3 Post – 850 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Former landed gentry.

It's like they think the only way to make money is to drown us in ads based off the telemetry they scoop up and we're entitled brats for wanting to have a say in how our data is harvested/used against us.

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Racism? In my NFL!?

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“Sure, 90% of the sub voted for this and the reasons for shutting down are clearly laid out, but y’all are doing this for literally no reason. Stop throwing a tantrum and give me my memes NOW.”

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Whether we like the Atlantic or not, I feel like at some point if we want quality journalism we need to fund it.

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I’m reading this book called Conservatize Me by an NPR/McSweeny writer from back in 2006. Ignore the title, remember everybody was doing that kind of stuff after Super Size Me.

Anyway, for a month he had to stick to only “conservative culture.” He could only watch conservative news shows, listen to AM radio, etc. He met with folks at New Republic and the first thing guy said to him was “you have to ignore hypocrisy, liberals care about that. It’s just a distraction.”

Almost 20 years ago, and here is this dude just openly saying what we all kind of know. Not that liberals are somehow better and always consistent. But we really do obsess over it, and this guy is sitting here telling him “it is a waste of time to play that game, and conservatives are almost fueled by it.”

I agree that Boebert is a hypocrite. But they don’t care. This stuff just reads as “slander by the media” to them. No one had their mind changed about Boebert. We have to focus on their bad policies and leadership or their voters aren’t going to be swayed.

The reason they like to point out the “hypocrisy of the left” so much is because it makes them feel like they have the moral highground, and because they know the left cares about it. It’s a cudgel, it’s a tool. It’s not a shared value. Google “learjet liberal” and take a look at the results from the 2000’s/2010’s. It’s the same nonsense today.

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No need to shame honest hard working sex workers

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Bro you literally don’t have to be there lmfao

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Get New York and California to pass it. Might be enough. California has sort of done it lol

Musk has already been banned as a topic on tech communities in 4 instances I’ve seen personally. I get folks are tired of him and I find him insufferable, but he is often relevant (unfortunately) to current events, so I don’t think wholesale bans of him are a good idea. There are plenty of topics I find annoying, but I don’t tell people to ban the topic from the community just for my personal preference.

Like I think trump is a cringe inducing piece of shit and don’t enjoy seeing him everywhere. I’d love a filter, I don’t expect communities to ban him as a topic.

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If you are looking to talk to actual people and hear actual opinions, the simple fact is Reddit is the best major site for it. There is nothing like it, in particular smaller hobby/technical/interest communities. And I say this as somebody who has a comment history full of “fuck Reddit.“ There is a reason Google searches are only useful if you put “Reddit“ at the end now. If you find the appropriate Reddit thread you are generally getting some of the best advice or info out there, especially with technical issues. For some hobbies/interests, the relevant sub is the only major community with any regular activity.

Is there astroturfing? Yes. Are there tons of corporate interests manipulating it? Of course. But compared to Facebook, Twitter, etc. it may as well will be public access to their corporate owned cable.

Obligatory “Fuck Reddit.” And I mean it lol. But the above is still true.

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I didn’t say they can’t serve any ads. I said they’re drowning us in them - which even then I could tolerate except all the data they mine from us is ridiculous. Then they use opaque terms to weaponize it back at us to make us into little addicts who can’t look away and/or sell it to third parties. I do not agree with that so I do everything I can to make my telemetry worthless or otherwise inaccessible.

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SOPA/PIPA. Now there are some acronyms i haven’t heard in a long time.

dusts off hat

Whelp back in the saddle folks. Let’s stop this bullshit.


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  • grooms himself

  • thinks about other’s needs first/is more proactive

  • less prone to dangerous high jinks that imperil his friends

  • arguably the most important: listens and is responsive to Leela’s needs

Fry always had the capacity to do these things and he clearly loved leela, but he was immature and self-involved. “Lars” is fry finally becoming the amazing person we all knew he could be and would be .

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It’s 2024. Stop using that word. I know I don’t need to explain why.

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Lemmy’s continued lack of basic moderation tools with zero indication that is going to change anytime soon is the biggest problem by far. It is also still a very opaque process to join and participate for the average user and standing up your own instance is no small feat, complete with legal minefields that many don’t even realize they are walking in to. No matter how you were engaging with the fediverse, there are huge hurdles. Even being a lurker is difficult.

