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Joined 10 months ago

"you thought you did something there, didn't you?"

This is called Automatic Content Recognition and it can be disabled in the settings, highly recommend doing that. It should have asked you whether you wanted it enabled when you set up the TV, as it's legally required to be opt-in in the US opposed to opt-out. Since you're using a Roku Smart TV, it specifically is taking two full resolution "video snapshots" every second.

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I swear to fucking Stallman, this is at least the fourth time this past week I've seen a unique post about this same fucking shit. One dude writes an article going "xrandr let's you rotate the screen 22 degrees" and the holiday tech news cycle just loses its mind.

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Wtf does this have to do with her gender? Are you claiming she does not top the charts in celebrity carbon emissions, but is being used as the scapegoat instead of a man?

The Conservatives aren't attacking her because of her gender, it's because of their her influence. Misogyny has nothing to do with it, they'd do the exact same with any celebrity of any identity/orientation because they're influence conflicts with their agenda, not because of their gender.

This smells a lot like ground-laying for radical feminist arguments, I can't find any other reason you would be here making a mountain out of an imaginary anthill. Moreover, I can't understand why anyone upvoting this would care to see a non-humorous PSA in a "hello fellow teens" vaporware frame on a surrealist/(whatever it's called) shitposting community unless it is meant to be satire.

edit: gendered a pronoun to make it concise who the subject was

It's not like one of the six biggest power janitors of Reddit has been caught multiple times wrongfully deleting posts, using bot armies to manipulate votes and accepting money from marketing agencies for "consultancy" in social media guerilla marketing.

It's almost like the company doesn't give a fuck what their unpaid help does to the userbase or content because they still gets investments regardless.

Fuck spez, fuck GallowBoob, fuck awkwardtheturtle and fuck Sam Altman.

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Some Microsoft exec: "Hey, remember when TV remotes started getting a dedicated Netflix button?"

Nothing to do with upbringing.

I was borderline incel. Viewed positive female peers (family, etc.) as completely different from "tainted whores" or whatever.

Bad experiences, chronic isolation are what make an incel. Lonely men without supportive friend groups who turn to the Internet for their social needs. Rejection and dismissal from real world people, acceptance and empathy from the hive mind.

Loneliness does a lot more damage than a shitty upbringing.

Sure but this is actually Automatic Content Recognition, specifically Roku's video ACR that takes snapshots twice a second.

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“This is an isolated, ‘one-of-a-kind occurrence’ that has never before occurred with any of Google Cloud’s clients globally,”

So Team Fortress 3

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There is one screw on this chart that I have a mortal hatred for. Just one. That being the fat Phillips (called "Phillips/square" on this chart meme thing).

I have no idea why, but some companies can't resist the sadistic urge to put tiny versions of these fuckers on equipment that should just use a torque or Phillips screw head. But no, they want you to truly suffer. Because they don't stop there: they make the fragile little fuckers out of NICKEL. Which means they are extra malleable and prone to strip if you so much as look at them the wrong way. So imagine you need to replace a hard drive on a RAID-type storage pool that's already down two spares and you can't fucking get the drive out of it's sled because the vendor not only hired a bodybuilder to tighten the screws, but simultaneously chose the worst possible metal just for giggles and chose the screw head that they no body will have the proper bit for and will inevitably use a normal phillips on until it strips.

I now have a ritual procedure of putting every drive that gets replaced in the coldest cold aisle in the datacenter for at least 5 minutes just to make these fucking screws less likely to ruin my day.

Fuck whoever invented the fat phillips, even the lowest ring of hell is too good for them.

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I hope the devil uses your backbone as a ladder to pick apples in the garden of hell

I created a GitLab account long before they implemented this, but never used it. Went to post an issue related to self-hosted GitLab on their issue tracker, and it told me my account was banned. I wrote an email to support and they essentially said "an automated system identified your account as a bot and banned you during an account clean up some years ago to cut back on malicious users". I informed them that this was not at all reasonable, as I've never even posted anything on any GitLab account, and that I would be advising my organization to never pay for any GitLab product or service unless legal writes up the contract terms, because I have no faith in them as a vendor.

Seriously, fuck GitLab. And if anyone from that org wants to discuss this with me, they can pipe their email to /dev/null

The fun part is the shit you can't talk about without disappearing.

Good times, good times.

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Silicon Valley really wants to make XR a thing.

Current tech does not need 5G and the shit that they think will need 6G is just needless XR systems that will be steaming an unjustifiable amount of data from the "cloud".

The enshittification continues. Happy 2024 folks

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In all reality, it is a ChatGPTitty "fine"tune on some datasets they hobbled together for VQA and Android app UI driving. They did the initial test finetune, then apparently the CEO or whatever was drooling over it and said "lEt'S mAkE aN iOt DeViCe GuYs!!1!" after their paltry attempt to racketeer an NFT metaverse game.

Neither this nor Humane do any AI computation on device. It would be a stretch to say there's even a possibility that the speech recognition could be client-side, as they are always-connected devices that are even more useless without Internet than they already are with.

Make no mistake: these money-hungry fucks are only selling you food cans labelled as magic beans. You have been warned and if you expect anything less from them then you only have your own dumbass to blame for trusting Silicon Valley.

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Personnel are evacuated from McGregor whenever a test is to be performed, just like they are with Starbase.

There is absolutely zero chance anyone got hurt. This isn't Boeing.

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yo mama so fat

This is truly absurd.

