she said it wasn't as effective and you ultimately needed female allies anyway. She also said that actual lesbians would pretend to "date" hetero women in order to protect them. She kind of described it as leveraging the power of rumors.

I told her it sounded a lot like what happens in prison. She said in some ways, it was a prison.

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"Climate change" is obsolete, now it's "climate crisis". I suppose after that it's climate collapse and then climate desolation.

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There seems to be a long established pattern where Trump daydreams about irrefutable and overwhelming exoneration and then decides it should be true and tells everyone about it. Narcissists have a tendency to create shitstorms and then daydream about escapist fantasies to evade the consequences they always create for themselves.

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This is such an incredibly stupid timeline. If somebody had told that insolent toddler that he looked like a badass in a black mask, hundreds of thousands of people would not have died.

There has never been an airport without military value. Because of this, they are often the first assets that are attacked or seized when besieging a city.

I don't recall Trump ever doing or saying anything without some element of egomaniacal pride, boasting, or grandstanding. He should get the opportunity to rot in a prison cell while endlessly showing up in court and being returned to said prison cell.

Terrible article. It even leads with a photo to mock the idea.

The benefits of painting a home's roof with any white paint are enough to justify making it the standard. The article doesn't even mention that the super white paint can reduce indoor temperature by 8 or more degrees. That's a lot of energy not needed to cool the home. Even more effective is placing a second white roof above the roof on posts to shield it from solar heat. It would make sense to make a secondary roof solar panel ready. It would also extend the lifespan of the original roof.

"The paint's properties are almost superheroic. It can make surfaces as much as eight degrees Fahrenheit cooler than ambient air temperatures at midday, and up to 19 degrees cooler at night, reducing temperatures inside buildings and decreasing air-conditioning needs by as much as 40 percent.

The article sounds like a hit job to ridicule a simple and effective idea.

Following that logic, it means she doesn't know any ethical people.

Weaponization is such a limp argument. Law enforcement is the citizenry's weapon against corruption and crime. Claiming it is political is rubbish. As the attorney general of Michigan stated as she investigates the fake electors scheme in her state, the most political thing she could possibly do is not investigate. There's nothing political about doing the job you were hired to do. There was no need to push for investigation by elected officials on the Left, it was all plainly corrupt to even the most ordinary objective citizen. If anything, the right made investigations inevitable by brazening acting like nothing wrong happened, bragging about it, and then lying about it all, with erratic and contrary lies.

The Ping of the North

... and if you refuse to become a soulless ghoul then you become the merchandise.

Apple has blind loyalty

I agree. However, I also think that vendor lock-in is the true culprit. The strange thing about Apple users is that they get locked into that platform and there is little escape, but instead of feeling resentful, they swell with pride instead. Apple user = proud capative.

It's likely because you've hammered your dopamine receptors for so long, they can barely get a signal anymore.

This is exceptionally interesting considering the fact that Ukraine has made great use of western-supplied night vision against Russian forces. It seems logical that they would want to deny such an advantage to their enemies.

I recently discovered that the Firefox add-on, ublock origin, has in its chooseable block lists, under annoyances, a cookie notice blocker with lots of other annoyance blockers as well.

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Kanye and Diddy are living proof that becoming a billionaire is destructive to your morality.

I wanted a consistent launcher across different devices over time. I eventually settled on Nova Launcher, paid for it, and really liked it. I have been using it for about a decade. I just abandoned it a few hours ago because I finally determined why my tablet was grinding and halting. Nova Launcher was using over 600 MB of memory as well as leaking memory. My tablet is running like it's brand new again. I am unhappy about not being able to use it, but I'm a lot happier that I'm able to use my tablet again.

My biggest concern here is that Kim Jong-Un has been holding off on war until he had ICBMs, which it's now the case, and they can reach any target in the US.

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I use the version on It was the last version before AOL bought it with murderous intent, so the developers put 666 at the end of the version number as a slight to them.

From my readings in the last few weeks, there does seem to be some sort of coordinated effort to control public messaging. There was/is a discussion about how the right wing is suing and chilling any and all efforts to expose and educate about disinformation. The lawsuits were so menacing that they even wanted to go after the students of the classes run by professors they were suing for teaching about present day disinformation in our society. It isn't just professors, it includes writers and journalists and groups that targeted disinformation. This is being done under the banner of 'bias'. Opposing, criticizing, or pushing back against far right wing messaging is attacked and sued as intolerable bias.

