Андрей Быдло

@Андрей Быдло@sh.itjust.works
27 Post – 1125 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

вольный глас рассеи

She was juicing the beetle.

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I'd vote to not have a president for 4 years before I'd vote for Trump.

And now I'm curious how many things depend on having a president at all, and what his role is, by design, in the US and other countries.

There's some slight benefit to having games that are just a sticker with a license number in the box. Probably, the only one benefit though.

Nature's own camera stabilizers.

There's one with supermarkets where you put a ruble coin into a hole to take a cart. He'd probably be delighted to have a mansion across the street from the Seagal's one.

And if you fail and they just shit themselves, you know it'd be Biden to be embarassed and unprepared for such a catastrophy. Not Donny the Big Boy, the Fecal Blaster. He put on a second diaper today and shat himself on his own terms to deny you a victory.

Manchild 2024: Meet ya on the younger side.

Israeli Hamas they couldn't find until now.

And it's not like w11 is free, the price of a PC with Windows installed comes with its' license's costs. It's not told to the consumer so they won't even know they are using a product they paid for, for them it's what a clean basic PC looks like. And that's what prevents many to care about it the same way they can be frustrated by a paid streaming plan with ads. To take is as a given, and shifting the Overtone's window of fucked up services even further.

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A fashy coward attacks helpless woman and child over them being of another nationality, only to stab a courageos bystander of his own. Let him rot in hell for all years he stole from her and wanted to steal from others.

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At the very least, the price of OEM OS should be disclosed before one buys it.

Every one of these cases is a failure of a society as a whole, may it big or small. Maybe it's an edge case, or a person with a mental condition whose actions we missed a chance to counteract in time. But from what I hear I can assume chinese propaganda encourages nationalistic feelings and some kind of a new chinese identity to keep their social fabric intact and productive, patriotic, and it seems that this person may as well be a byproduct of that. They have a personal responsibility for what they did, but killing them off wouldn't bring the dead woman back. He is a man, not a rabid dog, and just killing him doesn't solve anything but saving taxes, maybe. The goal is to start undoing the same corruption in others, and killing them cold is not encouraging for them to be open to be healed.

The same applies to why mentally ill persons don't self-report before they slip, do something and get caught in most countries.

Both capital punishment and waving 25 years off are extremes not worth picking, imho. In a somehow sane world the latter would land Abbot's ass himself in the court.

One can slice it, heat only a half, put the cold one on top. Your karma cancels out, the meal gets two different temperatures and textures so taste is more complex and you may probably confuse other people with a pizza burger recipe.

Last thing I remember yesterday many condemned Israel for announcing it's land development program that is gossiped as planned on occupied territories. Today there were news of a shitbag minister who voiced a plan to take the West Bank under a military rule (and to convert it into profits?), and I don't see many support to him there as well. Would it be too cynical to ask wtf these settlers would be doing there?

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One can be mad for this way he increases his power to scam even more people and disrupt meaningful things by hyperlooping public transportation and teslaing EVs' reputation.

This article makes it seem like weapon manufacturing machines are less controlled than John Deere tractors.

Too soon to tell, but I guess unregulated app-as-an-employer model is pretty bad.

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My guess: unresolved national tensions and probable separatism seeds + weakness of the state in the last year (Prigo's march, Krokus, buryatian demonstrations against jailing a known activist) + 24\7 stream of hatred on TV + jealousy of more autonomous and supported regions. That's not like there wasn't any violence here, but recently it became more apparent with Mahachkala's airport being crowded by a mob of locals to 'meet' people who arrived from Israel. This place becomes more dangerous and as you pointed out Moskow would likely ignore it. And it's too random for a false flag, I believe.

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Where's the fun part? I oversimplified this comparison because I felt you did so too.

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Wait, what side you care about? It seems I've lost you.

An underdog assembled in a reversed order. You'd see them and say 'That's an underdog alright', and you'd never now they are built not bottom to top, but top to bottom, form big to small, starting with freckles before their genes or even skin. There would be something uncomfortable about them you wouldn't be able to point at.

It could've been great in Carmagedon due to all these edges tho, esp if you get the remains of these crayons.

Follow usual safety procedures, avoid weird links and redirects, prefer services whose name you can google etc and you'd be fine.

My favorite episode of X-Files predicted it at a lesser scale: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_Switch_(The_X-Files)

Having an internet connection, a proper AI can easily order contractors around and reproduce, secure and empower itself.

Godbless the hype is about stupid t9 on steroids, but we don't really have any safeguards against what we assume is a proper autonomous AI.

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Без п. Thank you.

Dissecting the boobasphere.

Fake nostalgy?:

  1. Old monitors rendered every frame line by line.
  2. Slow internet connections loaded pictures like a slow printer, in little horizontal chunks appearing one by one.
  3. Restricted color palettes in these days made all gradients have noticeable steps between colors, so maybe omitting some space between them made them look less borked, since your mind draw the transitional parts for you.

Idk, but this vaporwavy style is rooted in recreating or faking 80-90s visuals.

Can you give me leads on what from Yudkovski I may read\watch first?

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Please, remain alert. Even if he gets disqualified by the Supreme court next, he's likely to try Jan. 6 Part two: Orange Boogaloo. There's enough armed psychoes to vouch for him even if it's meaningless. I feel like every major institution needs to double their security in case something like that happens. Like any lifetime loser, this idiot just can't lose, especially having a slight chance to escape responsibility for his ongoing trials.

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"We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here,” he said, gesturing to the crowd and holding up his fist.

Isn't it the way to get some alphabet agency on your ass? Dude doesn't only speak Jan 6 was a coup, he encourage people to do it again.

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That's an important precedent. Many companies turned to LLMs to cut the cost and dodge any liability for whatever model can say. It's great that they get rekt in the court.

The smarter the house the dumber the owner.

(not to bully these people who build it consciously themselves, automation and sensors can add many fun and useful features)

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Such cynicism. They just let him rot, bullied him with arbitrary resasons to punish him more and the farce of endless legal battles where no one really cared about the law. He was a strong person, but there's only that amount of pressure and mockery one can endure. I'm sad he died in captivity never to see the change of regime. That being said, he wasn't a coward, and kept doing what he could right until the end.

RIP Alexey, another russian his country needed but wasn't ready for.

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You can't download a car, but you sure can brick it.

As a russian guy, I'm still unconclusive what's the reason behind that. Unlike Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this one seems to happen over nothing. Just one aging man's sick ambitions that brought suffering to many families. I feel shame whenever I contact my ukrainian friends. For that fucking state used my representation to bring so much useless, senseless morbidity onto neighboring nation. It's 2023, why would we even want that? With all fucking problems we have as a humankind, why fighting Ukraine for 9+ years is even on the table? It doesn't make any sense. It's insanity. And I don't feel like I can ever compensate for that before I die. The damage we caused is too much for one's lifetime. It should've never happened.

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Well, I'm fucked.

  • That guy, probably.

Like she didn't see this cumming.

clubgoers’ documents were checked and photographed by the security services

That's the worst part. Being on any list of this state is a danger. Especially when they want another batch of bodies to once again storm Avdyivka. Hope they can nope-out from all possible traps. It's just... it would be totally spelled out they are here because they are gay, and it means a faith worse than death. Place is cursed.