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FFS, Presidents have ALWAYS been shielded by official acts. The real issue here today is the 6 months of delay they handed to trump.

Lol @ Cheeto Jesus cock gargler

Haha trump only serves himself

I heard the metal gear solid noise there

Dude, they can swallow flaming swords and shit. That's gotta count for something, right?

Yeah even a drop of twelve inches (~30cm) can kill them. Poor guy/gal.

thank mr skeltal

I'm sure the GOP will be happy to vote for this one in the house. They were perfectly fine with issuing much more for covid PPP loans and forgiving the loans completely. It's so sad we have such a divided nation. We need to get rid of our first-past-the-post voting system, or it will be like this indefinitely.

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$1000 is the maximum contempt of court fine per offense allowed in the state of New York. While this is definitely chump change for trump know that the judge can't charge him more. At least he's threatening incarceration.

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Lordy there are tapes, and he got caught trying to delete them. Definitely on brand for that traitor. Keep on digging your grave, don.

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I saw somewhere he was going to try and focus his appeal on Stormy's testimony. I think Judge Merchan was really smart to object on the Defense's behalf and ask them why they weren't objecting and if they were planning on objecting to her testimony.

By doing that (choosing to not object), they kinda forfeited their ability to appeal on that part.

I really hope Judge Merchan goes hard on the sentencing due to trumps public actions afterwards.

I sure the hell wouldn't want to put my foot in my mouth like that while sentencing loomed over my head, but I'm also someone that has never been convicted of a crime, and don't have rabid supporters hanging on my every word and giving me millions of dollars in donations.

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The fact that this is on Amazon for under a grand is hilarious. These people are absolute morons. I hope they get nailed and the truth comes out.

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She literally has to flip on trump, it will be part of her deal to testify completely against any and all of her co-conspirators, including trump. She won't want to have those 6 misdemeanors turn back into felonies where she will do serious time.

I think you're going to see her stop parroting trump's bullshit, like her life depends on it, because for all intents and purposes, it does. She's 68 years old, she doesn't want the rest of that to be in prison, protecting an asshat that now doesn't even acknowledge he had a relationship with her (even though he tweeted it, which is another dumb ass thing to add to his pile of fuckery).

She will have told the truth to prosecutors, and she will have very limited things that she'll be able to say to the public. I don't agree with this article in how it posits things will go moving forward, but we will see.

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It's all these woke lawyers

Or that a trump backed company paid Smirnov, the lying FBI informant and central to the entire impeachment effort to smear the Bidens, $600,000 right before he started lying about what he knew.

Trump, so far (important, as he has a racketeering charge coming in Georgia, and we haven't gotten to his attempted coup to overturn the presidential election he lost), has been indicted on 34 state felonies, 40 federal felonies (74 and counting for the layman), and is a rapist.Tell me a single other politician (let alone President) that has been indicted for as many or more state and federal felonies?

Name a single one with more. In all of US history. Don't worry, we'll wait.

You're literally and factually drunk on the Kool aid. Trump is a cancer on our society. And everyone that has supported him and still supports him is a traitor to our democracy. We have laws for a reason. You can't pick who we should enforce the law on and who we can't. Trump believes he's above the law. You believe we should be looking at other people.

Here's what I along with so many other right-minded people believe - if you broke the law, no matter what side of the aisle you're on or what you do for a living, you can't break the law and get away with it.

2024 is going to be hell for trump, because justice is finally catching up with him. I don't give a shit about hunter biden, he did some crimes, right? He should pay for them.

Trump attempted to destroy evidence to cover up his cover up. He should and will pay. No matter what people like you try to say or attempt to paint a different picture that's rosy to your cult.

I have hatred for people that believe they're above the law. Including many supreme court justices, who, surprise, are on the same side of the aisle as you and your squeaky clean leader.

Don't take it personal, I'm angry at your whole group that are too blind to see this, either ignorantly or willfully.

