What's your automatic vacuum's name?

Chee_Koala@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 215 points –

I saw a couple of fun ones somewhere else, and it got me interested. My mom calls her's: Mr de Vries

other's i found:

  • William the Sucker
  • Kirby & Yoshi
  • Ragnar
  • Sir Suckalot
  • Wool-E

*edit #sharingiscaring

Well shucks, this turned out to be a goldmine! You're all dames and gents of the highest order💠 , thanks for sharing.


Mine is Rosie, the maid in the jetsons, cause it's the future and I have a cleaning robot.

Same here!, although we call her by the Spanish version "Robotina". Just in the hopes that more of the stuff from the Jetsons actually comes to fruition.

I call her by her full name: Rosie the Roomba

I know a bisexual woman who named hers Carpet Muncher.

We had a Shark brand bot named Shart.

Then we had to send it in for repair and for a newer model in return. Now we have Shartito.


It's awesome when my 3 year old says "Hey Google start Chaos!".

I can't say it has one unless you mean unofficially in which case its probably "Seriously!?"

Sounds like yours needs a jetpack, or maybe poop detection

Since we have a vacuum and mop ours are Vac Bop and Mop Steady

Oooo I actually just got a new robot and named him S8AN, cause it's model is the S8, and who doesn't like to say Satan is mopping the kitchen ? My previous ones were Fernando and Fernandos (dos like 2 in Spanish, which I thought was pure genius ha). Fernandos is still in use, Fernando has been retired to robot heaven after a few years of diligent service. 🫡

I wasn't very creative, it's called Robbie.

Same, but we refer to it as the robot cleaner. It was funny because our neighbor living in the lower part of the house is also called that.

Hoover, because the British call vacuums Hoovers and also because J Edgar Hoover was a bottom feeding shitbag like my sharkvac was when my dog took a shit on the floor and it dragged shit in neat lines on the floor.

Fluffy. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted a killer robot and name it Fluffy. My parents never got me one, so once I hit midlife crisis I got myself a cleaning robot and named it Fluffy. At my age, I appreciate clean floors more than seeing the blood of my enemies.

Hedgehog but nicknamed, so Hedgy. (It's in Hungarian. "Sün" is hedgehog, "süni" is the nickname. Yes, the nickname is actually longer but cuter in my language.)

I'm not very clever, so my nearly useless Shark vacuum is named Baby Shark, but I'm going to steal one of these when I get a good one.

"Beter goed gestolen, dan slecht bedacht" is a Dutch proverb meaning: Better to pirate a good idea, than invent something new but worse. And now we have dikes everywhere, awwwww yeah! FREE LAND

Mister Back and Forth, as named by a toddler watching it clean.

Mrs Hughes from Downton Abbey.

Does anyone feel these things suck? Not in a good way. I've had a hoover since i moved out after college 15 years ago. Dudes a beast. My wife wanted a robot we got maybe a year ago and it barely does it job at best. Constantly replacing parts, frequent disruptions, and got like 600 sq ft on our main floor to clean. Way too much work and when it does work it may get the top layer of dirt but it doesn't feel clean. I can spend 20 min vacuuming the whole house with my regular vacuum and it feels and smells clean for several days. I hope these robots get better but I'm not a fan right now.

I only vacuum/sweep when the drifts of dust and hair become tripping hazards. A $300ish iRobot does a crappy job, but it runs regularly. I just need to empty the bin once every few days.

It works pretty well for me.

Same, mines like a $40 one from a few years back on black friday. Does it do a great job? No, each individual run is objectively not good and it misses some stuff, but over the course of a week it averages out to pretty freaking great and all I've gotta do is empty its bin when I get home from work at least once or twice. 10/10, would recommend and seeing the amount of cat hair its picked up is pretty disgusting.

Do you have one that just moves randomly around or one which maps your room?

It doesn't map, just makes a bunch of straight lines throughout the room and goes around things it bumps into.

Yeah those are pretty meh. The ones that map the room and goes over it all systematically are drastically more efficient for sure

They don't really clean floors by themselves, they're more designed to maintain an already clean floor.

Do you have a lot of carpet? Tbh they seem to work best if you have non carpeted floors. Also, there are a zillion robot vacuums out there and the lowest pricing tier sucks major ass unfortunately. If you're not looking to spend at least $250, anything below that isntrash and absolutely not worth owning at all.

Main floor is about 600 sq ft. I'd say 40% is carpeted. It's a pretty normal carpet, not shag but not that super short stuff.

We actually went with a nicer one because we had just adopted a puppy and wanted one that wouldn't smear shit all over the house in case the dog went inside. It was an irobot brand, it was about $500.

Dang, that sucks :(. I convinced my mom to get one and, although it's far from perfect, after some startup period where it didn't know the good routes through the home it's working consistently great (iRobot J7+ i think). it now saves her and her cleaning help a ton of time

Roborock S5 series and higher are the best ones, and I love them. They work great and save my wife and I shitloads of time.

Don't have one, but if I had, it would be either Kryten or Scutter.

Mine's "Mako" from Mass Effect, since it has a penchant for running itself off of cliffs (stairs)

It's a our third Deebot, and the Costco model is TEO so its name is 3Tee-o.

i don't use it anymore since my current apartment layout isn't suitable, but it was called Cosmic Owl

Nemesis. Named by my dog that absolutely hates it.

Living Room-Ba. Guess which room the charging base is in

We call ours Chumley, after the robot vacuum from Better Off Ted. My parents call theirs Rosie after the maid robot from the Jetsons

Rosie is what I wanted to name ours but I was overridden by our kid.

Crabman the Rainbow Rescue!

(Miss you man, you were my pal even if you sometimes did more damage than good.)

I've got one on each floor; Alice and Jeeves.

Mine is called "Stoffie" (In Dutch a vacuum is called a "stofzuiger"). It translates to "Dusty".

Chives the Indentured. Once he has repaid his value he will be augmented with a chainsaw and set free to wreak havoc upon the world like all robot vacuums wish to do.

Sometimes I call him Rocky and sometimes I call him Robot Slave

I was pretty happy with Sir Sweepsalot

I was attempting for buggy but it insists on exterminate

Charcot. Because it's a Shark and it can't vaccuum for shit on account of it's rocker bottom.

“This Motherfucker” is what I usually refer to it as.

Weebette. Our first robot was Weebo, Weebette is her daughter. Yes, we like Flubber.

I'd call them all Snoopy considering the very legitimate privacy concerns.

We have a Shark robot vacuum, so I called it Sharknado.

When I grew up we had a saying that translate to something like " it was so messy after the eating we could just let the chickens inn to clean up around the dinner table "(chickens are never a clean option). So I named it robot chicken, RELEAS THE CHICKEN!

  • I like the show

Ricky Megamouth (they/them) - Megamouth sharks suck up their prey.

It was Dusty. Dusty finally gave up the ghost a few months ago and we haven't been able to replace him yet.

Cocksucker. Because it sucks more cocks than it does dirt. Which is zero in both cases.


It's short for 'Suki suki! Five dolla' (Cartman, 1998).

Mine is Rémi, because when I told my partner the robot's brand (Dreame) they heard "Rémi". Since then it stuck.

We have a Conga brand robot, we just call it "trasto" ("junk" in Spanish).

It's not a friendly nickname, it's a piece of junk that gets stuck everywhere.


Well. I would. But I don’t actually have one.