
3 Post – 370 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

City Beautiful made a video video on the subject.


Pains me to say it, but Cody's Lab.

I still catch an episode now and again. It just hasn't been the same since he moved to Nevada.

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Especially this week.


Of course, the first phrase I made absolutely certain I could rattle off was "excuse me I don't speak French well". Deliver that with a smile and they can be pretty damn forgiving.

Nothing as a kid. Now I listen to a detuned playlist of fascinating, but dry science/history/tech videos.

My current rotation is Anton Petrov, Sean Wilsey, Red Wrench Films, and Curious Droid, all played at 85% speed, 95% pitch.

Edit 95 pitch, not 90.

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I slowed it down because it's more sedate sounding. Even though these videos have relatively even tonal qualities, they sometimes speak fairly quickly. I adjusted the pitch only enough to reduce the distortion from the speed shift I just checked and the numbers are actually 85/95, not 85/90. 90% pitch is too unnatural sounding.


An alternative would be to replace the movement.

Could be easier than fussing with the contacts.

The only one I use is Safeway, to scan the in-store coupons. I'm not sure how much info they can get, because the app fails to load until I pause my VPN.

A lot of the law related words are from French derivations AFAIK?

Yeah, those legal terms have been more-or-less common to any romance language I've used.

It's small enough that just browsing all will actually show you all.

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Hanlon's razor in action

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

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Now he hits the big red appeal button and delays judgement until May.

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I just automatically downvote shit like this.

"...legal analyst predicts."

I don't disagree, but come on. It's a filler article.

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It's interesting to me that insurance companies are becoming the chief drivers of the preparation for climate change: "Wanna build a house in the woods? On a sandbar? GTFO. Use your own money."

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So, aside from the ad block everyone loves and I don't have the characters to type, what do we recommend?

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This is a BS title.

The bill prevents people with more than $1mil income from receiving unemployment. Far more reasonable considering everything I see says that you need a million or two to retire comfortably these days.

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I find skin-colored pants to be consistently distracting. I don't know that people who wear them understand what it looks like from half a block away.

English is a highly indirect language when it comes to these sorts of statements. "Have you seen the cutting board?" Would indicate that it's not where it should be. "Where is the cutting board" would be too much of a personal accusation. It's the type of thing you would say to a child that had hidden it. "Where do you keep the cutting board" would be how you ask when you honestly don't know, like if you're helping a friend prepare dinner.

Accompanying their loved ones to the departure gate at the airport.

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claims that the company often uses machine learning to review user projects for signs of illegal content

OK, so what happens when Florida starts deciding more content is illegal?

Literally big brother shit.

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Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see modern SRO-style buildings, noise proofed, with small individual bathrooms and kitchenettes. That sort of development would be a godsend to the housing shortage, perfect for young people, supercommuters, and recent transplants, as well as for stopgap homeless prevention.

This isn't that. This is horrible.

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It really is time to force them to actually stand there and talk, rather than just threaten to fillabuster.

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They gave me a $3 raise and warned me not to ask again for a few years.

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Honestly, after a day to mull it over, I'm concerned that it could be used to make the argument that they shouldn't have to pay into it.

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Looks like it bans natural gas. Doesn't mention diesel in the article. I was wondering what they'd do for backup power.

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I'd be concerned with the amount of unsprung weight this adds, too. You're basically taking the transmission and adding that mass to the hub. Seems like it would be pretty crashy on rough surfaces.

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Of course they are.

As a side note, how in the fuck are you supposed to feel any spiritual connection in a space like the one pictured? It looks like a goddamned Costco. I'm not religious, but I absolutely get the vibe when I'm in a proper church. This is not that.

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"Former President and Convicted Felon Donald J Trump" should be the way he's introduced to any discussion or article now. It's an even-handed introduction, not all-in, not by a long shot. Stinking incompetent decrepit treacherous fascist rapist felon Donald J Trump would be closer to all-in. Follow up references should be "Mr Trump" as normal.

And not have the TV hanging out in space to be knocked over.

It isn't broken. It's quirky, and they all are.

What I appreciate about Spanish over English is the ease of spelling and pronouncing new words. What I appreciate about English over Spanish is the ease of creating new words.

I have some limited ability/understanding in other languages, but not enough to judge. Except for French.

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Over and over again. That scope is really opening things up.

50% of th...ah, fuck it.

Yes, and not interested in changing.

I'm me and I'm happy. I find that the strategies I learned as a kid sometimes allow me to think more clearly and procedurally than others. I'm not haunted by images of the past. I do take extra photos now that I know what's up. All in all, I don't see it as much of a negative. It's far better than some of the other conditions I was thinking I might have, before I learned about aphantasia.

I was fairly active on r/aphantasia for a bit, but I started to back away when they went for this "total aphant" thing, where you weren't really in the club unless you couldn't imagine with any senses at all.

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One of my favorite insults is to exclude someone from these classes by simply saying their name afterwards:

"Good morning gentlemen, Steve."

The rapacious micro transactions we see in games today started on mobile. People associate mobile games with that model. I have some mobile games, but these days they're all premium. The gacha system just starts to feel like work to me after a while.

As to the stares, non gamers always sneer at gamers. You're playing games in public. They'd probably give you the same looks if you had a handheld console.

And maybe sneakily lower specs. They absolutely do that with televisions.

That's great, but, I mean, it's Mario. How are we supposed to know?

I haven't played Mario in a while. It seems like, given the general art style, in order to make it obvious enough to notice, they'd have to flirt with stereotyping.

I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking it.

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If it's so important, it's pretty goddamned simple. Pay them 11 hours for 8 in the office and they'll return.

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