1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was unaware of just how true this is until Trump became president

I am actually really torn about this one, on one hand I had one episode of back pain that lasted nearly a year, swearing up and down the whole time that chiropractors were basically witch doctors and that I would never go to one. However, when I finally caved and went to one he fixed my issue after two sessions. On the other hand, my more recent back pain was not helped after I saw my chiropractor four times. In addition, I work as a nurse and have now seen at least three patients come in with vertebral dissections, essentially a stroke, that occurred literally right after they had seen a chiropractor for neck pain. Anecdotally, I would say it isn't worth the risk. Had I done physical therapy and used bought a tens unit the first time I'm sure it would have also fixed it without the chiro, but I was lazy

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Centrist bullshit, the right loves this kind of shit

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I dig what you're getting at here man, however my advice is just get a little propane camp stove. Mine has improved my camping life so greatly I'm kicking myself for not buying one before. It's not even expensive one and you can cook in no time flat anywhere. That being said Tuna and crackers is a classic, there is a lot more canned meat than tuna and you can get a lot of variety out of crackers.

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Most sex workers are women, so it tracks

Why is it the only time I ever hear the word "fiscal" is when a conservative is defending their entire half of the political sphere πŸ˜‚ let's all look past the human rights abuses and absurd gerrymandering/rigging of the entire democratic system and just think about the "fiscal responsibility" aspect (That, paradoxically, only ever actually seems to drive the national debt up faster when conservatives are in charge)

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Jesus these people are somehow navigating cognitive dissonance like it was the final frontier

I think this is more karmic, nobody would be talking about this if he wasn't such an immature baby who has been calling names his whole political career. It doesn't really matter, but I also think it's not the kind of thing that leftists would be talking about at all if it wasn't so deserved at this point.

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Scary how normal this woman looks...

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This is fuckin gross & weird

It's just become really scary at this point, to be honest. The right have debased themselves so thoroughly, the only thing they have left is to actually elect this fucking psycho and be "right"

I'm in the medical field, so there's a lot of shit I've seen at the hospital, but I would say the real craziest thing I ever saw happened when I was in my early 20s. I moved back in with my parents for a time after I had to give up my first apartment. My parents have always had a bit of an unhealthy relationship, they fight like it's their job. My childhood bedroom is always next to the kitchen and front room where they would fight, so I heard a lot of it and sadly just got used to it after so many years, though listening to it constantly as a child formed some core memories in there somewhere.

When I was there in my 20s I would mostly hang out in the separate garage, it helps me to feel like I still kind of had my own space. I worked graves, and would maintain my schedule on my days off, playing video games through the night. One night my dad came out randomly and was in an absolute state, telling me my mom had said "maybe divorce" and a couple other things. We talked at length and I thought I had helped him calm down. He left and I was up for a few more hours. I passed him sleeping in his truck on my way into the house to go to bed, it was weird but I didn't think much of it at the time. Just figured he needed to sleep it off. I had only been asleep a couple hours, when my mom came running, panic screaming into my room at the top of her lungs. She woke me up shaking and yelling that my dad was going to kill himself right now in the garage, that he had the gun and that he said he was going to shoot himself in the face if she tried to stop him. At that moment I saw him passing my room on his way outside. With only a couple hours of sleep ruining my capacity for reasoning my adrenaline went straight from 0 to full blast. I had discovered the nature of their disagreement the night before talking to my dad, so my mouth just ran away before I could think. I sprinted into the hall and caught him by the shoulder , then immediately started shouting all kinds of heinous shit at them about how they were both being "dumb fucks, stupid fucking idiots, immature as fuck" I don't remember the exact words but you get the gist. These are two very religious people who never would have accepted hearing the slightest profanity out of me in regular circumstances, not even the word "god" or the word "hell" (mormons). So yeah, neither of them said anything they both just stood there crying or stunned and listened to me tell them what big fucking morons they were and how immature they were acting, this went on for at least 15 solid minutes, easily the most cathartic thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, bar none. At the end they were both just kind of stunned, we had it pretty well resolved and they were both calm and I went back to sleep, a testament to just how tired I was in that moment. The three of us have never talked about it again, I think because it all just got resolved right there somehow. Nothing like it has ever happened with them again according to my sister who still lives with them

Jesus fucking christ this is good shit, LMAO!

Well, I don't want to sound insensitive but that's what happens when you marry conservatives

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This is the most Internet shit I've ever seen!

Jesús fucking Christ 🀦 he truly shows how much further the right can still debase themselves if they don't wake the fuck up

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Look at the veteran with the prosthetic arm in the back, he is not giving the thumbs up πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

The moral of the story changed my LIFE!

Nurse ova here

BoTh sIdEs!!!1!! Classic enlightened centrist, smarter than all us mere mortals

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Ok, this is fucking weird right here

Nice, thanks for the explanation. I can now fully throw my support behind the proposer and say good on him! Makes the video a lot better!

One thing I frequently think about is just how toxic everything would turn if humans suddenly disappeared. There's a hell of a lot of waste and fuel that would go unmanaged and seep into the ecosystem. Nuclear reactors across the earth would a irradiate almost the entire water supply on the planet. Life might survive but not before a lot more species went extinct. Huge tracts of land would be no longer able to support life for possibly thousands of years

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No, it isn't. But it's not going to hurt em to drop that bigot shit either

Shutting those eyes super tight it appears

Seriously, conservatives want to pretend like we're all just regular people so what do our political views matter right? But if The last 8 years have taught me anything it is that every conservative is some level of a bigot, even if you can get along with them, purely based off their political goals. Sorry, you can't just work your ass off to deny people rights and sequester people you don't like, then call it a "political view".

There are a lot of the same type of communities as reddit, a symptom of so many of us coming over. I looked through my subscribed subs and just searched for fediverse alternatives, they were pretty much all easy to find

This is what I would do as well OP. Lyme ducks people up, so just like with rabies it's worth testing. Barring that, monitor behind that ear closely for inflammation and irritation

Hahaha, you new around here captain obvious? It would be horrible if everyone were free, equal, and cared for in your opinion, wouldn't it?

Cum memes just aren't that funny, tbh

Jesus I'm loving the content here too much now! Lemmy sleep!!! 😭

Hey, I see you not lurking there πŸ‘€


You say that kind of like it sounds like a good strategy to you? Sounds like a fucked way to think about society to me


I actually saw one today and I laughed out loud! It looks absurd and horribly low quality in person πŸ˜‚

The hide and seek in it is still one of my favorite multiplayer games of all time! Pretending to be an NPC just had me cracking up!

Yeah, it's healthy!