And before you regurgitate this abhorrent comment "Lemmy is a vegan trans leftist echo chamber" I'm a gun toting anti republican who most closely identifies as a libertarian. But fuck republicans, they're the disease here. Truly.

And you think this POS should lead our country? Again? Wow.

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Hold on, they're not that outraged, let's not get crazy here. After all, every single one of them flip flops every single day. How else can they be okay with being followers of Christ that support a racist rapist felon?

Awww, too bad...Guess he spent all his money on adult diapers and wedges to put under the front of his shoes so his fat ass doesn't fall on his loser fake ass spray tan face.

Get fucked, you piece of shit garbage human being.

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Nothing really counts anyway as I'm betting nearly all of their discussions involved crimes, which aren't protected by attorney client privilege.

It's funny though, trump acting like there isn't record of their relationship.

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That's the frustrating thing, it's so blatantly obvious and out in the open. You'd never know it watching literally any conservative news source.

I'm all for free speech, but wish we had ways to label things as BS because a lot of ignorant people don't know any better or care to know any better. So disappointing.

No shit. Anyone not drunk on the Kool aid can easily see this, the dude is the devil incarnate, and an absolute moron.

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That's why homie has a dump truck of an ass

Edit - hilarious , I thought I should cite my claim, and found this jewel, I legit made my statement before finding this page

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There are stupid people of every size shape, color, gender, and ethnicity.

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Narcissistic people don't say sorry because they can't accept personal responsibility for anything

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I'm not a fan of SCOTUS, especially right now, but it's a little too early to be getting out the pitchforks and torches. Let's see what they come back with first.

There is very little likelihood that they agree with Trump's proposal for complete immunity - it's much more likely that they try to draw the line between official and private acts, and then remand the duty of determining what buckets his acts fell into down to the lower courts.

His lawyer even admitted as Amy Coney Barrett read off his indicted acts and asked the lawyer to respond with private or official, for nearly all of them he answered private. That is a big deal.

What Trump REALLY wanted here was a delay on the proceedings until after the election, and they likely handed him that. His game plan is sickeningly obvious - run out the clock, win the presidency, quash all court cases. Continue performing and crossing things off the corrupt actions list.

He will also figure out some way to get rid of Georgia case, although it shouldn't be that way.

Yep, I'm betting Iran is going to take a "Pepperidge Farm remembers" approach to discussion in the future.

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Maybe they can kill two birds with one stone - visit him about this threat to the president, and quickly check in the hidden room that they missed during the mar a lardo search warrant.

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For not much more, you can purchase a portable battery jumper. I've saved so many people without having to touch my car. I can move it between our cars, put it in my motorcycle saddlebags, use it as a PowerBank, so incredibly versatile. I'll never not have one moving forward.

It was really weird, they objected so much for like every piece of evidence entered, but when her testimony veered they were completely silent. I wonder if the judge saw it for what it was and called it out.

Here's an article on it

He's also an angel investor with the resurgence campaign of Glamour Shots

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Stay classy, whorin' Lauren

I totally get your sentiment here, but don't they do this by (at minimum at least) the legislation that they try to put in place? Student Loan forgiveness. Expanding educational opportunities. Access to healthcare. Providing more sustainable and green energy sources. Better pay and protections for working Americans. These initiatives constantly get shot down by the other side, and then people blame Democrats for not forcing it through. As long as we have one side actively torpedoing the other's efforts, we can't put the blame on the people trying to do something. Just my two cents though. Plus you have the uneducated people that align with conservatives that think they are the recipients of their platform's initiatives, when it really goes to the top 1%. So they stay in power to continue the grift.

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And the amount of candidates would be zero

Death by a thousand cuts

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Take the Toyota 4runner for example - they're incredibly reliable because they are simplistic in many ways with bullet proof components. You can even find 5 year old models that are within 5k of a new one.

Well now he's dead to me. I thought he was a logical thinking human being. What an absolute moron. Not voting for Biden is a vote for the bad guys and fascism/monarchy

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It's actually a hallmark / strategy of his family. "The only thing we are on this Earth for is to reproduce"