Biden campaign on Trump verdict: 'No one is above the law' to politics – 536 points –
Biden campaign on Trump verdict: 'No one is above the law'

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All those Republicans are gonna have to square their "law and order" worldview with voting for a CONVICTED FELON.

What a bunch of dipshits

All those Republicans are gonna have to square their "law and order" worldview with voting for a CONVICTED FELON.

Why? Cognitive dissonance is their bread and butter. They wouldn't be Republicans if they couldn't believe two totally mutually exclusive things at the same time

Indeed, the idea that a party that has as its central tenets: more tax cuts for billionaires, more "free speech", er cash, to buy off politicians, zero regulations and gigantic giveaways for corporations, is "for the little guy".

I suspect that so many of them are so crazy and/or so angry is that all that cognitive dissonance which is required to hold those two contradictory ideas in their head has to drive them to distraction.

A man with 34 felonies appointed one-third of our Supreme Court. Who are the dipshits again?

The people who are going to vote for a convicted felon are still dipshits

I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote, but remind everybody to vote. The dipshits will.

Republicans are gonna have to square their “law and order” worldview with voting for a CONVICTED FELON.

That's not how republicans work. The shit they do is always about the cruelty. The "law and order" shit was only ever to cheer on enforcement on people they don't like (dark skinned people, women, non-christians, etc).

You'll drive yourself nuts trying to do things like point out hypocrisy on their 'law and order' or any of their other paper-thin dogmas because they're all made to be bullshit in the first place.

The cruelty is the point. Once you start considering their actions through that lens, they become much more consistent and predictable.

they're wriggling little worms they just add it to the lomg list of "yeah he's a ___, but he's a good one"







It'll either be "It was a set-up by his political enemies" or "I don't care, he hates the people I hate".

They did square it.This is a witch hunt, fixed trial, he didn't even know what the ReAl charges were. They have it all squared away and are tripling down on voting for him. You know it's Bidens DoJ, I went to r/republican and the 3 top posts are full of this and more... sad

This is a witch hunt, fixed trial

He was convicted by 12 New York jurors, some of which were approved by his own defence.

You know it’s Bidens DoJ

The DoJ is a federal organisation, they don't prosecute state crimes.

I'm not American. How can it be that these Trump supporters are so ignorant of how their own country works?

They voted for Donald, they are ignorant about how everything works.

I have no idea, I am concerned for them and us just to the north

All those Republicans are gonna have to square their “law and order” worldview with voting for a CONVICTED FELON.

Tell me you don't understand how right-wingers work without telling me you don't understand how right-wingers work.