Republicans Issue New Government Shutdown Threat Over Trans People (USA)

Anise (they/she) to – 161 points –
Republicans Issue New Government Shutdown Threat Over Trans People

I will be calling my representatives and letting them know that I would sooner see the government shutdown than see any of these proposals become law.


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Representative Dan Crenshaw stated in June that such bans are the "hill we will die on."

You promise?

I think the Republicans forgot that one of the cornerstones of what made the civil rights movement successful was bigots overplaying their hand and getting too heavy-handed in loud, public ways.

We need a catchy soundbite/slogan to call out anti-trans bigots, but I can't think of anything that's short enough and still evocative.

"Punching down on trans youth instead of [fixing real problems]" (Instead of what? Can't think of anything punchy, no pun intended.)

Actually, in this specific case, there's some nice repetition with "punch down" and "shut down". How about:

"Shut down the government to punch down on trans kids"

“Punching down on trans youth instead of fixing the border” (since they tanked the deal)

No rhyme scheme or anything but short and clear

“Picking on kids instead of picking good candidates”?

Idk there’s something there as you said.

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