
262 Post – 1231 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Linux: Libre Office

Windows: MS Office

Libre Office is also available on Windows.

"Free software" doesn't mean you don't pay for it, but that it respects and preserves the user's freedom. The opposite is not "cost software" but unfree software.

What is free software?

Most of the other points in this list are also questionable or inaccurate. In fact, I think the only true one is the first one: open source vs closed source.

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It's the best of the Chromium-based browsers, but closed-source is a shame. I wish Firefox would copy some of Vivaldi's UI ideas.

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Which is partly because people don't have as much money as they used to.

I don't recommend PopOS! because I think the Gnome UI is confusing to people who have only used Windows before.

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What if the antisemites... lie?

There's more information about the components of this system here:


There really isn't much to this Holesail project - it's a little convenience wrapper around Hyper DHT and that's a part of this Pear project it seems. That site has a list of the various components and links to each one's GitHub.

Pear looks like an interesting project but I haven't looked through the details of how it works.

I'm going to use this for my next order of crystalware and explosives.

"The whole Gaza Strip needs to be empty. Flattened. Just like in Auschwitz," Metula Mayor David Azoulai said in a radio interview on Sunday, according toThe Times of Israel. "Let it be a museum for all the world to see what Israel can do. Let no one reside in the Gaza Strip for all the world to see, because October 7 was in a way a second Holocaust."

How blinkered do you have to be to see the Hamas attacks on October 7 as akin to the Holocaust, but not see that your own determination to wipe out the entire people of Gaza resembles the genocidal intent behind the Holocaust?

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Brexit. As historical blunders go, this has a beautiful unambiguous purity.

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Tor exit node, public Lemmy instance.

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That does kind of admit what we all suspected about Microsoft's QA since they fired the whole testing team in 2014.

I don't know about Deezer, but Spotify is raising prices while telling artists they will no longer be paid at all unless they reach a certain threshold of popularity. So they're boiling the frogs on both ends.

The middlemen who neither create nor appreciate music will still do OK though.

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"I want the Russian empire with Alaska, Hawaii, California, Finland, and Poland," he said, as translated by Gerashchenko for the clip he shared. "Although Poland and Finland are so stinky, I'm not sure, to be honest. We'll clean them."

This guy sounds exactly like Donald Trump.

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In my experience, every computer is faster with Linux than with Windows. But if this measures just the processor performance on similar tasks I guess it's news.

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The news came hours after Axios reported that Secretary Antony Blinken told U.S. Jewish leaders he asked Qatar to “turn down the volume on Al Jazeera’s coverage” of the Israeli genocidal campaign in the Gaza Strip, accusing the network of being “anti-Israel.”

Well this will certainly make them more enamored of Israel. Some smart psychology there.

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"Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device," Microsoft says.

It's conspicuous that this statement talks only about the raw screenshots, not any data derived from them (such as aggregated data, inferred data, or even just slightly reprocessed data). So Microsoft could do any minor reworking of the data and send it off to the cloud for their own purposes, while technically complying with the above.

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Shortly after Hightower’s casting, however, the student was replaced when the school’s principal, Scott Johnston, called Hightower’s father about a new gender policy for student performers.

“Actors and actresses could only play a role that was the same gender they were assigned at birth,” Hightower recounted the conversation.

This sounds like the kind of thing a school would do under the Nazis. I wonder why that is.

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It's all about boiling the frog slowly. People will put up with almost anything if it creeps up on them slowly enough, and these companies know it, as do authoritarian governments. We always say we'll kick up a stink if the next step happens, but then hardly anyone else does, so we stay quiet too. And this happens again and again.

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The answer received for the pizza glue query appears to be based on a comment from a user named “fucksmith” in a more than decade-old Reddit thread, and they’re clearly joking.

Lol. And this is Google, the company that has spent decades engineering ways to sift good information from bad on the internet.

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“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” Guterres said.

He later added that “the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”

It kind of sounds like they're deliberately misinterpreting what he said.

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"Microsoft hasn't really been helpful in trying to track this, either. I've sent over logs and information, but they haven't really followed this up. They seem more interested in closing the case.”

That's the Microsoft way: ignore the bug report for a month or two then close the case for "inactivity".

This is not like when ordinary people double their money. They already have an unimaginable amount of wealth, so doubling it is adding another unimaginable quantity. This is a good illustration:

Wealth shown to scale

Remember that those boxes need to be twice as long now (but not our box).

