Israel halts UN staff visas as officials pan Guterres’s ‘truly insane’ Hamas remarks to World – 70 points –
Israel halts UN staff visas as officials pan Guterres’s ‘truly insane’ Hamas remarks

You anti-semites are anti-semites for calling us out as perpetrators of genocide! You can’t call Israel an apartheid state just because we sit on a people and murder them indiscriminately! We have a right to exist and a right to brutalize! You’re bad for saying that we do that! How can you call us murdering assholes when we’ve only been doing this out in the open for decades? You better stop, or we’ll kill more civilians!


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“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” Guterres said.

He later added that “the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”

It kind of sounds like they're deliberately misinterpreting what he said.

Id say this is one of the most measured and diplomatically appropriate statements I’ve heard regarding the situation and couldn’t agree more.

Saying this is antisemitism is a stretch.

When you're a thin-skinned fascist conducting ethno-religious cleansing, any criticism must be met with absolute resistance. Fascism requires extreme black-and-white thinking and complete rejection of nuance.

We see the same pattern in the US with the MAGA movement, where even dyed-in-the-wool conservatives like Liz Cheney get demonized for "betraying" their "side". Facts and nuance are rejected, and the only thing that matters is team loyalty.

Saying this is antisemitism is a stretch.

They openly say antizionism is the same as antisemitism, even that Jewish peace groups protesting at the US capitol for a ceasefire weren't Jews.

Having experienced the news cycles for the previous 3 escalations of this conflict, this time around it's very different. The Israeli press and propaganda is making it very obvious how they're trying so hard to control the perception of this conflict, and that alone draws suspicion because it's of such low quality.

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It sounds like the reaction of angry children.

Except, those angry children command the largest and most technologically advanced army in the Middle East and possess several dozen nuclear weapons.

And that's exactly why "we" shouldn't let that kind of behavior slide.

The impulse for revenge is understandable, but a statesman shouldn't use the diplomatic equivalent of autistic screeching as a political tool. That's pathetic on a personal level and not helpful on a political level.

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