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Joined 10 months ago

As a choosey mom, you would be surprised how often it comes up.

~fuck you, Skippy~

I like how this argument assumes schools are just regularly stocking school libraries with your Literotica history.

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Sounds fun to me. If it was actually pronounced like that I'd like him more.

Pray tell- what is so sexy about The Diary of Anne Frank or Maus?

It's crazy how these Satanists are indoctrinating children. It's not like a child just naturally chooses to be a Satanist- their parents put them up to it.

Ain't gonna have none of that shit in our home- we take them to church every weekend and make sure they believe exactly what we believe or I'll tan their hides.

My eyes are so far apart...

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I like to give them diminutive nicknames. Bill is now Wittle Biwwy. You don't get to choose what we call you, asshole.

That's like free beer for your dog or kitchen stove. Here in Idaho, we try not to anthropomorphize our property.

Wait till they find out how hard it is to get a hair cut once "mobilized".

I think birds are just kind of smug and self assured in general.

As someone with a doctorate in Metaphysics from the Universal Life Church, I concur.

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We're all Tom on OurSpace.

I don't think you're considering the demographic.

But how do you deal with the horrors of all that communism?

Is it not a terrifying wasteland with less... consumer goods? I would die without my Kit Kat flavored Trix cereal.

All that performance enhancing Geritol.

You act like people are just having sex all the time in real life, but as we all know real people rarely ever have sexual relationships. Now if the characters had to masturbate once a day to cartoon characters...

Genuine question, how accurate are Tazers? If the partner was in a headlock, was there any risk of tazering the wrong person while the gum was more accurate?

Speaking independently of the story- Not very by comparison to firearms. Something like 50% less accurate. There's also the issue that tasers will not always incapacitate someone. That's a gamble if someone has a weapon and the range to use it.

Part of the rationale in using a firearm is the need to body someone before they can use a weapon where non lethal methods are just not as effective.

Of course, when you investigate yourself you will always find that you used your firearm in the appropriate situational context.

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It's troubling. The vaccine is obviously a bigger killer than covid ever was. The fact is 100% of all vaccine recipients will die within 1-90 years.

Or an unattended gun is picked up by a child. Of course, this will be used to further attack public schools.

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Do they? I just moved back to the rural area I grew up in after spending ten years in Cleveland.

Cleveland's not the greatest, but there's dick around here outside of Walmart. I can drive 30 minutes into the nearest small city if I need a Home Depot or something, but Cleveland had tons of choices by comparison. Not a ton of restaurants, most are same ish or eaten up by Applebee's. Fast food is even pretty limited.

Back in the day we had small shops, but most are dead now...

I seem to recall a could of incidents of cops leaving guns in school restrooms.




But you seem to want to extrapolate more from my short comment.

I'm not anti gun at all. Might even have a few. However, having attended a rural public school I know many of my former teachers are a lot like my neighbors. Dumb, irresponsible bullies. Not all of them, but it's not an uncommon deal.

In the end, it's not that I think most people are dumb, just that people are people and we are our own weakest link. We're the least reliable part of a system.

And yeah, we often implement things in the most pants shittingly stupid way possible. Especially when it's something born or of a culture built and nurtured as a political tool.

Really, FFS, have some respect for what you're arguing against.

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Good thing our constitution has no mentions of rights for non citizens...

Oh wait...

Moving is what got you.

The boy with psychic powers (of whom we are all very fond) that rules Canada is the source of immortality. You've moved from his sphere of influence.

You don't use a knife on a baguette, you freak. You tear a piece of. Ever hear of breaking bread?

Fuck's sake, heathens.

Appreciate the cooler response, despite that we started by snipping at each other.

I can't say I have the answers, but I figure it's a start, along with greater oversight and accountability. Doing better with general education helps build more people with common sense. Better mental healthcare. Better emotional education. Gun laws that are actually common sense about restrictions without being sweeping and mindless. A more common sense gun culture.

Injecting more guns just feels like a simple answer to a complex question that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. That just creates more unpredictable factors, which isn't something you ever want when you're trying to secure a situation.

We're so culturally and infrastructurally damaged that we can barely implement any solutions. I don't know what fixes that.

as usual everyone having guns isn't like makeing the place more safe.

If anything it's more like injecting an unknown number of dangerous wildcards into an already dangerous situation.

Pfsh. You're right. These guys aren't gonna be laughing during the next mass murder by a knife wielding escrima expert.

Seriously was my first thought. Tarantulas don't do well with short falls.

I don't think anything could possibly chide him more than simply forgetting and continuing to call it Twitter.

That's a pretty optimistic future considering current Detroit.