an empty cask, all alone

Андрей Быдло to Lemmy – 252 points –

he is a visionary and that's what he saw


The Incel Camino is not worthy of the Outrun treatment. Solid meme though.

“Ok, so hear me out.” says Elon as he opens a file folder.

“This,” - he lays an 8-bit pic of the Ferrari from Outrun - and “this” as out comes a crayon drawing of a truck from same-era kindergarten.

It kinda feels like the designers at Tesla were approached by Elon to show him how they worked and then he tried a design himself

I mean the idea was cool when they first showed it off. But they just took way to long to get it to market.

That, and it looks fucking stupid.
Oh, and it breaks down if it gets wet.

he's created the ultimate mad max vehicle, unfortunately in Mad Max all the billionaires were eaten first

I'm pretty sure most of the rich and powerful that survived became warlords or gang leaders in Mad Max.

Bezos, maybe, but you think Gates, Buffet, Elon would become warlords?

For a fun hypothetical, I think this about each:

Bezos: Pushed the button on society ending himself, instead of mocking as king of a new society instantly became the biggest warlord in the states.

Gates: realized he was too old to play warlord. Forfeited his fiefdom to be advisor to Lord Bezos.

Buffet: Tried to keep some society going Vault Tech style. Waterchip breaks barely a generation later and they're forced out into the wastes.

Elon: was gloating at Twitter HQ when it all went down. His visa employees took turns stabbing him with ballpoint pens immediately.

Gonna make a great Easter egg joke vehicle in a retro game 30 years from now

Can anyone tell me why horizontal lines through a colorful sun works so well as an aesthetic?

Fake nostalgy?:

  1. Old monitors rendered every frame line by line.
  2. Slow internet connections loaded pictures like a slow printer, in little horizontal chunks appearing one by one.
  3. Restricted color palettes in these days made all gradients have noticeable steps between colors, so maybe omitting some space between them made them look less borked, since your mind draw the transitional parts for you.

Idk, but this vaporwavy style is rooted in recreating or faking 80-90s visuals.

I actually saw one today and I laughed out loud! It looks absurd and horribly low quality in person 😂