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Joined 12 months ago

Depending where you live, it can be really hard to find ethonal free gas. As an added bonus, carburators hate having ethonal sit in them. They'll develop a varnish. Carbs also don't like sitting partially dry and getting all the fuel out of them is a massive pain. Yay lawn equipment.

Both. Ethonal is still corrosive and the majority of fuel systems these days are compatible with E15. That said, check your owners manual.

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Large swaths of Detroit aren't that great. That's probably true of any major city, but Detroit is 143 square miles. Manhattan is 23. Thar creates a lot of opportunity to be in a not-so-great part of a city whose population is roughly a third of what it was 70 years ago. The city runs a land bank you can buy decapitated houses from for $1k. Even on the retail market, large swaths of the city are very cheap.

All that said, Detroit might finally be turning around. The city experienced its first year of population growth in forever last year and more and more people I interact with are either visiting the city and spending money there or are actively considering moving there. There are also a lot of Detroit run small businesses popping up and the region has a strong "buy local" vibe to it.

/Someone who lives nearby and would love to see the city succeed.

Counterpoint: there are plenty of well off folks taking classified drugs recreationally out of boredom that become addicted. I came from a high cost of living suburbia and there really wasn't a lot to do as a teenager due to high property values and taxes. Recreational spaces, especially aimed at teens, were basically non-existent. I imagine the same is also true in rural areas, but for different reasons. for anyone looking for slightly more information.

Or random application availability and/or ease of use.

Two cases in point:

  • Photo Mechanic. It makes it really easy/fast to sort through tons of photos. There are some Linux compatible alternatives, but they're just not as good
  • Fusion 360. There are a couple of things you can do to make it work, but since Linux isn't officially supported the install process can be a bit fiddily and there's no guarantee that an update won't break things.

Things are certainly better now than they have been in the past, but if you're somewhat time limited (eg your computer is more of a tool than a thing to spend time tweaking) Linux can still be a bit offputting - especially if some of the core applications you use aren't officially supported.

A very related question to ask is: did your parents, or extended family, ever help you financially?

Here's my answer.

Have I ever received help from my parents and/or extended family? Yes. I was able to live rent free after high school while I found my way. When I eventually started college I was able to live at home and commute. My family started a college fund for me when I was little, so I was able to cover about 15% of my in-state tuition. We also got a cash loan from my Grandma to put toward a down payment that we paid back over the course of a few years. Without it we wouldn't have been able to buy our house.

Am I getting help from my parents or extended family now? No, I haven't for years. Money and support have started flowing the other direction. I've given my mom a (used) car and also let her live with us for a year and a half while she switched careers.

Until your home instance defederates from another instance. Sure, you can always make another account, but your average user wants a lower friction experience.

I'm reasonably active in the fediverse, but I recognize that the more explaining it takes to the average user the less likely they're going to want to join in.

The old old top gear cool wall tried to hit on this concept. You could have a very technically excellent car classified as uncool because if you had to explain why it was cool to a normie you had already lost them.

It will be hard for the fediverse to get over this hump, which is probably why you see so many Linux users here and so few say woodworkers or other (somewhat) more niche communities.

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98% of all Japanese adoptions are employers adopting the adult men on their staff, not children


Some of Japan's most famous companies have remained a "family-run" businesses because of "mukoyoshi," such as carmaker Toyota, which was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937.

Suzuki is also famously run by adopted sons — in fact, the current chairman and CEO Osamu Suzuki is the fourth consecutively adopted son to run the group.

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This isn't about imperial vs metric, it's about measuring by mass vs volume. A good example here is flour. Weighing out 30 grams (or about 1 ounce) of flour will always result in the same amount. On the other hand, you can densely pack flour into a 1/4 cup measuring cup, you can gingerly spoon it in little by little, or you can scoop and level. When you do this you'll get three different amounts of flour, even though they all fill that 1/4 cup. Good luck consistently measuring from scoop to scoop even if you use the same method for each scoop.

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Surprisingly, they're still in the top 10 most visited websites.

