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Joined 4 months ago

Wow wow wow, there is a whole lot of Ryan George all over this thread, good to see. He does skits on YT, look up - Pitch Meeting

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It was the answer to the "Joke I don't get" that I replied to

I want 👌 back to meaning OK!

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Super easy!

Well, it can continue to mean that there but it used to mean ok here. Now the only 2 groups that can use it here are scuba divers(while diving) and white supremacists. I am neither.

Oh jeez, what did we do, what did we do...

Just a little of this, you know war time stuff

Edit: Don't mess with the Cannuks

Trust me bro

Locks are there to keep honest people out. Any lock can be opened given time

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They looked up a word they did not know and learned something. Are you proud to be condescending to people who admit they didn't know something you take for granted?

On the next EULA click no or don't agree and try using the service

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How did AI get my 4th grade English? That's how I did English assignments I didn't want to do. Did I hit the word limit yet?

Love the way you said that. Reminds me of a simpsons ep where Martin was explaining strength in numbers by breaking one stick then attempting to break a bundle but using the correct word

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Back in my early 20s I did a lot of pot and acid. One night I broke my brain on a trip. The trip was going as usual, minor visual hallucinations like seeing faces in the air and such. Then, without warning I was in a gurney covered in a sheet and I heard voices then one said "He's awake!" and the next instant I was back in my room tripping with my friends. For years I couldn't shake that scene. Some people have said it was all just a trip but... maybe I broke the control for a moment. (ps this was before The Matrix and Cube 2 not that simulation theory is new) Good times

Why won't the plants grow?

They could gasp work FOR their constituents, amazing how people like that

The repubs did warn after the whole 14th sec3 attempt that they would do something like this. Although the law(rule?) was written in 2010, only in '16 did both parties have their primary before the 90 days(I may be slightly off as I just saw this last night and only once), and if it was the repubs that were after and the dems were already done we all know there would be an exemption no problem. The problem here is with the Dems, they forget that MAGA is not the same as the old repubs, there is no honour or gentlemen's agreements anymore. The wheels have come off, there is no precedence they won't flout. The dems should have forsee.... oh, right

I am prolly woefully out of date, but there was an option in the java server config to allow or disallow cracked clients. Please let me know if I am out of date so I can forget this info

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Do they just enjoy wasting people’s disk space or something?

Short answer, yes

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When I saw yesterday that M$ was doing a new beta for win 10 my first thought was "Well people don't want to switch to 11 cause of the garbage we keep adding? Let's see if we can get the same garbage in 10, then they will be willing."

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Try skyn or another non latex condom, so much better

They did square it.This is a witch hunt, fixed trial, he didn't even know what the ReAl charges were. They have it all squared away and are tripling down on voting for him. You know it's Bidens DoJ, I went to r/republican and the 3 top posts are full of this and more... sad

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I play a lot of VR and I catch myself trying to use the gravity glove to pick things off the ground

It would be a horrible scrawl smeared across the page, but your hand wouldnt cramp as bad

More people are likely to WANT to see your memes than your stamp collection

Or are trapped in their ecosystem, some never forget

Sometimes I need to refresh the page for the video to play but otherwise no issues, ff+ubo ftw

Get to bus stop on time = bus is early, Get to bus stop early = bus 10+ mins late

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Sometimes I have to reload the page when using these 2. the page will load but just have a youtube icon in the centre of the player or the spinny circle until i hit f5

How many non-secret service people have been bitten by Commander? If the answer is zero, what do these secret service people do to antagonise Commander?

Loblaws recently installed 7 foot high Plexiglass barriers

You can jump 7'?

I am looking to move to linux, again, due to ALL the amazing work Steam is putting into gaming on linux. Much of my flat game library works on the test laptop, my streaming software has linux native install. The 1 issue holding me back at this point is my OG Vive screens not turning on, tho the laptop monitor shows my VR environment. Once I get over that hurdle my days of windows will be almost over.

Thing is, since 2010 there have been accommodations to BOTH parties except in '16 where they both did it before the 90 day thing. Dems still should have known better, should have

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Not enuf money in being good, being evil pays

If you are serious(no shade if you didn't hear about it), here is my somewhat serious reply.

The very well handled and verified laptop of Hunter Biden. They took ALL possible steps to not contaminate, cloning the drive and definitely not accessing it to manually copy files. That laptop from hell

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I must be pretty dry, I need some moisturising

Considering Golf and Archery are considered sports as well

For once it doesn't look bigger trimmed

"I hate you. So long as we push in the same direction, for now, we can get along. If needed we can deal with this at a later date."

A buddy had this 1 pigeon attempt to build a nest on his balcony every year for the 4 years he lived there, right where the water would pool, he named the pigeon Fish. Nest never looked like a nest