It's believed that this is to clear the way for a massive onslaught of disinformation and conspiracy theories entering into the 2024 election cycle. As far as what's happening to some social media sites, the timing is suspect. Reddit and Twitter were among the most effective at getting out the blue vote. Now they are in shambles.

If you really think about it, he has never looked away from the image of himself in the mirror.

Welcome to the internet

... where all monumental advances in technology are immediately sexualized and used for getting laid or viewing porn.

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I took this article specifically to mean, and that it was referring to, a new form of non-volatile solid state storage. Active memory is by definition, volatile. This article seems to be talking about non volatile RAM, fast enough to function as active RAM. This alone would redefine what a reboot is.

13 years. Found Reddit from visiting Popurls after ditching Digg, after leaving Catch.

There is a whole lot of desktop and laptop users who couldn't care less about APIs, but some of them have begun to notice that Reddit just isn't the same anymore.

Or, another way of looking at it is, they're embrace of deceit and delusion means they periodically have to fabricate new imaginary dragons to slay. The problem with turning victimhood and grievance into a cult is that you need persecution for it to work. Hence, fabricating opposition. Wokeness is just a way for the elder elite to heap hate on the youth that will inevitably replace them. Constantly reminding everyone that you are a patriotic Christian is just a means to try to seize the higher ground for cultural warfare.

I have often said that the most intolerable offense in America is obstruction of profit, based on the sheer volume of litigation that fits that description.

Seems more like a preemptive strike in an attempt to discredit the claim early in a friendly district.

That actually makes sense. It's plausible that it is strategic preemptive judge shopping. Success would create a protective precedent from the findings of a biased court. My reasoning is simple, if lots of the participants of the riot were charged with insurrection, then it logically follows that the person benefiting the most from the insurrection is likely guilty of it as well. The burden of proof should not be enormous to reach the top tier of that insurrection, because of public statements and suspicious neglect of duty to quietly support the effort. Things like wanting to remove magnetic weapon detectors to invite in armed insurrectionists should be a big clue.

Beehaw has a number of news and politics communities. As one might imagine, there's livelier debates and discussion and lots of new things to discuss almost every day.

I'm going to use the past tense here. Reddit was more than anything a news feed, at least originally. I suspect that their early days created a lot of momentum around politics, national and world news, since they are naturally bountiful sources of content.

Thank you. I was not aware of that. I don't really know how to check to see if a link has been posted before. I would like to avoid reposting. 'sure would be nice if a veteran citizen of Leamington could explain it. I have re- re-titled the title in light of your comment.

I suppose that clarifying it as 'uncertified open source Android' would be more appropriate.

He has a legal defense public action committee, but there was recent allegations that money was siphoned from his campaign to restore the PAC's coffers. Evidently it was depleted to less than 20% of what it was a year before, indicating motive for the campaign funding crime allegation. Since the PAC is public, so is there accounting ledgers.

It seems that Kim Jung Un's most recent solid fuel ICBMs have benefited from Russian help. It also explains the increased range.

"Kim's biggest weapons were saved for the end, when his troops rolled out new ICBMs that were flight-tested in recent months and demonstrated ranges that could reach deep into the U.S. mainland, the Hwasong-17 and Hwasong-18. Some analysts say the missiles are based on Russian designs or know-how."

Voice of America News link

This country is so cutthroat capitalist that now even the consumers are becoming predatory.

Navigate to the uBlock Origin settings. · Select the "Filter lists" tab. · Scroll to the "Annoyances" section. Place a check mark next to "AdGuard/uBO – Cookie Notices".

The most active posts are now bot-created open-ended conversation starters on r/askreddit to stir up activity and give the illusion of a thriving community. The questions are usually very redditer patronizing, and some of them are thinly veiled marketing analysis to create value for future shareholders. they're often saturated with butt created responses.

As to why the post in question may not still exist? I suspect substantial posts about bot saturation are probably filtered out.

I think it says a lot about how the right has demonized all opposition. When you have a highly impressionable voter base that is trained to think of themselves as evil immoral baby eating demons for agreeing with the left this is what you get. This is actual and real mass brainwashing. It is also why you see every possible invective hurled at opposition from fascist all the way to Marxist and everything in between.

I respectfully disagree. Ars Technica is not known for being a clickbait site. They are merely stating what platform(s) the malware runs on. It's not an Android hit piece, and it's not clickbait, it's just a warning about buying cheap Chinese electronics that have access to your Wi-Fi.