327 Post – 587 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It can't die fast enough.

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It took me seconds to find video proving this is a lie.

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Is this supposed to be a feel-good story of the little guy working within the system?

No. The story admits that early on. It's yet another expose on how crooked the system is so that even one of the elite have to fight to get the treatment that their doctor recommends.

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The Narcissist's Prayer:

“That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.”

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Folks, it's important to remember that Tuberville isn't just being an ass about abortion. He's using that as cover. This is in preparation for Project 2025.

The Heritage Foundation – which has produced a blueprint for a Trump second term, the 2025 Transition Project, which includes firing the entire federal civil service and replacing it with Trump loyalists, and invoking the Insurrection Act on day one of Trump II to deploy the military against political dissidents – has evidently been behind Tuberville’s attack on the military. It circulated a letter of several far-right ex-military figures to Senate leaders demanding that they “Support Senator Tuberville’s Fight Against Woke Military”, which they denounced for “advancing the leftwing social agenda”.

Heritage published an article by one of its fellows claiming that Tuberville is the “one man” standing in the way of a dastardly conspiracy led by Biden: “Replacing the officer class of police and military ranks with politicized ideologues who will bend to a transformative dogma is a strategy that has worked in places like the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela … Tuberville, thus, is stopping the promotion of woke apparatchiks.” Like Trump, the Heritage cadres project their own scheme on to their enemies.

[Emphasis mine]

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Okay. If this was an example of influence peddling, let's pursue it. Let's also investigate the billions of dollars the Saudis invested into Kushner while he was operating from the White House.

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“We recognize that an abortion has two victims: obviously, the unborn child, and the other victim is the woman who’s the birth mother, who probably got talked into abortion by a boyfriend, a friend, a mother, a grandmother, maybe a father,” Huckabee said.

This betrays a staggering misunderstanding of the issue....

If I may present another hypothesis: this isn't a misunderstanding. It's a deliberate lie, a misrepresentation of the real issue to try to hide the fact that they know how sadistic their demands are and they're not willing to be honest about it.

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Can we please stop obsessing over the polls when we still have a full year of campaigning to get through? Let's at least hold off until Super Tuesday, okay?

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Pfft. She's not sorry. She's sorry she couldn't bully her way through it. She doesn't belong in public office, not even as a village dog catcher.

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Their agenda is to grind the government to a halt and destroy public faith in the institution. That's been their agenda all along. They campaigned on the premise that our government is broken, and they've been actively trying to break it since they were elected. This has been the core Republican strategy since the 1950s.

Once they think they can get away with it, they'll sell off the government's functions to private interests because they feel that government should only exist to maintain an army and police force to enforce their property rights.

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Hopefully, she can afford to stay out of Texas. Her life and safety are at risk, as well as legal jeopardy from these shenanigans.

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If you suspect a witness of being an accessory to a crime, then of course a competent prosecutor would "set up" that witness to jeopardize themselves. Admitting to a crime isn't a defense against prosecution.

That's why they've been stacking the courts with conservative activists for so long, so they could get a majority that would go along with these paper-thin justifications for completely changing our society from the top down.

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Sounds like sour grapes to me. But I'm sure the real reason he's so upset is because he got caught and has lost prime opportunities for grifting.

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They're fully aware of that. Running the country isn't the goal they're after.

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The answer is that conservative thinking is driven by fear. It's not that liberals don't fear things, it's that liberal thinking isn't driven primarily by fear.

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Stop threatening it. Anyone else would already be behind bars right now. Follow through.

I'm pretty sure that was the point of the original comment.

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He's already been acquitted on corruption charges for his blatant actions. Because Republicans will never vote to hold one of their own accountable.

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He's a Christian nationalist evangelical. Of course he has shenanigans going on.

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He's under an injunction against quietly transferring funds around in case he tries to hide it. Let's be honest, he probably has accounts he hasn't declared that should be accounted for. If it's a legitimate expense all he had to do was let the observer know what he was doing and why. But instead he did it hoping it wouldn't be noticed.

He's a moron.

It's not just that they would. They did it.

It just feels like team red use him as an attack vector to hit President Biden, which is kinda sad.

That's all it ever was. If a similar investigation were conducted into their family members, I'm pretty sure they'd catch a lot more like him. The difference is that Republicans are trying desperately to prove that Joe Biden was actively participating in his son's schemes, and so far they've been unable to find anything. I doubt a similar inquiry into their own affairs would come back clean.

I love how this is so patently obvious about Republican tactics, and just yesterday I had someone trying to argue that this isn't an inherently Republican talking point. "They're all crooks, so they're both the same!"

You can't convince me that some of them aren't Russian trolls looking to stir dissent and destabilize the nation.

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The same. If the Supreme Court acknowledges the validity of this law then criminals like Jim Jordan could be removed from Congress.

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And here I thought they were for predatory loans driving people into bankruptcy but not allowing them to offload the debt unless it's a corporation.

See Biden and student loan forgiveness.

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Another reason to consider McCarthy a piece of shit: the people he calls friend.

There's an obligatory reminder that he is not a drag queen that should go here. Since conservatives keep insisting that drag queens are all (or mostly) pedophiles.

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Ironic how they had no problem with Trump treating the DOJ as his own personal attack dog.

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Has there been a more incompetent, political judge to ever sit on the bench? I can't imagine how.

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Coward. I'm disappointed in my state.

Honestly, at this point I'd be willing to let him run if it meant he stayed out of the Oval Office. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison, but I can't discount the possibility that the American voters will be stupid enough to let him back into power.

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So, Scott et al are pretending they can pass a budget without the House?

This is one issue where I get angry with the democrats. They could have stacked the courts a long ass time ago and prevented shit like this.

When? They pushed through candidates when they could, but they had to change the Senate rules during the Obama administration just to end Republican filibusters on non-controversial nominees. The news was all over both the backlog of empty seats and the need for Democrats to change the rules just to get what nominees they could past Republicans.

And of course, that ended once Republicans took the Senate.

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Because it accurately represents the world they want us all to live in.

Shutdown is their solution. They don't want our government to exist, so they're going to pull every trick they can find to make it inoperable. Otherwise the American public might find reason to trust and defend it, and that doesn't serve their interests.

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What a non-issue. Yes, people are making a lot of hay out of Biden's age, but where's the evidence of his mental decline? He's always been a bad speaker, but I haven't yet seen evidence that he's forgotten where he is or that he's confusing issues like Trump.

Fine, we'd like younger candidates. That's fair. But that's not reason to call Biden's competence into question.

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Let's game this out the way some of the comments are saying.

Scenario 1: Proud Boys and other right wing militant groups stand around polling places with open carry weapons to intimidate Democrat-leaning districts. Maybe it doesn't chase everyone away, but we know a lot of election officials are complaining about threats and have quit. So it's going to have some effect. Enough to swing the vote? I don't think that matters. It's still election interference.

Scenario 2: right wing militants show up, and so do various antifa groups to counter them. Maybe antifa show up armed, maybe not. Either way, it's an escalation. Escalating tensions with guns present significantly increases the chances that someone uses their gun, regardless of who shoots first. The first shots in a civil war? Then the right wing militants win, because they've been agitating for this for years. Who wins is immaterial to the millions of people who will suffer as a result.

Scenario 3: polling places are reinforced with police and National Guards as necessary to prevent any election interference. They can be present to "observe" but they're not allowed to intimidate anyone. This is the only scenario I can see where democracy is defended and preserved.

Agree or disagree? What am I missing? Where am I wrong?

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At least she's willing to point out the blatantly obvious, unlike a lot of people.

I think he means drilling for oil and reversing the government's support for clean energy technologies.

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