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He's calling for a world where people are more or less coerced into having children by punitive taxes if they don't have any.

More that peoples' movement data isn't worth much, so it wouldn't be a big deal to impose legal requirements on keeping it private.

As Sen. Wyden says:

This is timely in light of JD Vance's comments about wanting to surveil the body of every woman in America. I just dropped a new investigation into car companies selling off your private location data to shady data brokers. The case for federal privacy legislation has never been stronger.

Kennedy. Got busted with heroin a while back.

Nobody cares because he owned up to having a worm eat part of his brain, and that's a lot worse

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The crazy part is that there are two men running who fit the description

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This is seriously messed up:

He then concluded that the “best humane alternative to genocide” is to “virtualize” these people: Imprison them in “permanent solitary confinement” where, to avoid making them insane, they would be connected to an “immersive virtual-reality interface” so they could “experience a rich, fulfilling life in a completely imaginary world.”

Yarvin’s disturbing manifestos have earned him influential followers, chief among them: tech billionaire Peter Thiel and his onetime Silicon Valley protégé Senator J.D. Vance

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One American has been very interested:

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.

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There is a history channel, but they tend to be focused on stuff like racist conspiracy theories claiming that the people who actually lived in various places long ago didn't do what they actually did, but that it was extraterrestrials instead.

Netflix did a decent documentary on the rise of Hitler recently.

Pretty much "Science fiction warns us of the evils of building the Torment Nexus. Let's tell people why a Torment Nexus is really great and build one!"

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They wrote a book saying that, yes.

You can always donate more

I don't believe any specific policy change which benefitted a broad swath of the public could have survived the current courts.

The Biden administration has been churning out good policies at the rate of a few per week for years. You're just noticing now.

Right now, it's looking like the Supreme Court is going to say "that's not allowed" but do it in a way that prevents Trump from being tried before the election. This lets them say "we're good and ethical" while protecting Trump from the consequences of his criminality:

The Supreme Court appeared poised to reject Donald Trump’s sweeping claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges of trying to subvert the 2020 election, but in a way that is likely to significantly delay his stalled election-interference trial in D.C.

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People are trying. Not clear that it will actually work.

Also not clear if military recruiters can enlist ones that have been frozen for 18 years.

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Just a reminder of who he is:

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The article explicitly talks about lifting that cap:

Raising the cap that way — taxing affluent people more and everyone else less — would reduce the 3.5-point tax increase needed to fully fund Social Security to as little as 2.45 points, the Social Security system estimated.

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Key difference: a major failure at the nuclear reactor is can kill people across a large area.

Taking out refineries is going to raise the cost of gas, and lower the value of oil, resulting in both a cut to drilling and to burning, which is a net benefit for people.

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Tell the world how much of a tool she is, and create an environment where she experiences social pressure.

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You can't be clear enough when it comes to language when dealing with somebody interested in willful misinterpretation. That's the problem here.

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A bit snarky, but it's over his insurrection:

“He tried to overturn an election,” she said. “The very first time I ever ran, I didn’t win. I didn’t go out and try to change the election. I said, ‘Whoops, work harder next time, lady.’”

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It's confabulation, which is what people do when they can't actually say something meaningful but feel an urge to speak. It's really common for people with mild to moderate cognitive impairment.

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Companies have been allowed to treat pay as a business expense. Executive pay is pay, so they treat it as a cost of doing business.

It kind of makes the point that this is what they're doing even more explicit. The stuff they claim to care about? Not so much. Helping Putin? Definitely.

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He didn't even go to a competent doctor for the Botox:

“[T]his expense was not reported to the FEC and was noted as ‘Botox’ in expense spreadsheets” turned over to investigators, it continues. The session took place at Mirza Aesthetics, a Manhattan medspa run by a doctor whose license was suspended in 2021 over breast and penile enhancements gone wrong.

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You can do more than that:

  • Check your registration. Do it now. Do it few more times between now and November.
  • Volunteer. There is nothing quite like talking to people.
  • Donate. Campaigns run on money, and Trump has been raising more than Biden.

It's also worth paying attention to races further down the ballot; There are lists of close house and close senate races as well as a ton of competitive seats in state legislatures.

Per the article:

There's evidence some Proud Boys are decamping to neo-Nazi groups. I'd argue that the Proud Boys are impacted by the same forces that are causing Moms for Liberty to falter. Republicans bet big into 2022 on far-right groups, but instead, the GOP underperformed in the 2022 and 2023 elections. The backfire effect is reducing enthusiasm for this new breed of culture warriors.

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"Soros" is mostly a way of saying "Jew" with plausible deniability. There are plenty of other ways to do that

It's not happening by choice; it's happening because voters elected a state Supreme Court which forced it

No, because Jan 6 happened under the jurisdiction of the DC circuit, not the 5th circuit.

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The state constitution has this in it:

The state and each person shall maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment in Montana for present and future generations.

This makes it possible to use state courts to force some level of environmental protection.

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The thing that really bothers me is the way stochastic terrorists hide behind Brandenburg vs Ohio, from 1969. Back in the 1960s, you didn't get this kind of thing in front of a huge audience by default, whereas now, social media algorithms selectively show inflammatory speech to the audience most likely to act on it. This means that inflammatory speech which wouldn't have caused violence in the 1960s is incredibly likely to do so now.

Because people see other peoples' abortions as evil. People don't view IVF or contraceptives or sex for fun in the same way, even if the anti-abortion movement does.

It's the legal maximum fine. Judge can impose jail time, but didn't this time. There are already four more gag order violations which will be discussed later in the week.

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He wasn't ever going to get elected; the big question was whether he could serve as a spoiler and help elect Trump.

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At 80%, a lot of people who aren't conservatives are ill-informed.

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Too expensive for ordinary people to buy, but pocket change for billionaires and major corporations.

It's a problem.

There are a bunch of Supreme Court rulings which basically said the KKK can advocate for violence in general so long as they don't lay out specifics. That's what these folks hide behind

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Right-wing Christian attitudes are being openly expressed.