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Joined 12 months ago

Outlook is garbage. Everything Microsoft does is garbage and consumer hostile, except for visual studio code. Anyone who's used Google business apps knows this. Teams is such an unproductive joke I refuse to work for any company that uses it. It's evidence a company is cheap and values cost cutting more than efficiency.

I had a family 365 account to backup my parent's shit. Even though their PC's were logged into their fucking Microsoft accounts, and backed up to OneDrive, Outlook displayed ads and couldn't be linked to their subscription without changing their account emails. Ads were also re-inserted into their OS, even though I already ran multiple scripts to disable them all previously. Complete joke. Cancelled that shit.

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That's why vscodium exists brah

The majority don't learn that the only reason we have a weekend, 38 hour work week, maternity leave, sick leave, annual leave, severance, OHS, etc etc is because workers fought, and died, for all of them.

The state and corporations worked together to crush labor movements, using both the police and military, right up until they were passed into law. Apple won't do shit about this unless it impacts image/profitability.

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Try the user agent switcher add-on. The volume of times I've changed my agent to chrome and had a site work perfectly is infuriating.

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This, or the humble royalty, is most fictional hero storylines. I unironically believe capitalism uses these tropes to condition the people into believing feudalism, authoritarianism, and genetic divinity are justifiable.

Remember! The rich are rich because they're better than you! Not because them or their ancestors were murderers, slave owners, exploiters, criminal sociopaths, etc.

Rich kids turn out to be assholes!?!

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If you think this is common, especially in the Philippines, you got mental illness.

I had legitimate bans and completely ridiculous power tripping bans. I was always able to create a new account though. The trick is to mix and match different VPN's/IP's with different browsers/containers.

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Remember, you can't transfer modest sums of money without intense scrutiny — coz tErRoRiSM — but corporations can funnel billions of dollars through fake corporations, run by fake &/or dead people, registered at locations that have never existed, solely to commit tax evasion — a crime you would spend decades in prison for, if you did it at 1/1000th the scale.

This is from the same establishment that argues against your access to encryption — coz pEdOs and tErRoRiSM — but Epstein didn't hill himself, and 99.99% of his pedo establishment accomplices were let off scott-free.

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Everyone knows that if a terrorist takes a hostage, you murder the hostage and their entire family!

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Luckily, we can choose to reject reality and believe whatever makes us feel better.

I feel best believing the biosphere is gonna force humanity to “find out” for the last century of fuckin around with a recklessly unplanned terraform.

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broken legislative systems are vulnerable to fascists

Lucky America doesn't have a broken legislative sys... Oh no

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Lol. Considering it was senior management that ignored staff, this statement is even fucking dumber than it sounds.

Police questioned him for 19 fucking hours over his personal recreational drug use — yet another victim of the war on drugs, created a century ago by conservatism to persecute minorities and the poor.

The police, the state, and Korean culture killed this man through bullying and harassment, because of what he chose to do with his own body — which should be nobody's business but his own.

Magnificent! You've successfully constructed and attacked a straw-man by conflating economics with medical science, and displayed your total ignorance of ... everything ... in the process...

He's used to vetted and sanitized interactions. At every event, every speech, photo, journalist, and question is heavily curated.

Of course he's afraid of anything outside the carefully manufactured safe space.

Lol. They've only ever used "states rights" like "small gubberment"; as a means to impose their will on the largest scale they currently hold power. As soon as they gain the upper hand and can impose their will via a higher government (or regulator) — such as imposing their will on local governments via state law, or imposing their will on states via federal law (or the EPA) — they don't give it a second thought.

This is how fascists and authoritarians operate. They lie, because words mean nothing to them but a means to achieve authoritarian rule... They don't stop at the national level either.

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They don't seem to understand how much effort I'm willing to put in to be unprofitable.

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They've tried everything except actually funding NASA, and they're all outta ideas.

NOTE: China WILL overtake NASA, the same way they are dominating the renewable energy sector — because they invest heavily in science, and they do it early. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this shit.

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This was always the intention when fascists started manufacturing the whole “trans are pedos” (aka groomers) narrative — to strip their rights away. Trans are the testing ground for authoritarian take over; identical to 1930’s Germany.

The only way you can strip a specific, targeted sub-group of the populations rights away is by making that group of people an enemy; in recent history the only indefensible enemies have been pedos and terrorists (islamic only though, coz Christianity). They lost the red scare trope several decades ago.

Take note. They’ll expand these targeted attacks to all other “others” as soon as they get (or manufacture) the opportunity… It doesn’t matter that the average conservative politician or Christian evangelist is 100x more likely to be a pedo than the average trans person, because they have never, and will never, give a shit about kids.

