Armok: God of Blood

@Armok: God of
7 Post – 555 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

How will artists ever compete with this?

We need guns because we'll never disarm the state's goons.

I had seventh generation game consoles before anyone I knew had a smartphone.

The illusion of democracy has entirely worn off. When are we taking to the streets with guns?

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That's one little chunky boy.

Your spoiler tag doesn't work for me.

I browse all, so I still get it from communities that aren't dedicated to NSFW. It's easy to avoid.


Most of the gory NSFW stuff I see is from Ukraine.

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I thought about doing that, but I don't have the training or license to drive a boat. I'm in Hawaii, so it can get pretty rough out in the ocean. I'm also not sure how I would get money for food and stuff. I don't have massive savings or anything.

Same, except now I don't know how I'm gonna pay next month's rent. (I was spit out a while ago.)

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That gave me a chuckle.

Yeah, I wouldn't have gotten dinner as a kid if I was that picky.

Hexbear disliked that

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I wish I could get all the mods from the subreddits that rolled over in June/July in a room and slap each and every one upside the head.

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When I worked there, they wouldn't assign me tasks and then blamed me when nothing got done.

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They already have this. I was denied a request for an abandoned subreddit because my social credit score was too low (effectively).

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Because they thought if they just folded to the site admins that everything would be okay in the end. "Oh, we built a community! We don't want to lose it, so we're opening back up so daddy Spez doesn't take away our power!"

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I think the reality is that no one on Reddit gives a shit about Lemmy. I used to see if my comments were being deleted by a mod by opening the permalink in a private browser window. I don't know if admin removal has a more complicated way of masking it or not.

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Furry Discord servers

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If I call you "stupid," "moronic," or "intellectually bankrupt" you know what I'm saying. Getting offended by the specific wording of an ad hominem, while giving synonymous terms a pass, is truly some of the finest hair-splitting I have ever had the displeasure of seeing.

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Anyone that isn't voting for Biden is helping someone get into office that will implement wildly homophobic and transphobic policies. People in this thread are really showing their cards.

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No, that's self-regulating body temperature. You're thinking of herpetology.

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Kaan moment

I don't think an online petition has ever changed anything in the history of the internet.

Seoul is 11 km from the North Korean border. People just assume things won't go wrong until they do.

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I better see a comma in my bank account. There's a comma in my rent.

Roku filed for the patent in August 2023 and it was published in November 2023, though it hasn’t yet been granted

So they haven't patented shit.

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I blacked out irrelevant information.

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Pack up your political posts and go somewhere else. It's "shitposts," not "shit posts."

I'm never going to be able to escape this damn game

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.

And we had to share the rock

The bill, passed by the state’s Senate last month and set for a vote from its general assembly in August, requires AI groups in California to guarantee to a newly created state body that they will not develop models with “a hazardous capability,” such as creating biological or nuclear weapons or aiding cyber security attacks.

I'll get right back to my AI-powered nuclear weapons program after I finish adding glue to my AI-developed pizza sauce.

This is generated by AI.

Anyone that throws around "Genocide Joe" is a fascist that's trying to undermine the actual presidental election.

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It's so sad Striker died of ligma

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It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how you automatically have copyright on any written work you produce, and how it's unclear whether any sort of licensing even applies to training data in the US.

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