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Joined 12 months ago

Brand? The fuck is that?! I pick my tea from the wild and sun dry it at home as any proper tea lover would.

Bunch of fukin posers talking about brands n shit...

Oh feck off. Most gyms are mostly predatory money grab schemes.

Better to reduce your sugar intake and focus on physical activity with practical effects. Clean your house, do some gardening, volunteer in the community, play some sport you actually like. Gyms are for losers!

I use it as an ingredient for a biological weapon. The farts are silent and deadly after eating one.

The extra extra fun part is to then offer you the opportunity to pay for bigger storage!

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Another article speaks about Windows 11 requiring a Microsoft account to install it, no longer supporting local accounts.

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Randomly read a click bait article the other day on "How famous people died". The older ones were alcohol + drug prescription overdose, while the newer ones were fentanyl + cocaine + alcohol.

Remember people, stay hydrated! Drink your drugs with water like you're meant to!

Realistically, i'd go to city hall and hand in my death certificate. They'll take it in because they're not being paid enough to care. Then i'd be legally dead. Afterwards i'd go into the mountains and probably die because i don't know how to live in the mountains, but it sounded nice in my mind.

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Did the mods leave on their own or were they thrown out after the blackout?

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Remember Meta, the original thing before Facebook illegally took it as its own with zero consequences? Yeah, me neither.

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They must've sampled League of Legends players for this study. It's not called League of Cancer and League of Salt for nothing you know...

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That other than a niche we specialize in, we're pretty fucking dumb at everything else.

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Here's the thing, at the core of it, neither the people living in the israelian part nor the ones living in the palestinian one are really at fault here. The general public in general has no time for petty politics, being to busy to make a life. What you really want to blame are the agitators, the people who make it their life to create issues where there are none.

The majority of the population on both sides just want to live their own life in peace and they are not allowed to. So if you want to side wkth someone, side with them.

Blame the politicians who promote discord and occupation, blame the guerillas who attack innocent civilians, blame the religious proponents who spread hatred and bile. And plead with the general public to stop being such a bunch of pussies and actually put a stop to all the warmongering for everyone's sake. Which is something we should all do, everywhere. But we won't because we're all pussies as well.

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The Israelian people will eventually need to put their foot down and redress the current situation else they'll lose their nazist victim card and instead become the nazists of this century. And few countries will dare to look kindly at them then.

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Probably unlucky.

Try to recall whether you acted uncomfortable in your initial interaction with them. The first one due to surprise of them being the first male social worker working on your case. The second due to the unpleasantness with the former. The first impression usually sets the tone of a conversation, so there may have been a misunderstanding which then solidified into prejudice.

Or they were jaded asshole. Who knows.

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"Grumpy old man yells at the sky."

Neat stuff.

That part’s wild to me, when people are like “This villain in your story seems to have said and done bad things? So that means you agree with them, yes?” No! Of course not! It’s the literal villain in the story, man!

But there is no utilitarian point of art. It exists to express ideas and to tell truth. I think maybe a lot of people get upset because from their point of view, they are paying money, and they have this relationship where it’s like “If it’s not giving me what I wanted out of this transaction, then it’s bad.”

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Hints are great if what you look in a partner is the ability to solve puzzles. Otherwise, they should be skipped. Proper communication is key to any successful relationship.

Think of it as their very shitty solution to mods and cheats that so many dumbasses pay for. "Hey, why let those cheat makers profit off of our games? Let's make the cheats ourselves! But you know, for better profit, let's chop off parts of the game and call them cheats instead."

Capitalism is the concentration of society around capital, hence the name capital-ism.

Here's a definition of capital:

: a stock (see STOCK entry 1 sense 1a) of accumulated goods especially at a specified time and in contrast to income received during a specified period also : the value of these accumulated goods (2) : accumulated goods devoted to the production of other goods (3) : accumulated possessions calculated to bring in income set capital and land and labor to work —G. B. Shaw see also VENTURE CAPITAL b (1) : net worth : excess of assets over liabilities (2) : STOCK sense 2a see also CAPITAL GAIN, CAPITAL STOCK, EQUITY CAPITAL c : persons holding capital : capitalists considered as a group d : ADVANTAGE, GAIN make capital of the situation e : a store or supply of useful assets or advantages

So Capitalism doesn't give a shit about free market, workers, ethics, consumers, nation, environment etc, only about capital. Which is why Capitalism is good for the stock holders, yet bad for everyone else. Because stock holders will do anything for their capital.

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uBlock Origin is quite apt in not showing any of that. I am thankful for the creator's attentiveness.

TFW you thought you were cool, but it turns out you had a yee yee ass haircut all along.

The people complaining about trans in women's sports don't watch women's sports for the sports.

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I have another one.

After enough time has passed since the initial conflict, it becomes less about the subject of the conflict and more about the conflict in itself. The reason becomes secondary and instead the goal becomes winning against the other side or at least making it hurt.

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Bah, who needs justice? Just go burn a cross on their lawn or something like regular people used to.

Reddit is like World of Warcraft, the only thing that can kill it is itself.

I ain't reading all of that. But yes, underwear as a listening device sounds like a proper brain fart. Wonder how'd they handle actual farts though...

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I've read that Epic is severely against Linux.

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Sometimes, some people need to experience the worst in order to be convinced of pursuing the better.

Oh, i'm embellishing. It was only illegal from a moral perspective far as i read back when it was news. Their legal team did their money's worth and exploited the many existing legal loopholes to either take over or buyout the ownership quietly. Haven't seen the former self-presented owners since the event in question, so either it was a scam or they were paid a lot to keep quiet. Or threatened. Regardless, it was a big hubbub when the Meta thing was revealed and then there was silence.

Well, if you think about it, they might want to do a Daggerfall with thousands of nondescript villages and dungeons, powered by AI.

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Hey Germany, remember that one dude who was rejected from an art school a while back? You sure you wanna do that sort of thing again?

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What about contemplating uprooting your entire life and going into the forest to live as a hermit?

Numerous experiences in my life have proven to me that this is partly accurate and op has grounds to be worried.

I cannot count the times i was lost in thought in a public space and someone interrupted me with "the fuck you looking at?" or "is something wrong?" type of questions.

People notice. You notice. Sometimes it's ignored, but enough times you need to unscramble your thoughts to answer a "the fuck you looking at?" out of nowhere.

Having a phone is the modern excuse. Just stare at the screen or pretend you're scrolling.

Yet, having a low self-esteem will make one anxious in a public setting quite unreasonably. And while hard to achieve all the time, an answer is in fact to stop caring about what other people think. It does work.

A thread of the problem is likely the publisher/developer conflict of interest. When the two can't come to an agreement, the end result usually fails horribly in both aspects.

That's an.. interesting tale. It shows the dangers of bureaucracy, how easy it is to 'game the system' and the consequences.

Thank you for the read.

Up next, in the news: Mexicans targeted by secret trans agenda! Shadowy cabal using southern immigrants to push for government takeover! Does eating asparagus turn you gay? Are Chihuahuas a covert ploy to further the feminization of our country? These questions and more, answered just after the break! Stay tuned!

Paragraphs are bodies of text. So the second paragraph in this scenario is the one where we are only a few breakthroughs away.

Oh look, a reason to invade. How nice for Macron!