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Classic backtrack by a wholesale narcissist, Marie Antoinette wannabe, whose voicing of their unfiltered thoughts have damaged their profit outlook.

Minerals Council of Australia chairman Andrew Michelmore - had defended him. "Employees have got used to earning the same amount of money but not putting in the same hours"

"We destroyed economic mobility, the social contract, and the planet. Pray we don't destroy it any further"

I expect no less from the oligarchy, especially a fossil fuel oligarch. Remember, these are the sociopaths who own our lives, from corporations to regulators and governments, and are accelerating the destruction of our planet.

They are telling you what they think of the 99+%. You are not a person. You are cattle to fuel their wealth until you can be replaced or discarded for profit. You only exist to generate their wealth and fuel their excess to greater heights. Their only god is greed. They will not think twice about letting you die if it means more resources and power for themselves; many of them would choose to pull the trigger on mass murder than ever redistributing their wealth.

Believe them when they tell you who they are.

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I always expected us to never address our ecological destruction or climate change in any meaningful way, and instead devolve into some techno-feudalist, fascist dystopia before the civilisation collapses into a death spiral... But man... I've never wanted to be wrong more in my entire life.

Watching the EU regress in unison, back down the auth path, is not how I expected it would go down.

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Unpopular opinion: if you require disenfranchised voters to stave off a fascist dictatorship then you're already a failed state and are only kicking the can down the road.

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It gets under my skin because the west was on the right trajectory; improving wealth equality, quality of life, work life balance, etc — Then Capitalists killed all those gains using Conservatism, Neoliberalism, and a bastardised version of Libertarianism — just to enrich a tiny percentage the human population and return the rest of humanity to feudalism.

Why should they own all the gains from humanities collective efforts, when all of us have a rightful claim to a share of those gains?

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This article is dumb. Why act like the "rules for the, but not for me" fascists will miraculously start following their own rules, when they regularly don't even follow any rules or laws?

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If they can reverse the debt forgiveness for student loans, they can reverse the debt forgiveness for PPP loans...

They can also reverse any bailouts given to corporations who abused the system — paying bonuses or dividends to shareholders while suckling on the tax payers teat.

That's how the IDF have killed ~20k Palestinians and ~100 journalists in the last 2 months. Mass murder of the civilian population is the intended consequence when you're indiscriminately bombing refugee camps and journalists.

"If they move, they're Hamas... If they stand still, they're well disciplined Hamas" — IDF

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Just some of your classic age-old right wing terrorists who think they're freedom fighters folks. Perfectly normal behaviour.

While iLeakage works against Macs only when running Safari, iPhones and iPads can be attacked when running any browser because they’re all based on Apple’s WebKit browser engine.

Member how Apple argues ((security)) to justify their monopoly enforcement of WebKit on iOS? Lol. Good one.

If any of the chucklefucks actually gave a shit about what the bible says, they'd all be as socialist as Jesus and would've burned Trump at a stake for being the antichrist.

You can't deprogram religious extremists with religion.

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My face when it turns out every multinational corporation is run by criminals.

That's what happens when you reward criminal behaviour with wealth.

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It's not a war, it's a massacre...

Should ... Should we tell OP that nobody understands all of any moderately large codebase, especially the sub-dependencies ... or that even the thousands of developers who wrote most of that code don't understand how their own code works anymore?

I could read the same book every year and I still won't remember most of the minor events on my deathbed. Doesn't mean I won't remember the key components that make up the story — coding is like that, except the minor events and key components can be rewritten or removed by someone else whenever you go to read them next.

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Voters don't care about the economy as long as their cost of living situation is worse.

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"You are the most guilty, uncooperative, unapologetic criminal I've ever dealt with" — Judge

Slap on wrist — also, Judge

I'll believe otherwise when I see it.

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Same for health care. If the rich had no other option but to depend on the public system, they'd be more likely to ensure it's properly funded.

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The Japanese eat a huge amount of seafood. They aren't dumb enough to pollute their main source of protein more than what's deemed scientifically safe, and I trust them to do that.

This is just age old Chinese racism shrouded in greenwashing. I'd like to see the stats on the pollution flowing into the ocean from China. I guarantee it's 10x worse than anything Japan is doing.

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They spent decades stacking the courts to dictate the rule of law and make any of their actions nice and legal.

They spent decades establishing a propaganda machine so support wouldn't wain as they upgrade the dog whistles to dog sirens and implement a Christian Fascism dictatorship.

Why anyone is surprised by this is the deeply troubling part.

Every journalist, in every interview, should ask him if 2020 was stolen and how, until he admits it was a lie or becomes liabile for defamation.

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