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Joined 1 years ago

You can be both down for something, and up for it at the same time

I know it's not new that our two options are Genocide Denier, and Guy the Agrees there is a Genocide, but wants to Help Genocide Harder, but it hurts every time they bring attention to it

Is it the official French stance to omit the Oxford comma?

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There are a lot of places in the US where ideas from the 1800s are still prevalent, because they're so lacking in diversity that there is no one to point out the crimes.

Growing up in rural northern Michigan, I wasn't allowed to take the class our drama teacher taught about making costumes because I was a boy. That same drama department, for a production of West Side Story, got spray tans for all the kids playing Puerto Rican characters. They're still known as one of the best drama programs in the area.

I'm sure the astronauts that have to do all this extra overtime because boeing thought their space capsule didn't have to be airtight probably feel that way

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Blazing Saddles holds up for the Common Clay quote alone

I really hate that the Supreme Court has borrowed the P2W "early access" model from shitty video games

With the exception of at large buildings in dense city centers, just about everywhere else, utilities enter a building at just some point on the back, out in the open. This includes utilities that feed alarms and security cameras.

While some places will have systems in place for situations where these outside connections have been severed, like independently operated cameras on an intranet, cellular data backup for alarms, electrical generators, etc., most places don't, so successfully circumventing their security is just a matter of cutting all the cables on the back of their building at the same time, and then being gone before they notice

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Nazis do thrive by spreading misinformation though, and AIs are great at presenting false information in a way that makes it look believable

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Or that he's not properly taking advantage of the one he has

I'll also clarify. I was being totally hyperbolic. I do understand it's not actually air, but I'm not too worried about misrepresenting Boeing at the moment


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I can't believe this is the one thing this congress has actually managed to do. We just want healthcare

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Same energy

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One of these things is not like the others

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There are two kinds of Republicans—billionaires and suckers

He proves he's a sucker, because a real fascist would know never to ask to be proven wrong

Google is probably the last company I would pay for a VPN from

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Imagine how steep that line would be if the fossil fuel lobbies hadn't been fighting it tooth and nail all these years

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It doesn't matter now, because it's already damaged Biden's reputation, which was their only goal

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He's struggling with other people realizing

I use light mode on Discord, and just about everything really. I don't like the feeling of being in a gamer cave. I always have a bunch of lamps on, and light themes too.

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I'm upvoting this, not because I agree with it, but because it is relevant for this community. Like it or not (and I certainly don't), the Catholic Church has massive global power. Knowing where they stand on this issue is important, especially since this Pope, seemingly, has been trying to appear more progressive.

"The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

-Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2)

Representative Dan Crenshaw stated in June that such bans are the "hill we will die on."

You promise?

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To which everyone replies, "Oh, yeah, that makes sense."

I also hate players where the overlay doesn't go away. My girlfriend still watches videos on Facebook sometimes, and when she sends them to me, it always drives me crazy. You can't see like 30% of the video, often the part of the screen where the captions are

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I'd say 50 is perfect

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Mine was $1! I love it. I just bought a wireless mouse and keyboard for it, because it's honestly just a great way to stream stuff. Now my computer can be in my living room, and my office at the same time!

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Doesn't matter if you have a position of power over the minor. If you're a cop for example

All those Republicans are gonna have to square their "law and order" worldview with voting for a CONVICTED FELON.

Why? Cognitive dissonance is their bread and butter. They wouldn't be Republicans if they couldn't believe two totally mutually exclusive things at the same time

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We just want healthcare

Interesting. In the US, all kinds of jobs are called engineers

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The Supreme Court gets to pick and choose the cases they take. They usually take around a hundred each year. There are usually several thousand submitted to them. This is one that they took.

There's all kinds of laws like this that are super old, and really harmful in modern life. Like name changes having to be published in the paper, and home ownership being public information. Sorry trans people, if you want to legally change your name, you have to be out to everyone! And don't even think about buying a house if there's someone you don't want knowing where you live, like an abusive family member or ex!

They're left over from times when information was harder to come by, and they absolutely need to be changed, but our governments are bad at legislating for modern problems

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A high quality desktop easel for my girlfriend's art. It makes her feel more competent and professional which increases her confidence in her her art, and the amount of joy she gets from making it, which, in turn, makes me happy

I have these stereotypes, because I've met these people. I used to live among them. So many Confederate flags in northern Michigan

Explains why the game was so bad

Spotify is less vulnerable to customer churn compared to TV/movie streaming services, as users are less likely to switch music streaming providers due to the hassle of rebuilding playlists and losing personalized recommendations.

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If it were cheaper, the price would be listed