Opinion | Why Does the Right Hate America?

spaceghoti@lemmy.one to politics @lemmy.world – 142 points –
Opinion | Why Does the Right Hate America?

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The funny thing about this is that the voting block that the facists are running aren't "conservatives" or "right wing" they're the huge group of people who prefer to not think and can be easily manipulated through propaganda.

If there was no trillion dollar think tank network blasting their constant hate and bad faith divisive crap these people would stretch all the way across the spectrum according to whichever local person has the most charisma in their circle, like a pastor or local teacher.

Democrats can't martial a counter force for the cult because there aren't enough weak minded lazybrains laying around anymore. They're all in the cult bucket already.

Democrats can’t martial a counter force for the cult

They don't want to. It's too easy to run "Not Trump" as a platform and throw some bones to the fringe groups.

A real platform would include things like Universal Healthcare, Free College, etc...

Instead they like limping along and allowing people like Pelosi to get insanely rich insider trading.

Countering MAGA would've been easy...but MAGA is too profitable for the Ds to ditch at this point.

Biden was pushed into running on forgiving $10k of student loans for everyone and he can't even manage that.