Chinese police were allowed into Australia to speak with a woman. They breached protocol and escorted her back to China to World – 694 points –
'Extrajudicial extradition': MPs alarmed about Chinese police escorting Australian resident to China for trial

Chinese police hunting international corruption targets were allowed into Australia by the federal police and subsequently escorted a woman back to China for trial, in a major breach of Chinese-Australian police protocols.

The revelations, contained in Monday night's Four Corners program about a former Chinese spy, prompted a sharp rebuke from federal politicians who are concerned the act may have undermined Australia's national security.

The Chinese police were permitted to enter Australia in 2019 to talk with a 59-year-old Chinese-born Australian resident.

The woman was targeted under a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) anti-corruption drive called Operation Fox Hunt, which relies on police from the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) to make arrests.

Her case is one of 283 cases documented by an international NGO, Safeguard Defenders, in its recent report, Chasing Fox Hunt.

While Fox Hunt is described by the CCP as targeting "economic criminals", human rights groups have said it is also used to silence dissidents and abduct people around the world.


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Can't speak for Australians, but as a Canadian who expects that the same could happen here - why the fuck are our governments so apathetic about this shit?.

Stand up for the people trusting you. Be MAD. Stop doing it if you're also doing it.

Even the article is apathetic... they write "escorted" her back to China, when it'd actually be "kidnapped" or "abducted"...?

In the UK there was a peaceful protester and the Chinese dragged him into the embassy grounds and beat him in front of the public. They have diplomatic immunity.

Nothing was done obviously.

No wonder China and Russia shit over us and act like we are weak. We are. We proved it multiple times.

Fuck the West is shadow of what it once was.

I think this is what molotov cocktails were made for.

Might want to look up the etymology. Molotovs tended to be aimed at Western partisans.

The name originally comes from Finland and the Winter War, where they were used against soviet tanks.

As a result, the Finns sarcastically dubbed the Soviet incendiary cluster bombs "Molotov bread baskets"

You are confusing the Hungarian Revolt in '56 with the Winter War in '39.

Why don't you quote that whole paragraph:

The name's origin came from the propaganda Molotov produced during the Winter War, mainly his declaration on Soviet state radio that incendiary bombing missions over Finland were actually "airborne humanitarian food deliveries" for their "starving" neighbours.[13][10][better source needed] As a result, the Finns sarcastically dubbed the Soviet incendiary cluster bombs "Molotov bread baskets" (Finnish: Molotovin leipäkori) in reference to Molotov's propaganda broadcasts.[14][10] When the hand-held bottle firebomb was developed to attack and destroy Soviet tanks, the Finns called it the "Molotov cocktail", as "a drink to go with his food parcels".[15][16]

Yeah, it's not like western governments, "intelligence" agencies or police would ever beat protesters, persecute political dissidents, murder civilians, torture suspects in designated black sites, ally with dictatorships who torture and murder journalists with bone saws, overthrow democratically elected governments, or engage in any behavior that is horrifically anti-democratic or anti-human rights.

That time when the west was historically great was a lie. We were only better than fascism or communism, but our ruling class, the politicians they own, and their corporations have always engaged in horrific shit. Ours just hide behind the media and a liability shield of a dozen LLC's, or do it hidden behind closed doors — unless you're a palestinian, protester, communist, or a dozen other groups who are okay to oppress publicly at any given time.

Yeah and everyone knows: Whataboutisms are a really great way to argue your point!

It would be Whataboutism if I defended the accusations against China or Russia. I explicitly said we were better — just only better than the bottom of the barrel — and the whole point of my comment was to refute the right-wing nationalist fantasy that we were historically "strong", "great" or "righteous"; a time that never existed in reality.

I suggest you learn what maketh a logical fallacy.

the Chinese dragged him into the embassy grounds and beat him in front of the public

Uh... any link on that? I'm not finding this reference anywhere.

The article isn't clear as to what precipitated the brawl,_Manchester

The individual was part of a crowd attempting to harass individuals within the embassy, not someone police snatched off the street at random.

Bob appears to have tried to drag off a member of the consult in the act of tearing down signs, only to be pulled inside himself in a tug of war with the consulate staff.

Nothing about this looks peaceful.

I cannot not read this in Cave Johnson's voice.

I didn't read it that way the first time, but yep. J. K. Simmons energy all over that comment.

Devil's Advocacy:

The why is really really simple. The actions taken in result have the potential to cause more harm than help. Tariffs don't work, censureship is useless, and war is... yeah. They can get up on stage and shout about how angry they are but it means fuck all. The important part is how WE deal with it. Legislature starts from the grass roots level, political activism and engagement can help make new laws that expressly do not allow extradition by the CCP and other adversarial nations, or in any way allow an arm of the CCP to search for or request information on any individuals.