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Amazon is also a store, but they have sponsored listings that get preferential placement. Not technically ads, but very similar idea...

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It's probably significantly more than 10-25 million a year in additional wages given the quality of employees, but it's still likely pocket change next to things like the marketing budget. I work in a more capital intensive industry (tooling, hard parts, etc), but we still spend a few billion on engineering. Know what else we spend a few billion on? Marketing, amoung many other things. Job cuts always make me chuckle because they're a, "we're doing something" but we spend orders of magnitude more on material, facilities, etc.

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Red dead redemption 2 didn't stop at being pretty. If it did I don't think we would all talk about it so fondly. Totally agree that it's a great looking game though.

Having kids of our own did change this for us some, but when Mom/Dad/MIL/FIL asks you to do something you'll still do it. There's also nothing like goofing around with people you grew up goofing around with.

This is probably true of many many other industries. I work in automotive and while a lot of us care about delivering a quality product, the majority are not "car people" and have never changed a part on their car.

It looks like I'm the odd person out: I cut my potatoes before boiling and use a KitchenAid stand mixer for the mashing. My mashed taters are usually soft/fluffy/yummy.

For mashing, less is more. If you know this going in, there's no harm to using a stand mixer.

Put your desire amount of butter in the bottom of the stand mixer. Peel, slice and add to cold water. Salt if desired. Boil until they cleve cleanly with a fork. Drain, dump on butter, let rest a few minutes to soften the butter. Mix and add milk as necessary. A little minced rosemary with the potatoes when they go into the stand mixer is 👌

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Age limits, absolutely. I have very mixed feelings on term limits.

I live in Michigan, which has term limits in place for state government. The original limits were kind of silly. We recently approved a reform that changed the term limits for state legislators from three 2-year terms (6 years) in the state House and two 4-year terms (8 years) in the state Senate to 12 combined years in the Legislature, and requires a lot more disclosures.

The original limits resulted in many freshmen each election cycle. This seemed to open the door even wider to have special interests legislate by proxy since a lot of newcomers didn't always come in with very well formed agendas or know how to get anything done.

That aside, it seems like term limits make it harder for Jane/Joe Public to assume public office. It's true that being a politician isn't a certain career path, but what motive would I have to run if it meant quitting my current job knowing I would have to find a new job in 12 years assuming I managed to constantly win relection? Yeah, sessions only happen three days a week / ~115 days a year for our state Senate but it's not like I could easily work another job. Salarys are $72k a year, which will be attractive to some but will put off a lot lot of folks the private sector. The salary won't put off those who already have a high net worth though. Looking at the federal level the salary does go up to $174k, but the cap on the time you're allowed to serve would likely result in a lot of self-selection.

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I suspect this is like our tomatoes. The tomatos you buy in stores were cultivated to be pretty, to get harvested by a machine, and to ship without getting damaged. Meanwhile, heirloom tomatoes will split their skin on a humid day, but they pack a ton more flavor in. The same is true for the vast majority of our fruit and veg. Actually ripened on plant produce doesn't have a very long shelf life.

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Rings. I'm married and have a tungsten ring, so it's basically always on my hand. Some bottles don't give you much room to get under the cap, but I can get most anything open pretty quickly.

I've posted some variant of this a few times now, but I think there are a bunch of us lurking and commenting on some of these smaller communities. But since there aren't many posts in them I've been somewhat hesitant to post content for fear of being spammy.

I put this in a other thread, but am genuinely interested in getting feedback.

I'm currently on Jerboa and downloaded/installed sync yesterday. As a former RIF user, I don't have a horse in this race. I am more familiar with Jerboa, but find the overall feel of both (admittedly, without a lot of use), to be pretty comparable.

That said, I kind of like some of the ideas in Jerboa more? For example, tap to minimize comments and their children on Jerboa is quite a bit faster. I'm kind of sad that both make selecting some of the text in a comment hard and miss the dedicated RIF collapse/expand comment tree button. Jerboa also matches the font size of everything else in my UI better than Sync. For example, the font size of this reply and my keyboard are the same in Jerboa. In Sync the in-app font size is quite a bit smaller.

