17 Post – 389 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

This is kind of a Shane Gillis joke lol. He said Biden might be the first president ever you could punch-assassinate hahaha

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If Biden gets replaced, please be Pete

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What are you referring to?

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I always thought it was pronounced "Boot - e - jij"

Goddamnit Biden is toast

We have a convicted felon as a nominee of a major party, who is a severe threat to national security. What the fuck are Republicans smoking?

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Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

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bOtH sIdEs

No college protests huh?

I actually stopped taking it a couple years ago! But it certainly stopped being as useful as it once was so I think I’m better off. Thank you for your concern kind stranger!

I run a massive streaming service too, which is also way bigger than all the streamers combined. It's just only distributed over my private home network. Jellyfin for the win!

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“Give a fuck” and stop spreading right wing propaganda, you’re doing your best to create complacency trying to paint a picture that Joe Biden is some awful president. He's not, and he is the only choice you have if you actually “give a fuck” about WW3 or Palestine or anything else

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Jesus man, if you really think the DNC will replace their incumbent president with a different nominee, you’re living in a fantasy world. Doesn’t matter how much you think they should, they won’t.

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Pedantry is unbecoming. He will be the nominee, and he will be your only choice, if you actually give a fuck. Which you don’t, you’re more interested in spreading right wing propaganda about how “bad” Joe Biden is

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Care to put money on Biden being the nominee? I’ll put $10k on it

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Keep living in a fantasy world bud. Again, wanna put $10k on it?

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I disagree with your entire premise, and your approach. Sitting around bitching about Biden won’t get you a different candidate, and you’re spreading Republican propaganda.

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Let me own a tank damnit!

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War and genocide can happen at the same time...... they aren't mutually exclusive

It's all so politicized now its just never going to happen. Half the country will literally lose their minds because they're children who think owning a gun is a god given right

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What a complete joke that company is

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These companies should be forced to pay big money to each and every person affected by these breaches. Not like $120. Like $10,000 per. Teach them real lessons

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Sleepy Don. Sad.

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Scary shit.

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This guy grew up around me. Truly a bible thumping idiot. And a catholic to boot. How they can honestly believe they have a moral leg to stand on while supporting that church is ironic to the peak. Get fucked Butker

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If buying isn’t owning, then pirating isn’t stealing.

Fair winds and following seas to you fellow sailors, arrrrr

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Duh. As these models get better they’ll become more widely used by enterprises to save costs. That’s why these tech companies spent so much developing them… to sell them. The solution isn’t banning AI btw, it’s providing UBI to those most affected

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All those Republicans are gonna have to square their "law and order" worldview with voting for a CONVICTED FELON.

What a bunch of dipshits

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That’s my religious organization! Proud to be a regular donor. Highly recommend everyone joins and donates, they’re truly doing great work

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This just in: richest people in the US are greedy cocksuckers who will do anything to avoid paying taxes, including backing a convicted felon for president

Shameful. Bring out the guillotines

This is what happens when we no longer give sanctity to Truth. Everyone gets to just make up and believe whatever nonsense they want. It’s a shame so many are so stupid

Garbage site, so glad I found Lemmy

We can talk all day about how bad Israel is, but these guys aren’t good guys either

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Tech Jesus had a video about this recently too. I’ll stay far away from Asus

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Hahahahaha fuck Elon

Very, very low energy. Not a leader

Great job Portugal

Business park or industrial park. Difference is if there are warehouses in the back or not

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The Catholic Church has to be one of the most ironic institutions in the world. They tout themselves as some moral authority, while falling almost at the very bottom of the morality totem pole. Anyone who just unquestioningly follows what that church says is a fucking idiot

Kushner has already drawn up plans for the condos they’re gonna build in Gaza after they bulldoze it. People are so fucking stupid if this is the reason they don’t vote for Biden. It will literally get much worse