Pete Buttigieg fact-checks a GOP congressman to his face at House hearing to politics – 489 points –
Pete Buttigieg fact-checks a GOP congressman to his face at House hearing - LGBTQ Nation

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If Biden gets replaced, please be Pete

the bar is so low. did everyone forget who this guy is?

I shall never forget as long as I live. Katie Porter or AOC would be better choices.

What are you referring to?

He's a milquetoast centrist moderate who will champion the same neoliberal policies that led us to this current state of crisis in America. He was also a proud McKinsey consultant and I think he worked with the CIA. During the election I thought his main issues were just not enough experience, though (he was just mayor of a small town basically). Social issue wise he's better than Trump still. Anyone is, though lol.

Agreed. Pete in the debate would have been a dramatically different situation. I'd happily watch him fact check all day long.

We should start a campaign to write him in to force the Dems' hand.

I like Pete but his name is a problem. It has the word butt in it, and is pronounced like "booty judge."

Great guy, unfortunate name.

Sounds fun to me. If it was actually pronounced like that I'd like him more.

Yeah. Maybe hanging a lantern on it would work. Do a campaign commercial with Sir Mix A Lot or something.