
1 Post – 250 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

I don't see any punctuation in that quote, so I'd bet there's a lot of context missing

Whatever happened to those "nightshade" images that poison the model?

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They figure no one person will have the means to sue or the ability to prove that their data was scraped.

I refuse to vote for Sanders...

Because I don't live in his state so I'm not allowed to.

He's done great work convincing progressives that the best way to change the Democratic party is from the inside, and I hope it continues.

And I think it just means that if you are rich enough to sue a newspaper, then they'll never claim you are anything other than an upstanding citizen.

Near me, a megachurch has been under construction for two decades has been begging for funds from the very poor community.

Every time I drive by it I hope I see a burned out shell instead. That money could have helped people, Jesus said to pray quietly at home

If it's real, someone's getting reassigned to the SMO

It's only recently in the past century or so that serious spirituality in our culture has been able to detach itself from religion, sometimes forming new ones

i.e. fanfic

I'm in awe of the bravery it takes to use civil disobedience in Iran

Have they tried reducing their price or increasing the quality of their product?


It's news that the administration is saying it

Anyone else think it's because the RNC is low on money?

I remember hearing reports of difficulties fundraising since Trump never stopped since 2016 and the wells are running dry

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They didn't invent the concept of punctureless wheels, but they certainly invented a set a wheels that are punctureless

It's not that it can be measured forever, it's just that it refuses to match up with any line on the ruler.

For a line of length pi: it's somewhere between 3 or 4, so you get a ruler and figure out it's 3.1ish, so you get a better ruler and you get 3.14ish. get the best ruler in existence and you get 3.14159265...ish

According to a friend of mine that plays, the whales were asking for this feature so they didn't have to go through the purchase process for each ship

Someone's going to sell your phone on the black market

is my favorite

Good for them

Hear me out, maybe there shouldn't be half a million birds in a single flock

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Damn AI anyways for making me dismiss the photo as fake

From what I've heard he only gets one shot at a motion for recusal, so he's waiting until there's no chance the recusal will be denied.

Or so I hope

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All of it. I want the AFU to have so much US-supplied ordinance that it makes Helldivers look prophetic

Is it too much to ask for people to not get their political opinions from cartoons?

I also recommend It Could Happen Here

r/childfree called it "The Lifescript"


Congress can't agree that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but this gets a unanimous vote?

I think they got some classified info we didn't

and a Star Trek episode

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"I implemented this model at Yahoo!"

"So you're the reason why Yahoo! is a useless search engine and its market share crashed?"


"You're hired!"

This sort of shit makes me want to go into business myself to show everyone how easy it would be to make long-term stable growth by just not squeezing employees and customers for every cent

Sounds to me like Palworld is safe if they're going after a mod for it

Did we really need a study to prove supply and demand still works?

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Looks like "I didn't know I couldn't do that" Is out as a defense when he inevitably does that.

That's basically the cornerstone of their legal defense

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My theory for #1 is that it's an unlisted video targeted at extremists or maybe a "How to make an illegal item" guide

Which I also think can be reasonable

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That fungus would eat the tree if it had the abiliry

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Sweet potato or corn starch.

So it's perfectly edible, other than they aren't produced as food and aren't made to that standard


I don't know about "plenty", the well finally seems to be running dry

Discourage means: Make guidelines to follow for humourous messages, like "don't make a reference too specific for everyone to get"

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I hate to be that guy, but source?

All the info I could find is derived from the Bloomburg article, which clearly says "water instead of fuel", and also silo doors that don't fully open lmao

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sure they could sue, but what about the kidnapping part of it?

Among other things, yes

I hope this suit works, there's a lot of game microtransactions out there that could use the precedent