1 Post – 2027 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm sure he'll be treated like all other convicted felons


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Maybe get familiar with reality before you become certain you understand it. I'm not seeing any connection to reality in this comment. I'm seeing someone who decided they know everything but actually knows nothing

Maybe you're right but if so, this would be the one time he's treated like everyone else.

What is DV anyhow?

A string that represents types...

So which is it? Liar or "doesn't know what dementia is"?

A big heart, duh! /s

You're actually saying with a straight face that this was worse than the debate in 2020 where trump interrupted every single sentence? That's fucking rich to me. That was some of the most embarrassing public moments America has endured.

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Yeah, I guess. Just sucks that Trump being an awful person doesn't work against him but the old guy getting tongue tied does.

I think a lot of people watched the debate (or didn't) and are flipping out about it. I watched the whole thing, it was cringy and sad. But it didn't really change anything unless the people in power provide another democratic candidate. If we talk ad nauseum about how bad it was for Biden, all that does is discourage voters into staying at home.

I despise the idea that the louder more confident liar is seen as "better" somehow. But even Democrats are running with that idea right now. Biden getting overwhelmed a few times doesn't invalidate his presidency past or future

This just in: more than a single factor can exist.

Thank you for being a sane human 🙏

Don't we all? .. I think very few people would choose Biden absent it being necessary to avoid the hellscape guaranteed by not voting for him

Yes you're so versed on me

I'm just not a fucking psycho.

Okay, I said you're pro trump, which, in action, you are. Basic logic I won't go over for the millionth time

You've let this shit steal your humanity.

Oh, so you actually are a psycho. That's why you said that.

The rest of your comment is a bunch of wild accusations having zero relationship with my reality. Bye.

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It's just because we LOOOOOVE genocide /s

BuT tHaT mEaNs yOu LovE gEnOcIdE.

That's what extra militant Joffrey says so it must be true.

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People making sure trump gets elected, like yourself, are my enemies. Furthest thing from an ally I could have. The typical trump supporter at least isn't wearing a mask pretending to be against fascism.

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"I'll drive this country off a cliff" is not a principle. It's Russian influenced accelerationism

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Trump did next to nothing about the pandemic when it turns out "something" was his job

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ThEy ArE tHe SaMe UnIpArTy!!!!1 bOtH sIdEs!!! fOr moThEr RoSsIa!!1 sIrI dElEtE lAsT sEnTeNcE

Cums into own mouth

We both know there's no good faith there.

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The question was why bother

I don't remember much about that, but it's easy for me to believe he did about any bad deed after these last 8 years

I'm not interested in arguing with a BoTH SiDeS liar and never will be.

Btw thanks for being the reason trump finishes us off. Enjoy the weather in Russia

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What? It's extremely easy if you look

The person you responded to has not one iota of good faith. I've seen them in dozens of threads pushing accelerationist lies. They want this country to burn.

Why do you paper all of lemmy with anti-biden sentiment if you care about preventing trump's influence? I do not buy it. I've seen this behavior from you repeatedly.

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The last thing I'm communicating is "everything is fine"

I know you know how the debate went last night, and I'm sure you're delighted. No need to pretend with me.

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Oh I know

The person you're explaining websites to is a web developer and they are correct. There being a ton of websites needlessly dependent on JavaScript is well known and long lived.

You can't pretend american politics into being viable for third parties. Until something majorly changes to make third parties have a shred of a chance, pretending they are is destructive and it's definitely often done so on purpose. That's what I'm accusing you of, since over the course of months you given zero reasons to think otherwise and 200 reasons to think so.

Uh I didn't...

Ads work. It's a fact. Just because it's a sad fact doesn't mean I want you to be sad.

Ironic how if something is your job to care about, that it often leads to the opposite reality. Sure, cops are especially shitty but I have a lot of lax coworkers. Feels very common

The data is very clear... Ads work. They absolutely shouldn't almost ever, but they do. With the cornucopia of analytics available, companies have long been able to see if their ads work, and if they didn't, they would've stopped long ago. Hell even before the Internet they had ways to prove ads work.

edit: gotta say it's pretty sad that so many simpletons downvoted this. Ya know, ads working is something that I hate. I hate ads. I want them all to go away. I'm simply stating a well known fact: they absolutely work, even on people like you and I who do our best to block and ignore them.

You're pretty fragile if that fact upsets you enough to shoot the messenger.

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Theoretically if you found a way to compile PHP, you probably could though, right?

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Right -- I'm not saying you could build a compiler then just go to town. You would still have to build all the tools, using PHP, to interact with hardware, the way other languages do. A horrible idea, lol, but interesting, sort of. Since at its core as long as you can execute logic and read/write to memory, you could do it, I think

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Not dealing with a 100,000 pixel tall image

The mental illness known as "tired of everyone getting fucked with no recourse"

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What people are justifiably concerned about is pollution causing death and disease. Fuck off with this hYpOcRiSy bullshit

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