I am not knocking the people who dedicate their time to making it work. Every second they give is voluntary and a service for us. But it doesn’t change the fact that we just don’t have what we need. Mastodon is the only side of the fediverse that is ready for prime time, and that’s borderline/has a lot of caveats.

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the growth has already been staggering since states starting requiring ID’s for pornhub. I’m glad tech literacy is increasing in the face of these recurring laws. Small silver lining I can latch on to lol

Halo: Anniversary, the 10 year HD re-release/remaster of Halo: Combat Evolved, is 11 years old.

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You can’t pass a minimum wage increase with a 50-50 senate. It’s literally not possible.

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That was actually a fascinating read. Anybody who is just glancing at the title and jumping to the comments, I strongly urge you to go actually read the article.

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1A baybee

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How have I never seen this lol

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I’ll be honest here: it was pretty fun to respond to people going “well if you hate it here so much, then just leave!“ with “I did, check the sidebar.” I stuck around for a few days after to help the mods with a few unruly threads, banned a few problem users on a different sub I was just sick of, then left forever.

that’s supposed to be at least as powerful a PS5/XBS.

I think anyone who truly believes that is huffing paint lol

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“Doomers” don’t think there is literally no way to stop it. They generally think that the people who can pull the lever will continue not to do so because they’ve resisted it for decades. It’s lack of faith in our collective will and dedication to action, not that there is no course of action that can stop it.

I can’t blame them. I still advocate for change and work towards it, but they’re not the problem. It’s climate change deniers and politicians who refuse to do anything about it.

Blame is being misdirected here as usual. Which contributes to why people are “doomers.”

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“No thank you, I’d like to cancel immediately.” Rinse repeat

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I’m not sure why you’re upset about restoring net neutrality but go off I guess

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Sex work is work. Boebert is a trashy person. Being a call girl is irrelevant.

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I think what really bothered me about that whole affair, and why I had my single worst outburst on Discord by a large margin as well that I still feel bad about, was because it was so frustrating seeing so many people who didn’t just disagree with us - I can handle disagreement, I can handle discussion and debate, I can even handle a little heat throughout that process. But people would just storm onto the Discord or the sub absolutely fuming and accusing us of all these things…but within two sentences, you can tell they hadn’t read a single post about the issue! Not one sentence or article!

They were asking the most basic questions, my favorite being “what is this even about? It’s not like you have a reason.” It was insulting really. Here we were spending all this time and effort worrying about the community, Reddit, how to do this in the most fair way possible and produce what we believe to be the best outcome (or at least the outcome the community wanted in the end), and these people couldn’t even read three sentences before screaming at us and calling us names.

People just were not having it, they did not want to even talk about it. And this was just a sub for discussing video games.

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Drone op (sort of, not dedicated but have for years as a camera op) here. It's difficult! You really have to get your bearings on the way up looking towards the horizon and then add up context clues based on the shifting scale as you move, kind of taking each object in relative to each other.

Lol kidding. We have a spotter 99% of the time. You're in goggles or watching a monitor, they're going "Stop. Left. Turn 40 degrees. Drop a few inches slowly. Stop." etc.

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The major issue at hand is that Goofy might as well be a minor deity of extreme luck (good and bad), so normal child/parent friction turns into being attacked by Bigfoot while later becoming an integral part of a huge concert.

I love this lol

I can’t think of anything g in politics over the last decade that were as predictable as this situation. The moment we got a few votes in to his disastrous process of becoming the speaker, we all saw how a few right wingers basically had their hands around his throat for the foreseeable future. This was always gonna be the result. He was never going to finish two years as speaker.

Watch them pull some desperate Hail Mary like asking some Democrats to give him support lol

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In case my sarcasm wasn’t clear, trust me, I know how bad it is lol

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I really try to caution people from accepting these "it's too much to hold us accountable for" answers. If it's too much, then cut back. Simple as that. If I am a real estate mogul and my building collapses like in Miami, do you think the local/state/federal agencies involved will shrug it off when I go "Now now now, I have far too many properties. I can't possibly be expected to be in compliance all the time. A collapse and some deaths once in a while is inevitable"? Of course not, that would be ridiculous. Yet when youtube goes "we simply have too many uploads to screen it all," we do just that!

Same goes here. If you're juggling too many advertisers, why is that our problem? Hire more people, scale back, or figure out some third option. Instead we all just internalized this concept that "there's nothing that can be done."


Super anti-gambling industry but I don’t want my browser blocking me off from sites by default.

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