New House Speaker Tells Hannity, ‘Go Pick Up a Bible Off Your Shelf and Read It – That’s My Worldview’

Flying to politics – 597 points –
New House Speaker Tells Hannity, ‘Go Pick Up a Bible Off Your Shelf and Read It – That’s My Worldview’

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If any of the chucklefucks actually gave a shit about what the bible says, they'd all be as socialist as Jesus and would've burned Trump at a stake for being the antichrist.

You can't deprogram religious extremists with religion.

I'm Jewish, and thus not an expert on Jesus by any means. Still, even I know that Biblical Jesus would be a socialist today, not a Republican.

He gave out free healthcare.

He fed the hungry without charging them.

He hung around people who were on the fringes of society.

He worked against the wealthy.

If Biblical Jesus were to magically appear in modern society, the only reason he would enter a MAGA church would be to flip a few tables.

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Not looking to deprogram with religion, just logic. And even though they will be mad at me for pointing out their flaws, hopefully someone somewhere will go “hmm..”

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