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Absolutely fucking terrifying what they are advertising and how it’s not being cared about. In addition to the lies and other shit, of course.

Trump attacks the military. He denigratesthe Justice Department and judges. He belittles the FBI and the CIA. He picks fights with allies and cozies up to dictators.

Trump is an unserious carnival barker running for the most serious job in the world. During his last term, Trump served himself and not the American people.

These are the kinds of articles we need from our media, and also needed sooner. Much sooner.

I think that’s probably for the best, because macrodosing on alcohol as a society isn’t fixing anything.

Ok, that was too deep maybe. No, I’m not on mushrooms. But I am a believer in psychedelics having positives.

I had some good shit typed out about addiction and booze (two posts in a row!), but then I mostly-read the article and see that he wants to get rid of a ruling which overturned a law making narcotics illegal (assuming the story didn’t just use that word).

So I’m now wondering if he would hold onto that until big pharma is off the hook for their role in the opiate epidemic.

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That’s what we used to call an afternoon.

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As others have said, it’s too varied.

In no small part because alcohol is a drug.

She was driving with the forks at head height. You’re probably going to encounter a clipboard doing that.


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Fucking registerwalls.

I came to posit that if the government doesn’t release the numbers we have a press to do that. Supposed to do that. Used to do that. Can’t tell if even this story tried to do that.

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That Maryland design is amazing.

He has a vife, you knov.

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I think you mean Litecanthropy.

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The internet.

In all seriousness though, the World Wide Web.

Ok for reals, there was a time where cool kids wore their pants backwards.

I was gonna make it about crime scene looking buildings but based on the other comments I think Georgia may not be in the mood.

- Tasha

“Ok, so hear me out.” says Elon as he opens a file folder.

“This,” - he lays an 8-bit pic of the Ferrari from Outrun - and “this” as out comes a crayon drawing of a truck from same-era kindergarten.

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When another poster asked, “Isn’t it possible that this was a deliberate terrorist attack rather than a tragic accident?,” Simon retorted, “It’s possible that you’re a useless shitheel rando on an internet hellsite speculating wildly and without regard to what is already known by authorities in Baltimore. Quick, have someone fund your podcast. You’ll go far.”

To a poster who called Baltimore a “mismanaged, failed state,” Simon offered a well-worded correction: “The port is a state-run entity and nothing whatsoever to do with Baltimore municipal government, you absolute submoron.”

To Anthony Sabatini, the former Florida congressman who wrote “DEI did this” – referring to diversity, equity and inclusion – Simon took no prisoners. “Your mother did you, but after a hard life of service on a truck-stop lot, can we really hold her loosened, battered womb responsible for dropping you head-first on the Winnebago floor and burdening our society with another empty, racist demagogue thereafter? We cannot.”

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Can't speak for Australians, but as a Canadian who expects that the same could happen here - why the fuck are our governments so apathetic about this shit?.

Stand up for the people trusting you. Be MAD. Stop doing it if you're also doing it.

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“We have a great delegation of grassroots leaders, elected officials and even Trump family members,” Florida GOP chairman Evan Power said.

This is absolutely disgusting. What a bunch of cucks.

Your founding fathers would be sick.

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Our bosses donate our stolen wages to Trump because if justice is on the market then anything, further, goes.

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Good. Fuck the thought police. Fuck the life police.

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Because Discovery was on in the hotel. Final answer.

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Donald Trump did this.

Because he’s a sucker and has an orbit of selfish traitors.

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But setting aside the fact that a descendant of colonizers has the caucasity to tell the descendants of the colonized that they should “leave” the land they rightfully pointed out was stolen from them…

Oh, that’s good.

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Asked for comment about the backlash, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek: "These are Never Trump idiots suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome."

In case anyone thought even Christians are welcome to criticize the idol.

The website selling the Bible bills the book as "the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!"


As well as a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of "God Bless the USA" by Greenwood.

Totally normal.

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“And I have. And I’m a pro-life person. I think you should try to choose life every time. But there are exceptions. And there are times when you need abortion. Abortion is a medical procedure,” declared Holtorf.

“Is one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?” Clark demanded.

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As a pilot can’t use many meds so should a cop not use substances with side effects of aggression.

So we just ordered a new tv and just want the universe to know that Roku wasn’t even considered and this shit is why.

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“We don’t give in to terrorists. Only domestic terrorists.”

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He added: "He liked to look at pictures and he would just tear it once he's done looking at it and just throw it on the floor."

I can’t believe I was alive for the invention of the internet and this.

Asimov: *nails it*

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

The bad guys since high school and in countless tales and yet still in governments and corner suites and at pulpits: *weaponizes it*

You know who you are: *treats it all like team sports* *thinks is player* *is ball*

Funny, I think the same about X.

X.Org should be pissed.

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A fucking hot mic on Mars should still ruin a political career for this. You know, back in the old universe.

Such values. Such winning. Such stupidity to open your lie hole around reporters.

They don’t want your dumb buildings man, they just want their money.

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“This is diminishing the American people’s faith in our system of justice itself and, to maintain a republic, you have to have that, people have to believe that justice is fair, that there’s equal justice under law.

No u

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Debt collection.

Or anything related. I filled a gap between careers doing tech support for a local (Canadian) software company that made a database for collectors (primarily in the USA). Never again, the industry or ancillary to it.

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And how? How the fuck did America choose him to be ok with as strongman?

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Things the mainstream media stopped being able to do:

- sell ads

- their job