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Joined 10 months ago

Time to spin it off into a subsidiary operating company with no climate goals to meet.

I'm not sure who needs to know this, but they make angled mounting kits for ceiling fans.

No, the university gets to license it and squeeze all the cash out first. Try again in 15 years.

They spelled Iraq with a K, it's probably safe to assume you're tilting at a windmill but nonetheless it's good to oppose straight up stupidity.

You can't pay your employees poverty wages and expect them to care about quality.

It has to hurt for the people who spend their hard earned money on a night off from cooking by ordering out at McDonald's, but it's a lesson we all learn the hard way.

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It'd be a shame to offend a dog.

The fascination is that you have an audience.

I'm extremely allergic to Covid and colds.

Vecna is from the campaign the kids played in last season of Stranger Things, which is many peoples only exposure to D&D.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

Can we avoid this by giving Gen X offhanded advice about their personal finances?

Get a roommate, stop buying lattes, learn to cook, etc.

The Samsung S22 cameras do suck, but there doesn't seem to be any traction in getting customer satisfaction.

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Thing is, we've heard out the nazis before. We don't need to do that anymore.

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A coworker once said I sounded a little flat on Teams, so I bought a USB Audio Interface, boom arm, shock mount, shotgun mic. Couldn't stop there, of course. Bought two studio monitors, foam pads for the speakers, and audio foam for my bare walls. A little over board, but now my coworker can hear me apply chapstick like I'm two inches from their ears.

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She'll get a pass. This is the common refrain from psuedo-Christian fascists. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

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Don't we have a record number of people in the workforce and a really low unemployment rate?

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Nazis should be on everyone's fuck-up-on-sight list.

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I think you're expecting too much from the English version of Spain's #2 newspaper.

If horseshoe crabs were to become less economically important, is that a good thing for horseshoe crabs? They ain't exactly Pandas, so will little Sally and Bobby care if horseshoe crabs become endangered? They're already in a precarious situation...

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They forgot a comma.

Ten years later, Facebook's Oculus acquisition hasn't changed the world, as expected

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Wouldn't use a straw in their drink because he didn't like the idea of it passing through his lips.

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They should have called it the 2080 edition.

Are you familiar with the term "sold out"? Supply is not unlimited, and you shouldn't spread a hypothetical like it's a fact. That's exactly the thing you complained about in your original post.

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We, the consumers, have also been saying that. Like, for a while.

Yeah, that's how libraries work.

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Clean ya damn litter boxes, people. Twice a day if you have to. Imagine if you only flushed the toilet once a week.

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From Jesuis perspective, it's le French.

Ukraine isn't part of NATO, which is why you didn't see Abrams rolling up to the Kremlin a year ago.

May wildfires.

They added Quora+ subscription service now, you have to pay to see the actually correct answers. Free only gets you wrong answers.

Do you delete their copy?

This will disproportionately effect the poor and developing countries, so the thinking of elites and super rich is that there's still plenty of time to rectify the situation.

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FedEx will feel this if passed.

I'd hire you in IT based on appearance alone. Let us know how it goes!

He pointed a gun at the FBI agents serving a warrant. This was not an execution, it was an old white guy who's never had his privilege checked before.

A TV that doesn't drastically change UI after a software update would be good.

Basketball was a different game back then. As many fists thrown as insults.

I think that's the idea. Why do costly layoffs when people can just be led to quit? This issue is politicized so they'll have cover.

"Who turned up the heat?"

25th amendment describes this process. Harris selects a new VP. Both houses of congress confirm by majority vote (good fucking luck).