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Joined 6 months ago

Quak, Quak, quuaakk

Because it is easier to deny your enemy terrain than it is to keep it.

And Ukraine does have a navy. It is just made up out of very angry remote controlled low observable high speed boats that carry a ton of explosives and don't have to come home because they want to hug your ship and make it sad.

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The systems need to be installed too.

Because it was a bet either way. Indeed your stalemate. After this there might have been other legal avenues that the US would have attempted.. prolonging the whole ordeal.

Especially the human aspect. Government employees just go home at the end of their day and sleep fine. Assange spent his time in an embassy/prison while this whole ordeal went through. Now it is over.

The US did not have him in one of their actual prisons, but they did imprison him for over a decade.

Plenty of unwanted people in NKorea that currently take up food and other resources in the internment camps. This is just the long way round for getting rid of them without using zyklonB or some other horrible method. While at the same time getting something in return from Russia. Very bleek outlook. Poor damned people, poor Ukranians that will no doubt also incur casualties because of this.

Sure pointing to Russian incompetence is easy. I would like to see how NATO ships fare in a training exercise against a pack of 10 Magura V's. I'll bet they will find it is much harder than they thought.

These things are so low in the water they dissapears between the waves for radar and other tracking systems, they can move slow to get close and be within the outer defense layers before they are spotted. And now they even come with deployable mines, grad missiles or even anti air missiles.

That makes sense. Although a lot of navy power is smaller ships, frigates and such.

But also the emergence of the drone boat in its current form was for sure hypothesized but now that they are here, the race is on to find a solution.

And several types of ships simply have no alternatives. Carriers, helicopter carriers, amphibious transport ships, oilers.

I have no clue what kind of penetration a phalanx has, but Magura is armored.. there I also don't know if this is just against small arms but I'd imagine a bit more. Also a drone boat is not shaped like a normal boat. It is flat with a sloped top so even chance of glancing blows.

Such a dishonest reply. As the guidelines specifically even forbid using honest means to further a political goal. And the punishment goes up to the death sentence. But then you are a cheerleading an authoritarian government. Seems par for the course.

The guidelines categorize and outline specific actions that constitute crimes of secession and incitement to secession, including:

  • Initiating or establishing organizations, plans, or programs aimed at promoting Taiwanese independence.
  • Attempting to alter Taiwan’s status through legislative means or referendums.
  • Seeking international recognition of Taiwan as an independent entity.
  • Using one’s job or influence, such as in government, education, or media, to misrepresent or falsify the history of Taiwan’s status as part of China.
  • Consistently taking part in or playing a major role in activities that support Taiwanese independence.

The new standards stipulate severe punishments for those identified as leaders or significant participants in secessionist activities, and classify actions causing “significant harm to the state and its people” as offenses that may result in the death penalty. Other punishments range from life imprisonment to fixed-term imprisonment, similarly depending on the severity and role in the activities.

In response to the new guidelines, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council issued a statementemphasizing the democratic freedoms enjoyed by Taiwan’s citizens. The council asserted that Beijing has no jurisdiction over Taiwan and that the new laws are therefore not binding on the people of Taiwan. The council further criticized the Chinese Communist Party’s actions as detrimental to cross-strait relations.

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Go figure, a lot of people don't care about your fundamentalist backwards brethren poking Israël with a stick and then hiding behind civilians so they can cry in the media when innocents die.

Those ads that are now inserted during the program on us tv shows are annoying as fuck Banner at the bottom or side... Goddamnit.

That the US and her defense contractors see this and are very busy developing solutions against this very potent threat against their own ships. Since the rest of the Wold als sees this.. and that includes some people/groups/countries that might want to sink some American ships. If anything this shows how dangerous Iran could make the Persian gulf for American ships.

Magura proves how vulnerable ships can be, especially against modern wolf packs.

So I hypothesize that they will come up with some form of "after market" installable Close In Weapon System (aka.. a bolt on CIWS) to deal with these kind of threats.

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You are right, sorry. Unmanned Surface Vehicle.

Or just put era blocks on ships too.. lol

They are.. gun based ciws can easily be used against ribs and such. I just don't know if a drone boat ban be armored enough to withstand the onslaught.

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So the government acted quickly, signed a contract for the delivery of PPE that was delivered. Then the pandemic died down and the PPE eventually was not needed.

I understand that these numbers are astronomical, but it does seem like it was done for the right reasons and in the right way.

