Biden Ended the Trump Crime Wave to politics – 323 points –
Opinion | Biden Ended the Trump Crime Wave

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I'm just not a fucking psycho.

Okay, I said you're pro trump, which, in action, you are. Basic logic I won't go over for the millionth time

You've let this shit steal your humanity.

Oh, so you actually are a psycho. That's why you said that.

The rest of your comment is a bunch of wild accusations having zero relationship with my reality. Bye.

Okay, I said you're pro trump, which, in action, you are.

Yes, me arguing with people IRL that Biden is a better choico is de facto Trump support.

Oh, so you actually are a psycho. That's why you said that.

No. I said it because you're treating people poorly. This isn't healthy for you or your party or political goals.

You have less self awareness than either of those old fucks on stage.

Yes you're so versed on me

Fair enough. Prolly too personal. I still think there's room to show compassion to people that are frustrated with Biden.

Either way, hope your weekend goes well.