
9 Post – 734 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Why don't they just let anyone in they? Why have rules on which people are allowed to immigrate and which aren't?

Well lots of countries have immigration requirements or points based systems. So it is obvious that countries already use means to choose which immigrants it wants.

This just needs expansion. You look at immigrants or children of immigrants that commit more crime than locals or contribute less than locals and you don't bring them in. Because bringing them in makes the country worse.

It's obviously an average but that is all immigration requirements are.

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You mean bringing in people like that.

A country could you know. Not bring them in. Issue is solved then.

14 more...

Yea. You hope that the more centrist parties look at what the population are desperate for and will do anything for. And then you hope democracy works and people get to vote for that they believe is right. Hopefully that happens in conjunction with sane and stable leaders listen to the demands of the people.

Currently large amount of the people feel ignored or certain issues and feel only the fair right is listening to them. If they had anyone else to vote for I'm sure they would.

Communism is great. You can spaff as much money up the wall as you want. Doesn't matter, anything you want can be done.

Then you wonder why there is no food in the supermarkets.

Dignity is great and all but it doesn't make houses when there aren't enough. That's two different problems.

The world is running out of sand.

It's one of the most used materials in the world for construction but islands are disappearing because of its limited supply.

25 more...

It's very fucked up what people perceived has healthy now.

I've been in fairly decent shape my whole life but the amount of people, especially women, that tell me I'm too skinny and that I need to gain weight. Even when I'm actually closer to being overweight than underweight. Or how many times I seen someone point to someone on steroids or fat and say that they are healthy.

It's got to the point where kids need to be educated. I wouldn't even be against weighing them. If they obese then it's also child abuse and the parents fault.

People think now if you can see/feel ribs or have any muscle tone (while not being a body builder) it means you're underweight. That's how humans are meant to be built! Go look at hunter gathers tribes or any active person pre the 90's.

Shit even dogs are fat nowadays.

25 more...

Remember the glory that was 90's optimism.

30 years later I thought we would live in a better 90's.

Instead we live in a really shit future that's worse than even the 90s.

10 more...

Sometimes I think about how years ago parents would lie over their children's beds crying. Praying for a miracle because that is all that can save their child now is the work of God. They have see this before, heard the stories. Seen the other children die just recently. They know the pain, they know what is coming. They have done all they can. They sent for the doctor who said he won't be coming back as he has other patients to attend to, ones that might live. Yes they do what they can but it is all for nothing. They bury their child and go back home.

They sit there unable to cry anymore, the silence is broken from a cough in the younger child's room. They then pray to God that this is just a cold. God doesn't listen, God doesn't bring miracles. But man does. One day the work of God comes in the hands of the many and changes the suffering forever.

Sometimes I wonder what those people would say to us. I bet they would hate us for not taking something they would give their lives for.

8 more...

Nobody can multi task. I wish this stupid myth would die.

18 more...

In the UK there was a peaceful protester and the Chinese dragged him into the embassy grounds and beat him in front of the public. They have diplomatic immunity.

Nothing was done obviously.

No wonder China and Russia shit over us and act like we are weak. We are. We proved it multiple times.

Fuck the West is shadow of what it once was.

14 more...

Every time I think about doing something illegal or hear about people from only a few generations ago doing something fun but slightly illegal.

Then I think. There is no way you could do that now the police would use all the surveillance that is everywhere and if I got caught their wouldn't be a slap on the wrist and grow up. But it would be a serious issue for my future jobs and going to other countries.

Makes me think I'm in a futuristic movie. Just not one of the happy ending ones.

3 more...

UBI is the perfect capitalist solution to the majority of problems. It should allow for less market distortion and could have some really interesting outcomes.

I'm very excited to see a first world country use UBI.

That an externalities can go a long, long way in this world.

21 more...

I always find it funny that this got them in trouble

This didn't

But I'm still pissed this didn't get aired:


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The only two I know to be true off the top of my head are:

The American government is spying on everyone. Which Edward Snowden showed to be true.

And the, every personal printer has a secret code on it for identification.


So in all likelihood there are others out there yet to be uncovered.

9 more...

Society peaked.

Absolute foresight from the matrix to say 1999 was as good as it gets.

Send me back.

The study was designed to provide more comprehensive data about homicide rates among Black women ...

While researchers did not identify the causes behind the staggering difference.

I wonder if this is because the killers are more likely to be black?

It's kind of simple really either the reason blacks are killed more is because they are poorer in which case race is completely irrelevant. Or blacks get killed more than whites then the reason isn't who's being killed but who's doing the killing. That's the issue that needs addressing.

Investigating the victims seems to be putting the cart before the horse.

9 more...

Previous increases in automation and productivity have brought new goods, services, wealth. To be perfectly honest I'm largely done.

The next wave of progress needs to not bring new things but to bring more time off.

The only things I probably want in terms of future tech is medical advances and VR. Everything else fuck it. I'm okay with all the media we got, the Internet, TV games, food, hobbies. I don't have smart anything except a phone. I'm done.