For a government to get the volume they require, they need a supplier to scale up. A company scales up the way this supplier did requires investments and thus income. Meaning large orders.

And then this stuff has a 3 year shelf life meaning the existing contracts where sufficient for usage and the stock went to waste.

Can you imagine if the government had not made these provisions and the peak of the pandemic lasted 6 or 12 more months. This was an insurance premium.. an expensive one.. but an insurance premium. People don't whine their house did not burn down even though they paid the premium.

My only dissapointment would be if it turns put elsewhere in the world there would have been an actual need for this stuff and instead of eating those costs, incineration was cheaper.

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Cheap - fast - good... Pick 2

Stronger ties.. or better prices and other concessions. Once someone is down, you step on their neck... The strong mans credo.

India wants to setup their own military industrial complex. They probably have some outstanding orders for Russian kit that will not be fulfilled in the foreseeable future. So moving the outstanding orders over to buying oil and gas for cheap..

Verizon is probably the provider for the 911 dispatch center. So calls will be carried by the network and Verizon trips them at the door.

No they won't, but now they where deemed at fault, let the civil litigation begin. As this is the American way.

Yes, add USVs to the treat list.

The type of threats these things pose are a lot more similar to missiles than they are to a Rib filled with goons. Low observable and fast, close to shore means that a high level of automation might be needed. Aka.. a ciws.

And why I think there might be add ons, is the type of threat is new and existing systems might not suffice. Magura is armored a plane or missile is not.

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Yeah simple. It's not like it's rocket science.

Yes, very much so. The reason I think there might be add ons is due to the nature of the threat.

Very angry, low visible, high speed, armored, unmanned surface vehicles that hunt in packs.

  • The Rim116 might not be usable because by the time you see them you might not want to / can not use a missile anymore.
  • The gun based ciws (midas/goalkeeper/phalanx et al.) might not have enough penetration. They are built for engaging unarmored targets.

We can make fun of the Russian expansion of their submarine fleet in de black sea all we want.. but if these maguras where an easy threat to deal with they would. No reason to think any NATO surface combatant would do any better when suddenly confronted with a similar threat.

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But probably they will settle for opening the books on the EV manufacturers and their supply chains. And then either we will see the companies are state sponsored, or the western manufacturers are price gouging customers.

We will learn when they are there from Russian telegram channels crying about shot down mig 31's and harm missiles hitting AA radars.

And it will only get worse.

Scheme just refers to a system. And you need buy in else billionaires just pull up their flag and move their capital.

The fact these people can borrow against their portfolio and thus have no income is ridiculous.

I am by no means an expert. I'd guess the active carbon in the filters.

No definitive answer, but it's about the filtering abilities:

A very apt descriptions

So how does that work with equal treatment under the law?

Does this not just mean some get punished harder than others?

That said, I can imagine that people that do not have a passport to your country can be kindly requested to fuck off and never return again. And I think that is a good thing. From a countries perspective: my passport... my problem, not my passport... GTFO.

I don't understand why discord is so popular for communities. There is 0 permanence, and google does not index it so not even organic growth.

Discord is a black hole of knowledge except for the ai training companies.

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Nonsense design vanity project made for toddler CEO underperforms in comparison to actual pickup designed and built by manufacturer of the top selling pickup.. who would have guessed.

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I miss the days when he had interesting long form interviews with unknown people instead of the echoput of Reich wing nonsense they are spewing.

Give it some more time and Rogan will most likely have his own sandy hook denial-esque moment and get sued into oblivion.

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Electricity is too cheap for these uses.

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Most things you see a real professional doing.

Just look at the ease a window washer cleans a window stripless and fast, or a bricklayer just gets stones on the same height with 2 small taps on the brick consistently. Many more examples like that..

Years of experience and muscle memory make it look easy.. but it isnt.

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I hope she sues him again.

A clearing?

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May their court battle be drawn out and their legal bills astronomical. They deserve it. All of them.

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How does the DOD find it acceptable that a corporation is actively profiting from providing infrastructure to the enemy.

Probably because they are not officially the enemy. Hopefully sanctions will be amended to fix this.

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I cannot understand how conservatives in the us that do not buy in to the maga talking points can still vote for their party.

They have seen the checks and balances in action so all they need to do is stay home one election cycle to give a clear signal.. this is not the direction they want. This will force the Republican party to face the maga extremists and go back to their normal ways. Which still is not good but at least not beholden to a narcissist wannabe dictator.

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