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Joined 11 months ago

Of all the reasons to drag this guy over a cheese grater, this one is low on the list. It doesn't indicate anything other than unfortunate ancestry.

Still hate this closeted fuck just for things he actually does

Moderate here means "don't worry, rich white girls will still have the choice"

12 more...

Why aren't we more suspicious of the personality type that wants to work til they die at their post?

Cops wanted to go home. Cops can't go home till everyone leaves. People are staying because band is still playing. Cops throw tantrum.

IDK what this is but you made it sound cool af

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Single issue voters are myopic

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How can we help?

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This is who we have left. Every teacher worth a damn left the state and I can't say I blame them.

What I find interesting about all this is that this guy's limbs can be pulled off just as easily as the next person. Like, if someone were to draw and quarter him, his arms and legs would pop right off just like anyone else!

Someone yesterday said they don't buy Bethesda games because they're good at launch, instead they buy them because the modding community is so prolific.

Paying $60-70 for a game that requires teams of unpaid volunteers to make it playable after launch.

I bet Bethesda LOVES that guy.

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Wholly incorrect. I work in trademark law and yeah you have no idea what you're talking about.

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They charged him with indecent exposure. There's not a "defecation on a deceased marsupial with the intent to disrupt traffic" statute.

The thing about racist relatives is that they DO SPOUT THAT SHIT AT HOME. Where do you think kids hear it first?

The Internet lets all the village idiots find each other

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Bobby Jindal learned this lesson too. Nikki Haley as well. They're token minorities the GOP tries to trot out when things are getting too white.

Is it money? I bet it's money

They deserve everything that's going to happen to them, the only problem is it's going to happen to the rest of us too.

Great parody account!

The question you should be asking is "are mRNA vaccines riskier than getting the diseases they're intended to prevent"

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I hope he gets it and dies gasping

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Great, here comes the shroom moral panic

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Intentionally misgendering someone is a dick move and generally people don't want to hang around dicks. So first consequence is you'll have other dicks for friends. Except, they're dicks, so probably not gonna be very good friends each other.

I also hope you are self employed cuz intentionally misgendering people in the workplace is not a good look either. Better hope no one in earshot has a trans friend or family member.

No one's saying you can't be Your Best Inner Bigoted Self. We're just saying the rest of us think it's ugly and weak minded.

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Kiss his ass? No.

Vote for him because he's the alternative to a waking nightmare for a large part of my fellow Americans? Yes

Do I wish the system was better? Yes. And to that point I'm voting for the guy who still believes in government and rule of law. If I ever want the system to change, I need to vote for the party that is interested in governance.

If they vote for Trump they're a garbage human. If they abstain, they're a coward hiding behind "muh principles" while our neighbors have their rights stripped away.

Edit: fucking tankies lol

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I'm actively hoping a piano lands on them both.

Covid didn't fuck it up. Stupid conservatives did that.

As a counselor, of course YOU'LL recommend counseling. Which in this case is maybe a good idea, but also, it's totally normal for spouses to have pet peeves with one another and it doesn't necessarily indicate an issue in the relationship.

Source: married for 25 years

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Drunk guy who broke the window trying to get in. Maybe it wasn't clear this person was probably harmless and they panicked. Not sure why the people asleep in their home world be expected to flash the lights or whatever you are thinking is a normal middle of the night response to someone breaking into your home.

IDK, I don't like guns for this exact reason. Too easy to end a life out of panic. But the drunk has the bulk of the responsibility here IMO.

Bruh this is sick even for FL standards

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Nice dehumanizing language. You might not be the hero you think you are, just FYI

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Nailed it

And people once thought this cunt would be president someday

He topped out at "drunk lecher who ruined his reputation so he could cup Trump's balls".

"Everyone wants to be paid to sit at a desk and make more money instead of dying of heatstroke or getting hit by traffic for peanuts"

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You weren't going to in the first place. 'Cuck' gives you away

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That's some Scooby-Doo level shit

What a dumb bitch.

I didn't think there were enough people on Lemmy for this many downvotes, well done.

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It's intentional

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Both of those assume good faith

We should get paid a portion of the revenue generated by our collective data along with the ability to opt-out completely. If they our data is a commodity to them we should be able to sell it.

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It's a platform that absolutely can contain both of those. And bc you consider it "low quality content" doesn't excuse stealing from others.