Toyota: World's largest carmaker raided over safety scandal to World – 284 points –
Toyota: World's largest carmaker raided over safety scandal

Japan's transport ministry raided the headquarters of motor giant Toyota on Tuesday, as a scandal over faulty safety data escalated. 

The world's largest carmaker has apologised for providing incorrect or manipulated data for safety certification tests.

The scandal has shaken the Japanese car industry, with rivals Honda, Mazda and Suzuki also admitting to submitting faulty data.


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My face when it turns out every multinational corporation is run by criminals.

That's what happens when you reward criminal behaviour with wealth.

and worst case scenario everyone involved in this (except some low ranking flunky) gets a golden parachute

Well the Chairman’s last name is “Toyoda”… I think he’ll be aight


98% of all Japanese adoptions are employers adopting the adult men on their staff, not children


Some of Japan's most famous companies have remained a "family-run" businesses because of "mukoyoshi," such as carmaker Toyota, which was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937.

Suzuki is also famously run by adopted sons — in fact, the current chairman and CEO Osamu Suzuki is the fourth consecutively adopted son to run the group.

The shitty thing is there's lots of criminals that get taken down very harshly (namely the poor kind). It's not even a meritocracy in that way.

Man, it's always felt like that to me as well. Even the little guys make no sense sometimes.