The GOP should consider that its opponents aren’t simply brainwashed to politics – 137 points –

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“We recognize that an abortion has two victims: obviously, the unborn child, and the other victim is the woman who’s the birth mother, who probably got talked into abortion by a boyfriend, a friend, a mother, a grandmother, maybe a father,” Huckabee said.

This betrays a staggering misunderstanding of the issue....

If I may present another hypothesis: this isn't a misunderstanding. It's a deliberate lie, a misrepresentation of the real issue to try to hide the fact that they know how sadistic their demands are and they're not willing to be honest about it.

Wow they think individuals can't think and decide for themselves based on their own life conditions? Says the party of individual responsibility. No, not like that.

Wow they think individuals women can’t think and decide for themselves based on their own life conditions?


No they definitely think students can't think, so they want to change the voting age. Should we cover minorities?

I notice this is common theme in discussions. Right wing pundits often say something like "this guy said this, and all the leftists have believed that every since". As if we can't think about it independently. In every area: evolution, science, politics, policy, etc.

It's projection. They swallow most of what their thought leaders say, so of course everyone else must too!

Women and transgenders. Anyone doing anything they don't like, essentially.

And Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and... uhm let's just say everyone besides white old weathy men.