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Joined 1 months ago

In a bad place.

cluster munitions are illegal

Well, depends on the country. For example, if you are in Ukraine or russia (and surprisingly, Finland) they are legal.

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Seeing south korean self propelled artillery in Ukraine would warm my cold, mosquito infested Finnish heart.

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You can get one for free if you want. Theres still wild horse populations.

But if you want, you can spend hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions on a horse. You could also probably get one for a few hundred but that one is already on its way to a glue factory.

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Have you forgotten to take some of your meds lately? You wrote like how I imagine jared letos Joker writes.

I dunno about you but the state that I live in has never asked me to go kill hells angels because they gave me some social care money at one point.

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Well maybe a bit. But it also does other things. Like sanction russia.

I dont care if the US gets richer if the reason is russia getting poorer. But you care. So, why do you imply its bad that US economy might grow a bit?

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Fucking eggs come out of their arses!

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Kill russians in Syria -> russia has to send more russians to Syria -> less russians available to send to Ukraine.

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A little while after that I also learned to get rid of air in the brake system.


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Just one question before we let you in: how do you pronounce "sauna"?

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They said the same thing before WW1 as well. People back then were saying the world is too connected and a big war would disrupt everything so badly that no one would risk it.

But then the sleepwalking took over.

Heres an idea for russia: stop being cunts. Thanks.

I dont pay luch attention to these things but even I heard lots of weird anti-woke takes after that lady was kicked off of the Mandalorian.

A few years ago I was looking into buying a old bus and building a eurocruiser out of it. Had plans for putting a sauna in the back lol.. anyway, you could get a volvo or a scania bus from the 1980s or early 1990s for a few thousand euros. Those things will have a million billion kilometers on the dial but they will do another million quite easily if needed.

Well, who owns the ship is the important bit. Where the ship is registered is irrelevant because its done for tax etc purposes. The crews are often subcontractor kind of deals. The ports that the ship left/was going to dont matter either, the ship is just a glorified floating lorry, you wouldnt consider a arson attack against a polish lorry to be a attack against germany just because the lorry was going to frankfurt.

If you ask me personally this was an attack against the west, not any individual countries.

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Having debt is not bad in it self. The UK paid their last WW1 debts back in 2011 or something. I know the UK is in a bad state but it is not because of those war debts.

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Or maybe he accidentally bought a cheap and fake Milwaukee electric drill for his home improvement project.

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I'm not sure what your point is? You had a bad experience with some completely different person and based on that it makes sense to you what this particular person did?

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If your car is making a rumble noise, you take it to a mechanic who tells you its a failed wheel bearing. Do you then go and change the gearbox because you dont trust professionals?

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I should have said "debt is not always bad."

Honestly surprised the 2 nukes in WWII didn't trigger a 3rd ice age.

Why are you surprised? How do you think the nukes would have triggered a ice age?

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I'm going to assume you mean the democrats when you say "facism-light"

Why do you think they are facism-light? (Asking this as a non-american, trying to understand different points of views)

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And then the mechanic will answer "yes. But its the wheel bearing thats making the noise." Do you then go to the car forums and ask help with chaning the gearbox or do you trust the professional and change the wheel bearing?

I know. But the mental image of him trying to use one is hilarious.

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They'll read this as 25% less arrests = 25% more people not arrested and are able to make it trough.

I'm smoking weed and not killing people in other countries.

I must have missed the call up for service. Along with the rest of the country.

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Yeah but that shredder is Ukrainian soldiers dying.

So maybe dial down your enthusiasm a bit.

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Heres the "correct" way to do it: get a buddy to pump the brakes (engine not running) until the pedal is hard. Keep pressure on, open the bleeding valve, see and hear the farting, once it stops, close the valve, release pressure from the pedal, pump pedal until hard, keep pressure, open the bleeding valve... etcetc, repeat until no more farts come out. Also, repeat it in every corner, air might get into the other lines as well, especially if you have the lines open for long periods of time. At the end, make sure the brake fluid reservoir is full.

If you are like me and have no friends, get a vacuum pump, attach it to the bleeding valve, start sucking, open valve, close valve once no air is coming out. Check fluid levels.

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Just checked from wikipedia, the yucatan impact was "The kinetic energy of the impact was estimated at 72 teratonnes of TNT (300 ZJ)." The Little Boy dropped on hiroshima was 15 kilotons of TNT. To say theres a vast difference is a understatement of the century.

You either have wrong understanding or no understanding of physics.

I didnt have to sign up since its automatic and required for all males where I am from. But still, my country hasnt and will not ask me to go kill hels angles in other countries.

What would you like him to do?

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They havent done that either. And at the moment it looks quite improbable for them to do so.

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My country is picking nobody though

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The biggest tell is how people who identify as left all hete Bidden.

Really? Your best evidence of Biden/democrats being fascist is that people on the left hate them?

Worst post, so far. ☝️

Okay then

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Who is arguing about it? In some other thread I assume since no one in this one is

You are allowed by law to replace salmiakki with koskenkorva.

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Sauna will be ready by six o'clock. You bring the beer, I have sausages.

Now I'm imagining him at some garage, a mechanic asks him to bring a screwdriver and he goes out and brings a screwed driver from his golf bag.