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Trump commits another federal felony live on national TV to prove that he's still completely above the law.

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It's class warfare and the media is entirely on the oligarchy side.

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It's illegal for anyone subject to laws. An apellate judge would be in prison for each and every one of these bribes, no option to resign.

There's never any consequences for anything he does. He's been able to do this since the 80s.

If we had a legal system that held the oligarchy to account this would have ended 40 years ago.

Apple backs their version of personal repair where they still control who repairs what, who can sell or buy parts and at what price and continues to be completely anti-consumer to protect their massively profitable repair business.

Why should he? He's demonstratively above the law.

Lawyers can be disbarred and the whole lot of them, including Trump, and be held in contempt and jailed.

Personal attacks on the members of the court, which this absolutely is, shouldn't be tolerated.

I can't wait to have steam charge me $1 every time I re-download a unity5 game. MS should follow suit and force you to pay $1 a pop for each directx install. Which would actually be more like $80 because it loads every patch and version in order on every install.

Fee per download for a game framework that packaged into the download that they have no part of distributing? I hope this is the most recent example of a successful tech company commiting suicide, it really is the best theme this year.

The engine they're talking about is the D&D 5e ruleset.

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The Cuban oligarchy that ran the whole island on slave labor hasn't gotten their land back yet. Their children have a birthright to recover and their control over Florida still drives the USA's relationship with Cuba.

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The 2020s hot new business practice is self immolation through hypercapitalist greed and assuming that just because you're the most popular in an industry you're the only choice.

I guess the vulture capitalism has turned inward.

More than half of his senate endorsed placements were acting appointments after acting appointment because none of them were even remotely qualified to do the jobs.

Trump will just let the whole military rot until even the lieutenants are acting posts.

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"Why don't we sell more phones?"

Puts out a phone at 200% the cost per specs, ignores the biggest high end market and blows their marketing money 18 months early on every single release.

The couldn't do this worse if they tried.

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Perhaps it's a not indicted yet situation. Once circus at a time?

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Why would any game dev care about the platform you play on as long as you purchased the game?

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And get a discount for letting the cable company claim they have cable TV to scam money from ESPN.

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Every single politician in congress and the president require $100s of millions of dollars to pay the media conglomerates for their elections.

Big pharma's extortion (literally pay or die) funds much of it.

There will never be a federal level generic drug production.

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Letting Nixon quit rather than be empeached and imprisoned is why so many republicans, rightfully, think they're completely above the law.

The funny thing about this is that the voting block that the facists are running aren't "conservatives" or "right wing" they're the huge group of people who prefer to not think and can be easily manipulated through propaganda.

If there was no trillion dollar think tank network blasting their constant hate and bad faith divisive crap these people would stretch all the way across the spectrum according to whichever local person has the most charisma in their circle, like a pastor or local teacher.

Democrats can't martial a counter force for the cult because there aren't enough weak minded lazybrains laying around anymore. They're all in the cult bucket already.

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They're trying to weasel out of paying refunds, as if it makes any difference who told them to do what. They have to issue refunds for merchandise not delivered and then sue Sony for damages.

I think they're trying to finalize the GOP permanently splitting into two minority parties. The corporate GOP and the big lie Q crazies party.

If that happens the dems can run everything until enough of both parties can combine into a new oligarchy party.

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I wish Microsoft would have actually been taught a lesson about anti-trust bullshit rather than having a pro oligarch new administration let them off scot free

"I never said Edris Elba is a bad actor"

Well pal, Edris Elba is an actor and is in this game. Saying all the acting in this game is bad IS saying that Edris is a bad actor.

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We need to find a way to shutdown the outrage stroking right wing indoctrination media complex first.

If you have no prospects and no education to know how to separate reality from hate mongering lies it's pretty easy for an alternate reality talking head to convince you that the only reason you don't have a job, house and wife is because someone named Carlos was allowed past the border to pick cucumbers.

They're still angry about democrats being able to vote by mail rather than stand in line for three days in the one polling station the republicans allow for the entire states urban population.

I almost got a new job but the employer couldn't pay me because I refused to give my real name.

Do we say "fuck a shit pie" anymore?

Should be able to get 50% of salary in that industry, for life.

Too bad the lawyers are going to take 40% off the top.

"wow, that's a lot of tabs" - aliens at the under water blue fairy

Harry Kissenger has entered the chat.

It's better to buy three used phones that are more powerful and cheaper and keep those out of the landfill than a fairphone.

I know this philosophy has to start somewhere but it's just bad from a value, performance and supported accessories view.

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carved out means arbitrarily stolen from the locals by foreign powers as a place to dump Jews they didn't want living in their own countries, right?

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It's too bad that your friendship isn't more important than ten minutes of inconvenience for them to install a different app or to give you their actual phone number.

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Star Citizen will release 1.0 before Wayland is ready.

It's a shame that it's been delayed on PC for a year.

There won't be a single dollar given to anyone by the dnc to anyone but her. The obstruction power of the controlling party apparatus will get focused like a laser on any opponent who has any chance at all. You're only a Democrat if the money people say you are, and you're only their choice if you can help the oligarchy keep their money.

She'll be the only person with any chance to get on the ticket until she dies.

People who actually scan more than one page per year.

Nothing comes close to a scanner with a sheet feeder for this job.

Where has the media been while this monster was just a congressman? Is it just OK to be a fascist in congress?

How about we start getting around the clock coverage about the other fascists who haven't been put in charge yet so ground level people can start running for office and replacing them?

Why would Nintendo do anything as customer friendly as back compatibility? It's just not who they are.

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To be perfectly honest if you can get enough of congress to agree you could impeach for wearing a tan suit, and then convict and remove.

Impeachment is a completely political act, it requires no law breaking, no ethics breaches and no wrongdoing.

That's why our president (according to the constitution, not the laws made by congress since) are still subject to federal and state laws.