Google promised a better search experience — now it’s telling us to put glue on our pizza to – 1072 points –
Google promised a better search experience — now it’s telling us to put glue on our pizza

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The answer received for the pizza glue query appears to be based on a comment from a user named “fucksmith” in a more than decade-old Reddit thread, and they’re clearly joking.

Lol. And this is Google, the company that has spent decades engineering ways to sift good information from bad on the internet.

In that process they went through a full circle of first establishing and then gradually reducing it's usability and the health of the web itself. Their sometimes obscure ranking of pages enabled SEO, then AI written articles and now they try to replace the need to click on any site at all with THAT. A very interesting saga.

I kind of assumed it was based on one of those 'how they photograph food' articles that pops up every so often with shaving cream instead of whip cream and motor oil instead of pancake syrup. Pretty sure I've seen one where they mix glue in the pizza cheese to make it more stringy.

They figured out that they make much more money just pandering ads and lying how they are related to people's interests than they would make when actually providing an invaluable service to humankind. Now, instead of information, we are stuck with paid-for results and SEO-optimized keyword spammers that want a crumb of that cake. I think the free market calls this "innovation" or some shit.