2 Post – 291 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I think "The continued slowburn of lust,affection and respect" is highly accurate while 'keepin' it real®'

I love carpet! this might be just up your alley :)

Grief is the worst, hear hear

thx for sharing! we did some underwater photography shenanigans back in the 00's and wow, shooting pics underwater is so very different from shooting them above.. Wow.. Nature = amazing

Like this one from Red Sea, 2006! Made by my mom :)

Humanity accepts your challenge! See y'all on the battlefield ;-)

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I like Lemmy a lot, and I liked Reddit before. I never really liked Twitter, just followed some NASA accounts that told what certain probes/landers/rovers were doing. I'm interested in Mastodon because federated platforms seem to sustainably fill the gap the big 5 are trying to enlarge. What kind of content are you guys getting from there?

Lemmy was kind of jarring at first, but extensions like the universal link switcher help a lot. Any stuff like that to help onboarding Mastodon? Thx folks.

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But efficiency is not the only consideration, privacy and self reliance are important facets as well. Your argument about efficiënt computing is 100% valid but there is a lot more to it.

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Unity HQ be like

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We'll stop aiding Ukraine when the invaders leave, thanks.

And where do the original scans get saved? And for how long? Who can access those? Can those images be resold? Can I request my personal data and request to have it removed?

I felt 100% violated when I had to go through a machine like this and haven't felt like flying ever since, I'll take the train thanks. When the kids couldn't be scanned because that would constitue child porn, that's where we should have scratched our head and maybe take a step back.

I own the image of my genitals and have exclusive rights to distribute them, not some TSA human I have never met before.

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I agree with the mission of this new cap, but my thoughts were this: Coca Cola, PepsiCo, these brands are... so inhumanly big, their budgets are SO extremely deep and large. And this cap? This cap is the best they could come up with? There is not a grain of my being that can believe that. What I do know about these corporations, is that they hate working together to reduce waste. Anytime a bottle deposit system is expanded they basically stamp the floor angrily until the law forces them to adapt or get out, at which point they use the new hated rules in their marketing as if the planet was all they were thinking about all along. Right..

This cap is essentially psychological warfare against the consumer, to form negative thoughts about being responsible with plastic waste. It's purpose is to make you angry about the new rule, while still adhering to it.

Fuck you big food products inc, I hope we introduce a deposit system on fucking everything so you can all sit in the boardroom and cry about it.

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Ride the wave of chaos on your surfboard of acceptance and enjoy the ride, it's all we've got.

I live here in the more sought after cities and let me tell you, its fucking horrible. I have an adequate home because I got lucky, but even social housing/rent controlled housing is insane. My 'waittime' is 11 years and I won't even be the first in line for 98% of the houses, those folk have like 16 years. I make below the median income, but with my partner combined, who also makes slightly below median, we are excluded to move into rent controlled housing. Because we make too much money. But not enough to buy a house locally..... Nature is Amazing

A colleague of mine is moving 150km, away from all their fam, because that's the only place that sold viable houses in their price range, another literally moved into a bus just so they can control where they live. Not great.

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I hecking love working with Godot btw, nothing is perfect but man is it glorious shiny FOSS and extremely usable!

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When externals were (unsuccesfully) trying to change something in the country, it was a total bust. I read in these comments that intentions were not pure from America, and I can imagine that. I also saw interviews with US military personal after they came back from Afghanistan, who seemed to genuinely want to help, but had to deal with a lot of corruption, low education, internal theft and child abuse (Bachi Bazi). Now no one is helping, and even though I'd like for the local population to live free lives, I don't even know how one would start to help. The Taliban will just hide and guerilla it's way back after occupation has dissapated. It seems like a real life Kobayashi Maru situation. No winners, only losers here :(

I checked their reported expenses and couldn't really find anything they "blow" money on. Their revenue is smaller than a midsize EU football team, and considering the value comparison between the two, that makes me think either we disagree completely, you have extra info that you did not share, or I don't understand you.

Whooops! You accidentally thought that companies have to follow the same rules as civies, silly you!

Well HECK! I have been advertising this game to every gamer I know, finally a Sims game that's not EA... :( I was very hopeful when they delayed without a new date, just take your time and get it right. Dang, I was really looking forward to this

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It's a real forgotten classic warfare tactic, dating back to the ancient pre-corona times. What a spectacle, truly.

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Except when you want it, because you like it when you don't see other people's genitalia. Then it suddenly is the governments bussiness. In this case it's even just for during your attendance at a public school.

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I think to really rate this setup fairly, I need to get lost in the infinite corridors of your place, stumble around in fear and then inexplicably re-find the setup after 6.5 hours, but this time there's a smiling image on one of the screens that disappears as I come closer. 5/7 would rate again.

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Drinking gives higher comfort levels than pill popping.

I'm not a bot, but here is the summary of this article:

Foldables are new and have low user number because of the steep price. So most devs are not keeping foldables in mind yet while designing UI. That creates a situation where you buy a premium device but have subpremium experiences.

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I mostly joined because of you so, seems very probable

With the heater AND air-conditioning on, we have needs!

It's been a long time since I got the old 'your opponent walked away.. YOU WIN' Victory screen

I saw on the interactive warmap they pushed just across the river, if they would continue this line south, it would cut off land connections to Crimea and part of the province north of that. Keep it up!

It says naturalized, so what else would you call her?

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This would be a great time to go all in, invaders gained some ground and the war might look less miserable to them for the last two months, now we can crush that hope and make sure that their homeland will weep the tears of this war for many decades to come in a society that doesn't care.

They committed genocide a couple decades ago here too, when they forcibly moved the tartars out of Crimea. now they call it New Moscow and claim Russians have a right to own it... They take destroying life and love very serious in fascist Russia!

Not all human races share this trait. I saw a documentary about aging Chinese males and hairloss (don't know their race but the procedures were in china and they had genetically Asian traits), and a lot of them could use pubic hair from their own body to substitute, as it is much closer to their head hair when comparing hair characteristics. Very cool.

This is probably 100% true, but in the article it is stated that the defendant agreed with it during trial.

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But our current copyright model is so robust and fair! They will only have to wait 95y after the author died, which is a completely normal period.

If you want to control your creations, you are completely free to NOT publish it. Nowhere it's stated that to be valuable or beautiful, it has to be shared on the world podium.

We'll have a very restrictive Copyright for non globally transmitted/published works, and one for where the owner of the copyright DID choose to broadcast those works globally. They have a couple years to cash in, and then after I dunno, 5 years, we can all use the work as we see fit. If you use mass media to broadcast creative works but then become mad when the public transforms or remixes your work, you are part of the problem.

Current copyright is just a tool for folks with power to control that power. It's what a boomer would make driving their tractor / SUV while chanting to themselves: I have earned this.

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Thanks for sharing, it's great tk hear and I didn't know!

I'm developing a videogame where you have to grow to become the largest organism on you planet, as a colony of trees. Inspired by Pando on earth. I work part time and alone, so it's slow going. Full release planned in 3y.

Well holy hell! That's is really scary and hardcore. I can only imagine the windforce it must have taken...

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finally, someone has a workable solution!