Netflix basically bought the rights to republish versions of established mobile games as "Netflix Edition" titles with ads and in-app purchases removed as a value add to subscribers to get them into their games ecosystem. And now they want.... to put ads and micro transactions back? I understand the reasoning behind it obviously-- they need a return on their investment-- but that is a clean about-face from their initial strategy

The painting swap doesn't add much to this, but is otherwise fitting.

..... ya know, this theory feels like it may actually hold water. In an ancient society, it seems very feasible that a starving vagrant would employ stories about an omnipotent being that rewards acts of kindness with eternal heavenly glory.

Is religion possibly the result of a diogenes persuading unemphatic peers into acting selflessly as a means of improving their quality of life?

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But "it" is for inanimate objects

Not quite. "It" is a general reference pronoun with a function akin to "the". It can be used to refer to anything that is a thing, even if said thing is animate and/or living.

When referring indiscriminately to a specimen of fauna, "it" is a linguistically appropriate identifier whereas "they" would only really be entirely appropriate when referring to an individual or subset of individuals, regardless of species or animacy.

Since this fish has no distinguishable identity apart from the cultural impact it may spawn, I reckon it's more appropriate to use "it" but "they" could also work.

I am not a linguist. But if you are, feel free to correct me. If you feel like pretending to be a linguist, go talk to an LLM cause IDC.

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World's oldest recorded diatribe

If you classify erotic roleplay as CSAM, then there is a whole sprawling community called DDLG that belongs on the sex offenders registry.

Noncon is similarly a much more prevalent fetish than people think.

The only difference between this debate and the traditional porn counterpart is that traditional video porn has always had actors who are verifiably of-age and consenting, despite whatever the roleplay may imply. With drawn and written erotica, there is no actor, it's all text coming from imagination and how you interpret it is a function of both the reader's and author's imagination. What it depicts means virtually nothing and outlawing it means making it a thoughtcrime, which is a Pandora's box you do not want opened.

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Hey you, I have a quick question about the username

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Seeing lots of wrong answers here, though I can't guarantee I'll be any more accurate. But I have a feeling this has to do with how's email egress is set up.

They have three email origins provided (all from Zoho): Zoho, ZCsend, and TransMail. I would expect that Zoho is for support and business email, ZCsend is for marketing, and TransMail handles transactional emails such as billing and password resets. That said, I only see a domain key for Zoho attached to their domain. This means when Gmail's SMTP servers might not be able to successfully authenticate the email's origin if it's sent through ZCsend or TransMail, leading them to take the default action of marking spam for an unauthenticated marketing-/phishing-esque email.

TL;DR Google most likely isn't doing this intentionally, but rather's email service might not be configured the best and Gmail is unable to distinguish it from what it considers spam as a result.

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Then created a GitHub account to post three separate issues complaining about how the project's executable is an obvious Trojan, patting themself on the back for keeping the community safe with their expert sleuthing.

I will testify under oath with evidence that Reddit, the company, has not only turned a blind eye to but also encouraged and intentfully enabled radicalization on their platform. It is the entire reason I am on Lemmy. It is the entire reason for my username. It is the reason I questioned my allyship with certain marginalized communities. It is the reason I tense up at the mention of turtles.

Poor man didn't have the manpower to checks notes censor reviews about their steaming pile of shit

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July 2007 — a suggestive image of Wikipe-tan (not drawn by Kasuga) was proposed for use in the article on lolicon. The image was removed from Commons by Jimbo Wales, who called Wikipe-tan a "community mascot" who should not be subject to such "pedophilic sexualization". Kasuga later drew a new image for the article which did not use Wikipe-tan.

Poor Jimbo ain't get enough credit for putting up with this shit.

You couldn't at least profile the RAM and CPU usage?

If anyone wants another reason to hate spez, just look into his relationship with Drewiepoodle, aka /u/awkwardtheturtle, a misandristic degenerate who dedicated their free time to the noble cause of bullying men online because they were butthurt their wife transitioned. Reddit only suspended their account to stop people from asking questions, but they have self reported that they constantly use alts to ban evade.

They're inexperienced with them

You know what's ironic about all this is, as someone who has seen game dev pitches (not good ones), they arguably had their shit together more than most aspiring game devs. Looking back at the skeletals, ya know they actually may have had a chance of getting somewhere. They knew absolutely nothing about the technical side, but hardly any game devs actually do. They probably still stand a better chance today of developing this than some game studios asset-mashing in Unity or Unreal. That's the true state of game dev.

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You must be unfamiliar with power tripping mods.

If you make it on a powermod's shit list, they'll ban you from every default sub they can because they are petty low lifes. I'd trust AI-powered bots to be more reasonable than those cumstains.

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Here's what you do: watch act 1 sober, then when act 2 starts you pause the movie and take three big ass bong rips and press play.

Stamets, do you want me to catch the 4 inch cockroach that I've been raising free-range in my apartment and send it to you to find out? It's on a non-GMO diet.

For the rep they get, they actually do objectively more good than bad. It's just that you'll never hear about most the good and the bad sometimes tends to get extraordinarily bad. That's just how it works, it's why they were founded.

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Happens to me when I eat nothing but beef jerky like I did yesterday. Just woke up like ten minutes ago with a fat man locked and loaded, had to lift my leg to make sure the ordnance cleared the fuselage.

Maybe it's digested fat? Idk I'm no nutritionist

50 states in a trenchcoat ran by a shadow agency doing the bidding of oligarchs.

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