11 Post – 491 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

While the music style is not everyone's cup of tea is an excellent example of a ballad and I think it's a fun song And well done.

Yeah I'll say I'm a goddamn elf if it means I get 5 extra years of not having to work

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Is bottom right wearing a prosthetic mouth piece?

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Mfer could drive 9 inch nails with 1 hit

Virgins don't know that you suck at sex. It's an insecurity thing. Most people don't realize it.

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Time to cut losses and start fresh

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Existing salaried IT staff. Format all hard drives, reinstall software. Use data from most recent backup to restore library card list, wave all fines, start fresh.

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If it isn't the wee cunt

Engaging is the last thing I want from an ad

Reads like those AI dr pepper youtube vids

Assuming there was any doubt from the FBI agents onsite about opening that door it could have been solved really easily.

if the FBI agents on site were not complicit then it would have been as simple as posting someone outside of the door and contacting the judge to ask for clarification of the warrant to make sure it included that room. That fucking simple.

This was not a small deal and was not about Hunter Biden's crack smoking or Donald not paying his taxes. The agents in charge of that search should be questioned and, at the very least fired for incompetence. If there is evidence, charge them with conspiracy. This was a case about NATIONAL SECURITY. Fucking nuclear secrets.

Gonna make a great Easter egg joke vehicle in a retro game 30 years from now

So now that democrats are no longer a problem, Louisiana is going to become a thriving bastion of freedom and unprecedented economic growth because of the laws and policies that republicans are going to implement to help everyone... right? Right??

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Who names their chicken Bessie? Everyone knows Bessie is a cow's name.

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Jews in Israel and internationally, please Stand up to your government. You know this is wrong. Kill the babies? Listen to what they are saying.

Your government is fucked up. You have let fear and revenge drive your country to madness. Look in your hearts, would a loving and just God want this? I don't care what any book says, look in your heart. You know this is wrong.

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Steamboat Willy in "Steamboat Willy Recites Racist Quotes from Walt Disney"

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Nah Thanos was a cool villian. Musk is Syndrome.

He wanted to be a cool superhero, but he sucks at it so he's angry and became a villian.

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Man, what the fuck happened to LUNCH LADIES. Let them goddamn cook!

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Well I was expecting some horror movie stuff with the headline Terrible Things. Monkeys fighting hallucinations or endless screaches of pain for no apparent reason.

This is just boring old paralysis and brain swelling. Poor monkeys.

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"Separate allegations made by colleagues indicate that he and another physician, Dr. Matos Cruz, were observed watching YouTube videos on medical procedures they were unfamiliar with. One patient reportedly died after such a procedure, while another had to undergo three additional procedures at Ohio State University, according to families connected to the procedures."

Fucking youtube doctors. Wow.

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Judge calling him out for using toddler tactics. Nice.

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Billionaire manchild

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Was everything super easy for you? Congrats, you never learned how to struggle and persist and you get discouraged easily. Good luck growing your skills and knowledge now...

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Sex dick? Really Oklahoma? Are you guys OK?

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So I watch the video and Jesus fucking Christ. That man should not be allowed to own a gun.

I wonder if he's a veteran or something because his reaction seemed like abject terror and panic. Regardless , no one should have let that man have a gun if he's so terrified and unstable.

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Glad they are tackling the important issues in Kentucky. I'm sure every Kentuckyan has their ability to fuck their first cousin high on the list of problems they wish their government would address.

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Good luck convincing people who live outside dense population zones to bike 3 hours to work. And "just move" is not an option. Think rents and home prices are bad now? If everyone moved to cities imagine the price gouging.

E: for the record I'm all about public transportation, it's just unrealistic to think we completely ditch cars. They are too useful so EVs make sense going forward

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Those weird bulbs are called compact fluorescent lamps or CFLs. They are energy-efficient light bulbs that contain a small amount of mercury, which is toxic to humans and the environment. they should never be thrown away in the household trash.

Your local dump or transfer station will (usually) have an attendant who knows how they deal with them.

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Very confusing read when I assumed he died

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Why would putin lie about such a thing? I'm going to blindly believe him since it confirms my existing beliefs.

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Why can't we just use vagina to describe all that in casual conversation? It's not like there is a better word. Everyone knows what you mean when you say it.

"He punched me in the dick." Could mean just about anywhere on the dick, I'm not going to say someone punched me on the glans or the shaft or whatever.

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Why don't news organizations address the elephant in the room? They can say there is no evidence of foul play but the circumstances warrant further investigation as his death is quite convenient for Bowing. I don't see how that could be libelous.

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Fucking brain dead rebrand

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For real. I'm reading the title all wondering how the fuck they mapped all the neuron connections and... nope, the real innovative part of the story is clickbait

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Gee, I'm sure there aren't any national security ulterior motives...

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See if that's true that's sad because that is the best possible outcome and I haven't heard a damn thing about it.

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That's stupid, Total waste of resources. I use UberBrain and rent my brain and body out from 9 to 5. Sure. I wake up sore and have no idea what my body has been doing or where it was, but I get ten dollars an hour for basically going to sleep for 8 hours.

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