
3 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Horses today yes. They are built incredibly efficient compared to yesterday's horses. Better ligament material, lighter and stronger bones, not to mention the carbon muscle fibers.

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I'm an Engineer. I am not customer facing. Put my pen back.

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I think more people are coming here for my comments and delusions of grandeur.

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Doesn't matter. Vote like he is and make sure to keep him out!

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Just start bulldozing them and only talk about DIY home projects. "OMG you should see our new deck. Steve wants to stain it but I really like the bare look."

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When my wife and I went through bankruptcy we didn't get any student debt relief. And now the want to give people student debt relief!? That's awesome, we should be trying to help people out of debt any way we can.

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You see they want to be eaten.

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May you be lucky enough to never find out why. Those are not voluntary sounds.

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I wonder what piece of shit group will be the first to sue to block this.

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Probably trying to save him from violating his gag order.

They don't care. It's all about the grandstanding.

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Liberals are over reacting AGAIN! This isn't callous. These are redundant programs. The children of Florida already get insurance through their employers. In fact Swamp Harvesters LLC has the most comprehensive children's insurance for maiming by an alligator in the country people!

This is a company trying to use it's employees as hostages.

It is a deep and philosophical question that must be looked at from all sides. But after much debate and consideration among our greatest scholars the universal truth is a question in of itself. Am I the random person?

Sievert noted that the impacted positions are “primarily duplicative to other roles”

Congratulations to the poor bastards who's work load just got doubled or more.

We moved a bunch of people and made Israel. So let's do it again. We'll just move the Palestinians to Wyoming. We've got plenty of space up there.

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That's not good. I mean seriously God is going to punish America. We don't know when or how but it's going to bad. If you are a God Fearing Republican, please evacuate now! Mexico, Canada, Cuba. It doesn't matter just get out of America before it's too late! And stay out! For your safety. Think of the children.

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Locked down our USB ports. We work on network equipment that we have to use the USB port to log in to locally.

Hi, yeah. Uh long time listener, first time caller. Thank you for taking my question. Yes, I was wondering does Linux do this? I'll take my answer off the air. Thanks!

Had a job that could be done remotely. New VP wanted all of his people in one place that was across the country. Two people out of about twenty went. One was promised a promotion and the other was close to retirement.

I factory reset my roku TV and now keep it offline. I have a laptop with Ubuntu hooked up to it.

30% of the Japanese population originates from Kentucky. You don't have to look it up. And if someone asks you for a reference, you can use this comment.

"people" You and me are not the reason. We are stuck in a system created by the rich to exploit us. And like most parasites they are going to keep taking and polluting until there is nothing left.

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You, you could be... If you wanted to.

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Look folks our state population is suffering. The only thing we can do now is deny the children here proper nutrition. That way they are stunted and too dumb to leave the state. Now before you start protesting and saying this won't work. I say it will, because it has! Just ask your parents.


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Wait who is hating on Weird Al?! I still won't forgive Prince's dead ass for being mean to him.

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But what about us posers?

Fun history fact (any actual historians can correct me) Many of the Americans who were against war with Germany were sympathetic with Hitler's genocidal views or were straight up Nazis themselves.

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Just did it for my 10yr old 150k karma account.

Hydration and sun protection. Also don't smoke and limit the alcohol.

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THIS is where we need AI! Load a bunch of cute underwater drones that can go down and gently explore and take pictures and videos for us. Instead some paper will use AI for a" journalists rendition" of what might be down there.

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The system is working as intended.

Go to any McDonald's drive thru with the automated ordering. You will realize it is already making life worse.

This is simply an isolated incident that keeps happening over and over again.

Well sure. They are always going to be upgrading their networks.

Biden already chose a side when it comes to unions. Ask the rail road workers.

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People need to learn personal responsibility. We are all personally responsible for building the guillotines. And the sooner we start the better.

The 90s. We saw the goatse guy on our school computers.