3 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Compulsory licensing for streaming should be a thing. It exists for radio, why not video? Let services get 1-2 years of exclusivity. After that it's fair game for any streaming service to stream it. All services pay into a pool that gets refistributed to the rights holders. We have been doing that for decades for radio, for the EU blank media tax, etc. It's a solved problem.

Unity is not a product, it's an ongoing subscription. You can distribute Unity as part of your game as long as you have a subscription.They changed the terms of the subscription for next year. If you don't have a subscription then you cannot redistribute Unity. So your choice is to either accept the new terms, or pull your game from the stores.

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In a lot of places, it is. They have laws requiring the ability to unsubscribe using the same method/medium as you subscribe.

No Man's Sky is a great redemption arc, but it would have been better if the game hadn't sucked at launch

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They will try. This is about OS-level APIs. In order for a browser to to install and run PWAs, it needs certain OS APIs for e.g. home screen installation, storage and notifications. iOS currently has these APIs but Safari severely limits what you can do with it. Now the DMA will force Apple to accept other browsers, which have no such limitations. So, Apple now wants to remove these APIs altogether and kill PWA support outright, before that portion of the DMA takes effect.

There probably will be a lawsuit and Apple will probably lose, but it will take years to resolve that. And in the mean time PWAs remain dead and the only way on the iOS home screen in paying the 30% app store cut.

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There's also browser extensions like "old reddit redirect". They ensure you're always on the good version of reddit.

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I'd say the protest did work. A lot of good users and mods left Reddit, the admins massively overplayed their hand and showed their true colors, probably hurting their IPO, the fediverse got enough of an influx of users to get a good kickstart and the next migration wave is just around the corner.

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You can have a privacy-first smart home. I have. I run Home Assistant in a docker container. No external services/plugins. My smart doorbell streams to my local nvr. If my internet is down, everything keeps working. And it's not even that hard anymore. It's become a lot easier over the last 2-3 years. Still not for non-techie users, but a lot better.

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According to the article there aren't any. That's why he filed in Texas. I do wonder how he can file in Texas if neither X nor Media Matters is located there. Doesn't that make it simple to file a motion to move the case to California and then use their anti-SLAPP laws?

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On the flip side, no dev worth their salt was going to trust Unity with him still as CEO.

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But…really? No critical thinking?

It's quickly stomped out by groupthink. Other people point to lack of education, but I don't think that's correct. They are surrounded by Republicans. All their friends and family are republicans. Most people in their towns are.

Going against the group means being ostracized. They see the amount if hate and vitriol being cast at the others and they are terrified that it will be cast at them. So they always go along with the group, never against it. They can think critically but they won't ever do so out loud.

Look at how even some far right people have been painted as liberal hacks by Republicans just for not being far right enough.

They are absolutely terrified that will happen to them.

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That's what they're hoping for. States like Florida and Texas have slowly become more purple. They want to turn that back to solid red.

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There are plenty of public toilets that charge a small fee. Train stations and airports for example. Also at gas stations it's pretty common. But I have never seen it at a restaurant or bar. Maybe sometimes there's a sign that says it's 50 cents for non-customers or something. But never for customers.

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Unfortunately the US has a tendency to export their particular brand of crazy to the rest of the world

He said that should be added

We’ll be gone

Don't threaten me with a good time...

Anything that's steam deck certified should run flawlessly on Linux

Not in the least. But back then he at least had the sense to hire people who are good at it and pay them large sacks of money.

Because we kicked most of the repressed puritan religious nutjobs out of Europe during the enlightenment.

IIRC it's being worked on. I think they're working on builing a case.

Why not move to Debian? Ubuntu was born in a time when Debian stable had a really long release cycle and wasn't desktop ready. But times have changed. Debian is a great desktop without all of Canonical's Ubuntu "experiments" like snap.

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Cheap to make, so large profit margins

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It's the same thing. AI is not some magic pixie dust.

My 80 old father-in-law spams emoticons like he's a 15 year old girl. Cringe-worthy and hillarious at the same time 😂

Eh, not legally. It's illegal but condoned (up to 5 gram, for personal use only). Meaning they won't arrest or prosecute you for it, but technically you are still beaking the law. I guess in theory some DA could add it along with other charges. But since we don't have a US-style kangaroo court system, this never happens.

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They can still seize it, and hand out fines for the attempt to hide it too!

If it's not OSI approved then it's not open source. I hate it when companies try to dilute the open source moniker. This is "source available"

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Firefox Mobile + uBlock origin. I didn't see a single ad.

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Hollow Knight. I love that game but I am in my mid 40s and my reaction time isn't what it used to be. And it's not even the bosses. I just can't make it past the spike section where you have to air-dash all over the place and can't be a millimeter off or you die.

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IIRC Ukraine only exchanges POWs if they want to go back.

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The people saying that are just pushing some other product in you.

Why wait? Switch to Firefox now

The solution is easy, the other lemmy instances can simple defederate beehaw in return and create new communities.

Their personal data will need to be stored somewhere for this to work, and it will leak. Eventually. Security always fails. And with these government age ID systems built by the lowest bidder it will fail sooner rather than later.

You could also subscribe to the stuff you want and switch your main feed from all to subs. Whitelist instead of blacklist

Netflix started out encouraging password sharing, even promoted it on Twitter back in the days.

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Internet speeds are already fast enough. The problem is latency and it's impossible to fix. You can't beat the speed of light. You just can't have a 200ms delay between your controller and something happening in the screen.

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Federation on kbin only just started working (it was disabled due to server load). Once kbin posts start showing up on beehaw they'll probably defederate kbin too, since kbin is also open registration

I am, but I'm a medieval reenactor. On Reddit there used to be this cool sub called armoredwomen. Any equivalent in the threadiverse?

It depends on the country. GDPR is not a law. It's a framework that countries use to implement national laws. GDPR doesn't say anything about one-click rejection, but some countries added it to their national law.