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Joined 1 years ago

So, instead of getting the ability to search for videos properly, with negative search terms, user defined video length spans, exact dates, sort by reverse date order etc... we get ambient mode and color search? Can someone please, for the sake of humanity and my sanity, erase this company and its parent from the planet.

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It would have been nice if this world wasn't run by fucking children.

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“and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”

As someone living in a country whey we don't chop off the foreskin of little children, whereas conservative Americans love that chopping procedure, I find this statement slightly amusing.

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Why is he allowed to run for president?

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The Swedish tax agency is pretty well respected because they have their shit together. When it's time for us to do our taxes, we get forms sent home already filled in by the tax agency, and for most people those numbers are accurate and it takes less than a minute for us to do our taxes. Send a text message and you're done. And usually what happens is you get money back.

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Serves him right. Fifa playing asshole.


One of us is high as fuck and I don't think it's me.

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Aw. Do us next please.

Kind regards,


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I'm severely baffled. I don't understand how this is where they draw the line. The most mundane innocent everyday word.

Fascist? Sure. Nazis? No problem. Inhumane? Why not. Horrible? Absolutely. Deplorable? Proudly! Racist pieces of shit? Oh yes. Weird? How fucking dare you??!

Random ass.

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As a swede: Word. It's backwards as fuck here. The previous government didn't even want to investigate whether or not to decriminalize, because doing so (investigate, mind you) would "send the wrong signals". Yeeah fuck science and people's lives when you have "signals" to worry about.

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Let me guess. India will do great on that index!

When you put it like that... Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge.

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Metric system, right-hand traffic, ISO 8601, high taxes on the rich, someone's power being used as a multiplier in punishment.

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Vote Republican at your own peril.

Peril is less bad than those communist democrats, I bet all too many morons believe.

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Indeed we are! So don't fuck this up!


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I've never seen that combination of words before and I never want to see it again.

We need a file format that degrades into black and white over time.

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Canceled my Adobe account in 2018 and they just keep on making my decision a better and better one. Thanks, Adobe!

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It seems the idea of a former Tiananmen protester entering US Congress was unacceptable.

But I thought nothing happened at the Tiananmen square. No need to cover things up and be all stalkerish then, hm China?

You've searched for Red! Here are some funny, relaxing and interesting videos from Coca-Cola, Adobe and Target!

Oh, a CPU that straight up expires? A product that comes with enshittification built in from the start? Corporations' mouths are watering as we speak.

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They should switch their production line from exploding lithium ion batteries to regular lithium ion batteries.

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What a weird thing to say out of nowhere.

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I don't trust them. They better fire him and hire a Jim Abacus.

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I am shocked to see capitalist behavior from a capitalist in a capitalist corporation.

Fuck capitalism.

I don't remember getting any new slang as a kid.

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I said the same thing when I crashed my mom's car.

Reddit is open. Open for bots.

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Damn millennial bandits! Send out a warning to all toast manufacturers in the area asap!

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Why is this argument so common? "Games work on Linux now so you can switch over". As if games is the only thing holding people back. My laptops are finally running Linux full time now, but I've been looking to switch my workstation over to Linux for 25 years now and I'm still not able to fully do it due to limited software and hardware support, and I barely play any games.

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The best part was always when you sat down to eat the bastard you found.

I mean tracking exists because advertisers pay more for targeted ads, based on the tracking. I'd rather prefer it if the EU just made tracking illegal. Deal with the problem at its root.

Also maybe ban ads that track clicking on them (to then give a bigger payout). Advertisers should pay for simply showing me the ad and putting their brand/product in my brain.
And if we remove the option for targeted ads based on user tracking, the price for plain and simple old school ads might rise again, which is a very good thing for websites and users.

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The colors of the wires in electrical systems and such are only for esthetics. Arrange them the way you think is the prettiest. If you're lucky you'll also get fancy sparkles!

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It's supported by the famous first principle of Descartes: I think, therefore I accept the terms of service

And when things happen, the only changes we'll make is adapt so that we can continue with our usual destructive shenanigans during the new circumstances.

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  • The underside is made of glass.
  • You have to hold the steering wheel at 9 and 3 or it won't work.
  • Is only compatible with the Apple ecosystem of accessories such as wheels, tires, child seats etc.
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I just want to emphasize: Fuck these guys and anybody that votes for them.

Let me guess, conservatives have larger families than liberals and progressives?

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Sounds reasonable. If the sun gets stuck behind the moon there we'd be toast because we need light to see stuff and where we're driving.

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There is none.