Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview to politics – 342 points –
Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview

Jesus. Republicans will tax anything and anyone except rich people and rich people accessories.

Technically, we already do pay more in taxes because we don't get to claim dependents or receive any child tax credits.

If those temporarily embarrassed millionaires could read, they'd be really upset

They really want that "trickle down" to work. Remember, Putin is still holding Trump's piss tapes. They're all absolutely fascinated by pissing on people.

Yeah I always hear about all these people and what they're going to do with their tax returns. Mine is always a tax bill ever since Trump

Reading the article he also said that parents should be able to cast votes on behalf of their minor children, which is much more alarming to me.

Let me guess, conservatives have larger families than liberals and progressives?

Educated families have fewer children, I'll let you connect the rest of the dot.

LGBTQ+ people have a higher rate of living singly or in a relationship without children. No doubt also a tendency to vote Democrat. Conservative, anti-abortion Christians have some of the largest families, so get more votes. It's pretty clear what he's up to.

These days, look for any family in America with 5 or more minor children and find a "devout Christian" as the patriarch.

Mormons are famous for this, and they support their breeder mentality by tapping into the same government resources they say they despise, sometimes venturing into fraud.

Probably to increase the amount of quiverfull families who'll vote a certain way.

Because people who use the least civic resources should pay the most?

Tbf children are a super valuable thing to a country.

It's why governments freak when birth rates get low.

The machine needs bodies to function after all.

They'll go so far as to do anything except any of the things that make happy, productive people more likely to feel inclined or comfortable having children.

Parental leave so people can be there when their child is born? Affordable or accessible daycare? A world that accommodates any workplace flexibility? Basic affordable healthcare? A world with some degree of optimism for the state they're bringing their children into?

Nah, a once a year tax rebate covering a month or two of daycare should be more than enough.

Punishing people with higher taxes for not making a decision because they feel like it's already too hard and expensive to make that decision in an effort to fix that problem is surely going to help!

Oh yeah I always forget how fucked up America is.

Yeah, for someplace as supposedly pro-familly as the US, the parental leave thing is just shockingly bad.

Women are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave for which they can't be fired. That includes any time they need to take for health reasons related to the pregnancy. Fathers get the same.

The whole system doesn't crumble purely because enough people get enough benefits above the minimum that it averages out to "tolerable if you ignore what you could have".

Me and my wife are expecting twins with a common complication. She works for a better than average midsize business, and I work for a megacorp that's realized employee happiness is a type of advertising.

She gets 12 weeks at half pay with claw back if she leaves for any reason or is fired within 3 months of return.
I get 13 weeks full pay and bonus, and any time in the NICU doesn't count against that time. I also get a branded onesie, and my choice of cute towel or blanket per child. If I were the birthing parent there's a whole other flowchart for how pre and post birth medical leave interacts with compensation and the bonding leave.

These are respectively "good" and "stellar" for America, or "compatible with legal requirements for most EU offices, plus a towel".

I'm regularly outraged at this place, but this time the outrage was personal, and I wasn't even the one being shafted.

Sure, but incentivizing having kids is different than screwing over the people who don't.

It's also why the abortion and birth control issues are front and center for the GOP, they know that they aren't going to convince any new voters to join so they need to rely on their constituents giving birth to and raising the new generation of conservative voters.

Catholic church did the same thing for the same reason.

Maybe, but Vance’s incentivization scheme is upside down and backwards.

This is literally already the case. Parents get tax deductions.

He's calling for a world where people are more or less coerced into having children by punitive taxes if they don't have any.

JD Vance has never argued for higher tax rates on couch fuckers. Coincidence?

But did he argue for higher tax rates on dolphin sex aficionados?

Considering that parents get a Child Tax Credit ($2,000 per child I think?) and I pay property taxes to fund public schools (I don't mind) I'd say I'm already being taxed in order to subsidize other people's children

I have no problem paying to subsidize children (regardless of who their parents are, children aren't property), because I care about the future of this country and those children will run this country one day. I just don't want the law written to punish me for not having kids, especially not when they're talking about taking my voting rights away over it.

Give parents a bigger tax credit. Increase taxes for schools. Throw as much money at the children as you want, I won't complain, I'll keep paying my share and will celebrate a society that actually prioritizes outcomes for all children, instead of just children of wealthy parents.

What in the fuck is with this guy? He's got some kink towards punishing people without kids, or what?

It's self-hate for being a closeted sofasexual.

Alright I've seen a lot of people call this guy a couch fucker, what's going on?

Someone posted an intentionally and obviously fake post saying Vance fucked a couch using an inverted rubber glove and people just kinda ran with it

However he does really have a dolphin fetish

Oh hey I just had to learn about this!

Do any lemmy users in Europe wanna let me crash on their couch? I'm a decent cook! Please, I need out of this hellscape

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My question, what about thise that have had miscarriages, stillborn, children that have died before 18? Since according to them,, life begins at conception, do they not count? Or only children that can contribute to the labor force or military service count?

And what an ass he is.

Nobody counts but him and his lifestyle, apparently. If you're not doing what he's doing, go fuck yourself.

I honestly just think he realized too late that he got suckered into a lifestyle he just fucking hates, so his jealousy turns to people living the life he wants, so he's out to make them as miserable as he is.

This is a very real sentiment in conservative circles who believe that people exist to reproduce.

I mean that's kind of a biological fact.

I don't believe in any of that fairy tale nonsense by the way 😂

The only reason for life is to make more life, basically there is no meaning. And that's okay, somehow beautiful

The difference is humans have self-awareness. It is very clear that not having children is a great idea, and good for the country.

They only want more people to churn out more people so they can become uneducated pawns.

Can't openly buy slaves anymore, instead you subjugate them by forcing them to procreate.

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Ah. The new class war. Parents vs the childless. What bullshit

So I just have to impregnate a bunch of women and I get to live for free right? What's the America that JD Vance wants?

They have completely flipped around. They are now the welfare Queens. They are the triggered snowflakes. They are the one's calling for defunding law enforcement.

It's almost like they stand for absolutely nothing

I thought they stood for a god-king theocracy type of dystopia where they rule but are never ruled.

God damn lol.

Trump never had this douche-canoe vetted, and it shows with horrible clip after horrible clip just pouring out.

I feel for the Harris campaign staffers who have to listen to hours apon hours of his podcast horror shows, but they are doing the lords work. This stuff is campaign gold.

Or he did. It the people vetting him (including Trump) like is entirely unamerican ideas.

What’s hilarious we already pay more in taxes anyway. (We get substantially fewer deductions, for example.)

I say unamerican because he wants to give parents more voting power with more kids

Peter Thiel has been pimping this edgelad out to every single political vacuum he can find, and Vance has magnificently fucked up every place he's been put, so here's hoping the trend continues!

Didn't Fascist Italy do this at some point in time?

I used to love reading about the magnificently bad sociological choices that dictators make while in power to support their ideals.

I can see Mussolini's mentality: "We need more Italians, that happens from birth. People who don't birth children are contrary to this goal and are a detriment to the country and therefore worthy as a target for social correction.

*Some time after implementing changes*

Mussolini: Why are all the single people committing suicide?

Oh Flipper Vance… why are you the way that you are?

He is an empty shell powered by naked greed who will do or say anything to climb one more rung on that ladder.

The only thing that sets him apart is his degree of desperation.

How about since he views parents as having more of a stake in americas future, they can pay extra taxes. Why the fuck would anybody pay more taxes for less representation, not that we have much anyway for what we already do pay.

You already pay more taxes if you don't have children... (child tax credits, dependents in household, etc)

But not in a way that financially coerces you to have children, which is what Vance wants