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I see that, after people raised a whole bunch of issues with the proposal, there's a new message on the Web Integrity API repository: "An owner of this repository has limited the ability to open an issue to users that have contributed to this repository in the past." So the Google engineers' response to people pointing out the defects of the proposal was to shut down people's ability to raise issues with it. It's a good little preview of how they intend to treat the web's users.

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Gen X checking in. What happens when I can no longer work or no one will employ me, but I cannot afford to retire?

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They've learned from their mistakes, and concluded that Clippy failed because there was no Clippy key.

This isn't the first time a passenger has thrown coins into a plane's engine.

CNN reported that it happened on another Chinese Southern Airlines flight in 2017, when an elderly passenger said it was "a prayer for a safe flight."

Every time you think you know how dumb people can be, they find a new way to surprise you.

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The trouble, she said, stemmed from a decision by Barclays Bank to freeze the orchestra’s account – a problem that has also seriously affected the finances of charities and other cultural and religious groups, including the classical music venue, St John’s Smith Square. Under the bank’s obligation to help prevent financial crime it had requested further information from some customers in order to keep their accounts active.

Efforts to reopen the account, frozen by Barclays “with no prior warning”, said Lightfoot, took four months. “We kept the musicians informed during this period that their payment would go out as soon as the account was reopened, but as the timeline of the reopening was further delayed many times, it was difficult to provide musicians with a clear timeframe,” she said. Musicians have also been asked to come forward with any outstanding invoices.

I imagine the musicians were just trying to help the orchestra survive, and expecting it would be sorted out any day soon.

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You're saying the workers should own the means of production. Sounds fair to me.

Anyone who isn't admitting it yet isn't going to start doing so because of evidence.

A court in Amman sentenced Hiba Abu Taha, a Jordanian investigative journalist of Palestinian origin, to a year in prison on 11 June, one month after her arrest for revealing alleged trade links between Jordanian and Israeli companies despite the war in Gaza.

Ah, so they want to continue trading with Israel while not being held responsible for trading with Israel.

Jordan has seen a surge in harassment of journalists, including arrests, censorship and intimidation since December 2023. Those targeted have included journalists covering demonstrations in support of Gaza or revealing information concerning relations between Jordan and Israel, and the harassment has been carried out under the cybercrime law in particular. 

Add Jordan to the list of countries where it is strangely forbidden to criticize Israel no matter what Israel does.

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If you call genocide "politics", yes. Some of us would say Israel's ongoing genocidal slaughter of tens of thousands of children and adults is what "gets in the way of pop".

It's "dismissed" as in "they say it's rubbish". It doesn't mean they won't ultimately be forced to use it.

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There, he met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and gave a talk entitled “The World According to Donald Trump Jr.,” 

It's incredible that there are people who read that title and decide to go and hear the talk.

Yeah, while we can criticize Biden for going along with Israel's attacks on Palestinians, it's pure fantasy to imagine Trump and his associates would be any less enthusiastic. All the signs are that they'd be even more enthusiastic, plus they have the support of the crazy evangelicals who want to bring about the Rapture.

The UN added, “While in control of the building and the civilians sheltering there, the IDF allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20’s and early 30’s, in front of their family members.” The UN continued, “The IDF then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room, and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, reportedly seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child. OHCHR has confirmed the killings at Al Awda building.”

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"The State of Israel will appear before the International Court of Justice at The Hague to dispel South Africa's absurd blood libel," spokesman Eylon Levy told an online briefing.

This guy's response is antisemitism buzzword bingo.

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More than 26,000 lethal "mistakes" so far (plus 60,000 non-lethal), and counting...

But hey, everyone makes mistakes right?

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Being charged with genocide is one of the hazards of committing genocide.

Huh. Fascism is on the rise everywhere. The planet is being destroyed by greedy billionaires. People are struggling to pay for food. There are wars and genocides. But he thinks the ugliest danger is "gender ideology", whatever that is.

And he says it erases differences. If "gender ideology" is being a non-bigot about gender, then that respects differences. What erases differences is forcing everyone to conform to only two set gender stereotypes.

It's saddening that dogma prevents him seeing how dramatically advances in understanding and respect for gender have improved so many people's lives. And it's disappointing to see him align himself and his church with forces of oppression.

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