Give me a 4 day work week for what I have now. Then 3 then 2 then 1. I'm done. I don't need more.

Previous results are not sufficient to forecast the future.

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My favourite tweet possibly ever

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Well done to Musk and team for what most people would deem a huge success. Great to see. Really fun to watch and follow space x huge successes over the years.

Sorry it goes against the narrative and people can't enjoy how great this is.

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Not exactly what you want but I heard about people in the military practising things and they learn. "Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast."

By doing that it makes you quicker. Sometimes when I'm late and start rushing I end up forgetting things or knocking things over or dropping. So I take a breath and say slow is fast. Also my career history is big on "right first time" doing something twice is a huge waste.

Also I remember Adam Savage said he got close to death (or was getting close to being rescued from death) then he told himself "Calm people live. Tense people die." and he managed to free himself.

Taking a moment might not just save you time or money it might save your life.

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actually, I won't upvote you. Incest isn't the norm anywhere you fuckwit.

Heres is a source. So you can get fucked, obviously you don't know what you are on about this is why information is so important and not just making out you know things.

"follows the health of 13,500 babies born in Bradford Royal Infirmary between 2007 and 2011. It the largest study of its kind in the UK to date."

"60 percent of the Pakistani mothers in the study were married to a blood relative."


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Think the free and open internet dream is dead.

Corporations are going to rule the world.

The amateur porn glory days are gone.

5 more...

What a joke.

Real crimes are being compared to vr "crimes". Next will be thought crimes.

Trump tried to ban Tiktok because it was Chinese owned and it got rejected. But now it's getting banned, why?

Is it actually because it is showing bad things Israel has done or has something else happened? I'm genuinely out of the loop and confused.

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Don't worry Japan at least you don't live in India.

The world has too much focus on GDP (and even GDP per capita). Japan is lovely and I'm sure the Japanese people love that. Though their work live balance needs a fix.

I remember the heroic explorer Jebediah Kerman was on the way way back from the moon. The touchdown was flawless landing, the science was beyond value and the moment brought all the world together.

They had doubted sending Jeb but he silenced the doubters to low grumbles.

But then as the rockets were burning for the reentry burn and the orbit was decreasing, but the brain boxes had made a drastic mistake and undershot the fuel. A perfect mission and Kerbin's greatest hero was potentially doomed all is a moment of low delta v.

He was so close. Getting nearer and nearer to home, but it wasn't to be! Soon he was getting further and further away! Drifting into the darkness yet again.

The agency went into full swing immediately. How much food does he have, how much water, how much air!? How long until we have another rocket that can take off!? We only built one rocket there is no back up. Never before had a two kerbin rocket has ever been flown, never before had a rendezvous been attempted, never before had a rocket flown remotely. PR was there talking to the press was doing their best to save a near hopeless situation.

Then get this! I remember it like it was yesterday. Jeb wasn't bothered at all. Out there all on his own he said he wanted to go on a space walk. It got approved knowing that he might as well enjoy his final moments before the highly likely death. But this is Jebediah Kerman we are on about now. Not for a moment did he believe he was going to die, he get out into space and begins to push the rocket using with his bare hands! The brain boxes can't believe it!!! Its working. The orbit had done just enough to scrap the atmosphere. Jebediah was coming home! Only Jebediah. Then even the doubters had to say of Jebediah, he was truly the greatest of all astronauts.

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Everest does not look fun.

I struggle to see why people go.

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The UN is run by America but for other people not the Americans.

Same as extradition and breaking laws of another country even though it doesn't break any laws they are in.

Sure US have allowed countries to punish their citizens but only when that outcome is also in their interest.

The whole UN war on drugs thing started in America to solve an American problem.

15 more...

You miss understand.

It's like saying if we double the weight of our go-kart we will go twice as fast. But instead of going twice as fast they went 50 times as fast. Then every says "that's fucking weird why did it do that?"

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"I ship is safest in harbour, but that's not what ships are for."

"When people turn to you when shit goes wrong. That's when you're a man."

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Don't forget you can ride a mile or two to the train station and get around like that.

Even if you have a bike in town and one at home. Two bikes are cheaper than 1 car and more space efficient.

6 more...

Can we please have some form of colour system or something

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This guy gets it. That movie is a classic

They should advertise all this movie trailers again and just release them as is.

12 Angry Men


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

The Sting


The Bridge on the River Kwai

Terminator 1 and 2


Back to the Future


Primer (It's fairly new but didn't get the justice it deserved)

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I wish my country had a fuck load of oil.

Well we kinda did before the Witch sold it to all her mates on the cheap.

9 more...

"We can do better" or worse "X do better" is more cringe.

It's just everyone judging everyone like they are worthless. Maybe people want to be part of the group maybe they have an identity with hardcore gamers. They don't need to do better that's their right.

Looks like you need a science book.

If exercise and dieting didn't work you'd be breaking the first law of thermodynamics.

It would be an absolute guarantee Nobel prize and you'd change the world.

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