Christie Vows to Continue Doomed Campaign to the Bitter End to politics – 117 points –
Christie Vows to Continue Doomed Campaign to the Bitter End

There is recent precedent for that sort of perpetual protest candidacy. In 2016, Bernie Sanders didn’t concede defeat until the Democratic convention in late July, even though by every objective standard Hillary Clinton had clinched the nomination in early June. But it was a very close race that was still contested right up until the final primaries. So perhaps a better analogy for a prospective perma-campaign by Christie would be Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign, which fought for delegates — and threatened to disrupt party harmony — months after Mitt Romney had nailed down the nomination.


Too bad it’s not his money he's wasting.

Too bad it’s not his money he's wasting funneling.


If he ate campaign contributions as a campaign event, he would get to keep whatever he ate right?

I would hope no one would want that back, but I don't put it past GOP donors.

So, you know that most dollar bills have been shoved up the ass of a New York taxi driver at one point or another, right?

Similarly to how most would test positive for coke and other things if it was a relatively sensitive test.

For awhile there (several years back now), he had the makings of a dominant candidate who could actually appeal to the Rust Belt and southerners alike. He would have been a far superior "no-nonsense, straight-talkin'" alternative to Trump, had Republicans gone that route, while offering many of the same benefits. And his corruption is downright quaint, comparatively.

This isn't terribly high praise. I don't particularly want him as president. But a decade ago, I thought he was surely going places.

Then he hugged Obama after Hurricane Sandy and that was it for his political prospects. He literally and figuratively embraced the Democrats which is verboten.

Also the bridge thing and the private beach thing left him pretty unpopular in NJ

I agree with this completely. Christie knows trump destroyed Christie's chance at the presidency. He'll spend every penny in his presidential chest to kneecap trump at every opportunity.
He has nothing to lose, he knows he'll never be President now.

The fact that Rust Belt GOPs would vote for a guy who torpedoed a great public works project that would have employed thousands of hard hats is pretty amazing. TARP would have paid for a much needed New York/New Jersey tunnel. Christie nixed it. He didn't save the US taxpayer any money, the funds went to other states that didn't have idiots in change

Let me translate "My donors already paid for this ride so I'm going to ride it to the end because its free and if I win by some chance that's cool too"

Honestly, I've been enjoying the chaotic energy he's been bringing to the debates. He's basically there to stir the pot in the Republican party and call Trump out for being a POS.

To Christie: Whatever man, you're not going to win, but I'll support the energy you're putting out.

This is definitely the vibe I get, coupled with a "I get to spend the next year twisting the knife and getting paid to do it" - the guy genuinely likes lighting up trump and his idiot supporters, and while I won't vote for the man, it's sure fun to watch.