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Thousands of Iran-backed fighters offer to join Hezbollah in its fight against Israel

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“Give a fuck” and stop spreading right wing propaganda, you’re doing your best to create complacency trying to paint a picture that Joe Biden is some awful president. He's not, and he is the only choice you have if you actually “give a fuck” about WW3 or Palestine or anything else

he is the only choice

The DNC hasn't held their convention yet...

It's almost two months away still.

Biden is not the nominee yet and there is still time to run someone who not only has a better shot at beating trump. But would be better in office as well.

The DNC are the ones who set that date, they choose when someone becomes the nominee. If you think they should have set it earlier, remember Biden appointed Jamie Harrison to run it.

Care to put money on Biden being the nominee? I’ll put $10k on it

So, you agree that he's not the nominee because the convention when the nominee is named is almost two months away still?

Just want to clarify that you're admitting you're wrong.

Pedantry is unbecoming. He will be the nominee, and he will be your only choice, if you actually give a fuck. Which you don’t, you’re more interested in spreading right wing propaganda about how “bad” Joe Biden is

He will be the nominee,

Unless we change him out for someone who will not only stop supporting a genocide, but because of that will stand a better chance at beating trump.

We good now?

You understand we're not stuck with Biden, that there's time for better options, and you haven't insulted me in a couple replies now.

I'm pretty proud of this, greatly exceed all expectations!

Keep living in a fantasy world bud. Again, wanna put $10k on it?


I thought we were there, where did I lose you?

  1. Biden is not the Dem candidate

  2. The candidate will be named Aug 24th

  3. Beating trump is the most important thing

  4. Dem voters are more left leaning than Biden

  5. A candidate voters want, would get more votes

  6. We should run the candidate with the best shot of beating trump.

If you can tell me which of those you don't think are true we can try and work it out.

Or do you agree and just need help putting it together?

Jesus man, if you really think the DNC will replace their incumbent president with a different nominee, you’re living in a fantasy world. Doesn’t matter how much you think they should, they won’t.

So you agree with all 6?

You just think Biden and the DNC aren't doing everything they can to win?

I'd agree with that. So looks like we agree.

I'm just mad at the people in power for not doing everything they can to beat Trump...

And your mad at me for talking about it.

I disagree with your entire premise, and your approach. Sitting around bitching about Biden won’t get you a different candidate, and you’re spreading Republican propaganda.

I disagree with your entire premise

C'mon mate...

I listed all the steps next to numbers so you could easily identify what you needed help with.

It's starting to feel like you're not being honest about why you feel like Biden has to be the nominee. Like there's one position Biden holds and if we ran a candidate Dem voters want, the popular candidate likely wouldn't hold that specific opinion.

I honestly thought I could help, but I don't think there's a way if you're not being honest.

By all logic, we would be on the same page right now if all you wanted was to beat trump.

I’m realistic, you’re living in a fantasy world because you think bitching about Joe is going to influence the DNC. News alert, they don’t give a fuck about you or what you think.

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Biden isn’t the “official nominee” yet but under DNC rules, the pledged delegates are essentially required to vote for the candidate their state selected in the first round. Only if no one has the required 1,968 pledged delegates in the first round does it go to a second round. At that point, 739 Superdelegates — party officials, basically — are allowed to vote and pledged delegates can switch to another candidate.

Biden currently has 3,894 pledged delegates. Second is Dean Phillips with 4. So, you’d basically have to convince thousands of Biden loyalists to change the party rules so they could vote for another candidate. And then, in the potential second round, convince the Superdelegates to also reject Biden.

That won’t happen unless he’s literally dead or incapacitated. Both primaries are over and the nominating conventions are a formality. It’d probably be easier to convince the electoral college to vote against the candidate that specifically chose them for their loyalty.

Edit: here’s a link that explains it in detail,_2024

So you don't see any possibility where Biden would step aside for the good of the country to stop trump?

Do you think he honestly believes he's the best shot against trump? Or is just willing to risk it?

I do think he believes he’s the best shot against Trump. He’s a politician. Basically every elected official in DC or a governor’s mansion thinks they’d be the best presidential candidate ever. Plus, he already beat Trump once and (according to 538’s polling average) is slightly ahead nationally.

I didn’t support Biden in the 2020 primary and I’m not thrilled with a replay of 2020 but with everyone even older. But at this stage, Biden might be the best candidate. If he did step aside, the convention could easily divide the party and be a total disaster. Do they go with Kamala? A popular governor like Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer? Could the candidate even put together a campaign staff and raise the necessary cash in time to be a good candidate? They’re already booking TV ad time for September.

I mean, I don’t have an answer to those questions. Maybe voters would be like, “Thank god, someone under 75.” and it’d be a landslide. But it could just as easily be total chaos.

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