Ukraine sent special forces to Syria to attack Russians there, revealing a new front to the war: report to World – 178 points –
Ukraine sent special forces to Syria to attack Russians there, revealing a new front to the war: report

Russia is sending Mercs across the whole of Africa to saw at the legs of France's empire. One of the big reasons Macron seems miffed.

Ukraine has been doing the same. Small teams across the globe that mess with Russian interests where they are vulnerable.

The Russian propaganda engine has been working in Africa for a while now. They get the chaos to distract other countries from Ukraine and fresh mercs to send against Ukraine as well. (I am not sure how many Africans they have imported for the war in Ukraine, actually. It could be hundreds or dozens, I dunno.)

The US operates conditionally in Syria right? So these Ukrainians have better backup and Intel?

Interesting tactic... I hope this doesn't turn into the Pebbleyeet tug-o-war meme.

Sadly I think it's gonna be more like the Latvian potato meme.

Ukrainian SOF has done the same in Africa for a while now

How does this help in the defense of Ukraine?

Kill russians in Syria -> russia has to send more russians to Syria -> less russians available to send to Ukraine.

I guess russian military personnel abroad isn't cannon fodder, because for obvious reasons, they are not as easy to replace as the meat waves in their border. So, maybe russia is being forced to send actual soldiers abroad and leave just the untrained ones in ukraine

Ukraine sends more people to Syria -> fewer Ukrainians available to defend Ukraine.

I'm not an expert, but you're probably not sending special forces to fight around a heavily mined front that's been pretty much frozen for a year and a half.

It's worth finding out if Russia is softer in Syria than it is in Ukraine. Maybe you can't make progress in eastern Ukraine but can make force them to react to your actions in Syria.