At the end of the day, I think that both apps are going to be largely comparable for a fairly casual user like me. I bet both offer more functionality than I'm using, but so far I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

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Totally agree. Don't tell me more reasons why I want to pay like, "your car is a hotspot now!". I can already do that with my phone. There's no need to have a data plan per device in my mind if you already have a modem in your pocket.

It certainly does show how many traditions, with their own sets of rules, English pulls from. That said, watching my poor kid learning how to spell and read has been painful. All the rules only exist to be broken. An example today was him trying to pronounce AMC. A fun word for spelling that came up recent was skool.

See also: manual transmissions in cars. I say this as someone who, until going electric, exclusively drove three pedal cars. People just weren't buying them, but toward the end it did seem like manufacturers were making it less appealing to buy them by only putting them in base models.

I have a coworker who did a frame off (yes, they had a partial frame) restoration of their astro van. Some of those astro van people are really into them.

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There's not much to disable unfortunately. Provde a short circuit path between the anonde and cathode and you're going to get thermal runaway. You could try inside the cell protection, but that's going to be pretty expensive given a Tesla containing thousands of smaller capacity cells. Other OEMs use larger "large format" pouches, but they still a have hundreds.

Like much store bought produce, grocery store strawberries are picked not fully ripe to make them easier to transport. On pant ripened most anything will nearly always be better than store bought, but you better be ready to use it quickly.

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Let us know what you think of it! It certainly looks like it could be entertaining.

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Nurses absolutely, especially since they physically have to move patients around. I wouldn't expect that physical therapists would need to do that, but I also admit to not having any knowledge about the job.

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Our closest store is exactly like that and the staff found out a week or so that the location is going to be closing in like a month.

Different people can have different cycle lengths, durations, and intensity/pain/flow during ones period.

All those things can also vary for the same person month to month and it can get even more variable as you move between life events (having kids, getting older).

Things are generally cheaper when you buy more of them. It's true that once you pass a certain threshold this isn't as significant, but that threshold can be pretty high.

Then you get into things like commodities trading (eg buying and maybe even selling futures), which is something Starbucks engages in. It would be very hard for a small shop to participate in commodities trading (barriers of entry due to size, time in the day, etc), let alone do it well.

There's also a bunch of little things that ar a "do it once for all stores" or "do it once for a single store". At a mom and pop that usually means that they won't be able to do it as well as a bigger store because of time and resource constraints.

1010 clearly

Duck Duck Go is repackaged Bing and Yahoo for the most part. - Said as a duck duck go user

At some point I should really try out one of the paid search options...

Sounds horrible for your clutch to do this for any significant period of time...

Eh, it really depends how heavy your clutch is. Exonoboxes (Saturn SL2, Sonic) or sporty cars with lower torque numbers (Miata, Celica, Fiero, Prelude, S2000) = no biggie. Higher torque (V8 Camaros and Trans Ams, Corvettes) usually have an assist spring to help you hold the petal to the floor, but engaging/disengaging take more leg effort.

/late 30s guy who only owned one auto that was converted prior to buying an RV

On a side note, modern manuals kind of suck. They hold revs when you pop the clutch for emissions reasons, which makes the 1-2 shift especially kind of suck. A lot of them also barely engine brake and dual mass flywheels on higher output engines can clunk if you unload them hard. Although regen braking isn't super thrilling, it's way more engaging that engine braking in basically any model year 2010+ vehicle.

Samsung phones are largely assembled in Vietnam. It looks like they're one of the few phone companies not relying on China though.

Think of IRC as a spiritual parent to discord. The big advantage for discord comes from media - embedding images easily on the server, reaction, voice chat and screen sharing.

It does make one wonder what would have happened if IRC had implemented some of that functionality back in say the 90s/00s.

This is the big thing in my mind. It's not that has the most users, it also has most of the active communities (at least in my case for my interests). When it's down, interacting with those communities on other instances is... very weird.